Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Personally, I have been shocked at how accurate the voice of God is. Literally. As I grew in my ability to hear God's voice I heard her voice become clearer and clearer. God told me that I was going to discover something that I was really really going to like, something that would transform me. Then just 2 days before I broke into the revelation of spirituality, I heard god tell me that this was the last chance I had to change get my mind and I said "I want to do your will" (Since I was a christian at this point). Then I was watching one of Leo's videos and the voice came and literally said "stop, x marks the spot"...i.e. I then knew deeply in my being, that leo had the truth I sought. Then she said that my new name was Reuben, which means "I have a son" and I cried and cried, it was awesome. So with regards to your question, I feel like if someone seeks the lord with their whole heart, they will find Her. (Jeremiah 29:13, the Bible). There is something that draws and guides the seeker when they make covenant with the God-King. Also, I have insight into this. After enlightenment, you become shocked by how you didn't see the truth before. It becomes so obvious, it's hard to believe. In a dream, everything is dream, it's the only thing that exists...in a dream, the "dream material" is foundational, imagination. And so it makes sense that people start seeing the dream and it also explains why ancient mystics were able to see the dream, if the dream is all that exists...its obvious.
  2. What is love, baby don't hurt me
  3. Pretty sure freewill doesn't exist. However neither believe this nor disbelieve it
  4. Spine straight keeps you awake, but just snort a big line of MD and you'll be wideeeeeeeee awake and able to meditate lying down no bother haha. (I'm joking, don't do that). Although you can do this for long meditation sits, it works
  5. @mkrksms its not silly bro, I actually know what your talking about. The feeling of being trapped on LSD, I relate big time. But, let us steady our focus, not on what is experienced, but on who is experiencing. This is the only way to make progress
  6. I do 20 mins kryia yoga, 30 mins self enquiry. I think self inquiry is one of the best practices, it is so direct and straight forward
  7. @theking00 tell me, who was the one who realised this?
  8. @theking00 for me, true enlightenment is absolutely unmistakable. It's like having an orgasm during sex, it will be the most obvious thing in existence when it happens. You won't need to call your mum and ask her if you just had an orgasm, it's not a subtle thing. Likewise, if your sitting there thinking, "hmm I think that was enlightenment, might have been" then it probably wasnt. It will be 1000 times more obvious than when you orgasm.
  9. @Maya_0 everything is occuring within your subjective consciousness. And the idea that certain things can exist exterior to your perception, is also...within your perception. Also the idea that other people have consciousness (just like you) is another an idea that is occurring only within your consciousness. And the idea that this is false, is also an idea occurring within...your consciousness. See how you cant escape this?
  10. Lol. Also think about agent Smith, as a reflection of Satan. An evil force seen as one entity that can manifest in anyone at any given time. Those who are trapped in the illusion are slaves to him, blind and oblivious. The only thing is, neo was mortal...you are not.
  11. @mkrksms your mind has created an impartial projection, an idea of what enlightenment really is. If there are feelings of trapped-ness or worry there is still way to much ego here. Who is the one who is trapped? Being trapped or not has nothing to do with spirituality or your inner work...show me the one who is trapped
  12. I feel cool energy in my left ear really noticably when I start meditating or doing yoga or even talking about consciousness. Then recently I've noticed little speckles of cool energy across my face and in my arm. When I started feeling it in my ear I was literally seriously concerned cuz I thought what I was feeling was some sort of insect that had crawled into my fucking ear. The kryia yoga book talks about how your meant to start feeling cool energy rise through your spine as you continue to do chakra awareness. Sometimes there are normal bodily sensations, but if it feels cool and very noticeable then it's probably the energy. You can feel it clearly if it's legit
  13. And neo had to die, and he was raised back to life by *Trinity*
  14. This is actually an incredibly good question, since I find the same thing happens to me. Try the usual techniques, self enquiry, contemplation, even yoga if you really want. I don't like the way LSD lasts for fuckin 12 hours tho. Might invest in some trip killers. Shrooms last 6 hours, DMT and 5meo last like, way less than those. Have some sort of goal in mind. What is reality, what am I that perceives reality, where am i, who is the one who is observing this i. Those are good contemplative questions. Remember, being lost and confused is exactly what your looking for...your actually trying to die so you are. What your looking for, remains even in the lostness and confusion. What you are looking for, does not move. Phycedelics just helps everything else move. Work up to 400ug and dedicate an entire day to it, and invite the confusion to come. Allow your sense of self to become increasingly distorted and wait until you are most confused and then ask "am I here? What is here that isint moving?" Your mind will be confused and lost, but there will be something that won't be lost in this chaos...that is you. Focus on that
  15. I am in love, and love is in me
  16. On my 350 ug LSD trip (which I don't usually use phycs yet, I wanted to build a natural foundation the first year), I waited until the peak and started telling all of the demons to come out and face me. It actually felt quite good to face them. Although, I felt shite the next day. Starting to feel like I can feel reality dying around me, like a muscle that is lacking in nutrition and blood/oxygen. Feels pretty shit tbh, but sure it'll be worth it in the end. Gonna start taking my 5meo. I actually was thinking about trip killers recently to, coincidence.
  17. Belfast we are stage turquoise, infact, we're so evolved that we are above turquoise. Lol, or maybe I'm just being biased
  18. You eventually are forced to realise that all humans only act the way they act because of chemicals in the brain. People do not choose to be selfish or greedy or evil, they are as much as victim as you are. This is why the concept of "devil" comes in, the idea of a separate being that manifests in you and creates havoc, and that this is the real target. However the only way to truly realise this is by discovering it about yourself. In short, the answer to your problem is self enquiry. But it'll take you a while to realise that this person your holding a grudge against is as much the victim as you here. You must reach through their evil to help the person themselves out of the evil that has ensnared them. (Then again, people don't really exist...but it's handy to imagine they exist in this case.) Now, you could just do it the old fashioned way and come up with a really good way to take revenge if that tickles your fancy more. I recommend a stealthy motherfucker approach, something that won't get you caught. If you really hate them you could just knife their tyres. What's wrong with a little revenge? Also, I actually promote revenge and destruction to the person in certain circumstances. For example, a corrupt police force would be suitable for destruction, otherwise they're going to cause even more destruction themselves. 2 wrongs do make a right sometimes. But remember the Golden rule of being a ruthless motherfucker, be smarter than everyone else.
  19. Just today I took 350 ug of LSD and had a massive encounter with God. It felt like I was drowning in waves of pure consciousness. I burst into tears after finishing meditating for an extra hour. I'm petrified and deeply moved. And all I could do was smile and have a big fat cigar to celebrate haha. It feels like there's yet a lot to ponder though. ?????‍♂️
  20. Leo, can you describe the kind of suffering that came about as a direct result of your spiritual growth? How it behaved? How did it feel to have then been relieved off the suffering? How can one discern, when suffering in general, whether the suffering is a good kind of suffering (one that is a sign of spiritual growth) or unrelated suffering? For me this is a very good topic, since if seekers do not know what kind of suffering to look for, they may think something is legitimately wrong with them. Also, if someone did have something legitimately wrong with them emotionally or psychologically they may interpret this as the suffering to be expected, and in turn not getting help for example, and then living in torment senselessly. We must know about the suffering if we are expected to became more conscious of it.
  21. @Leo Gura have you ever told them about spirituality and enlightenment tho?