Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. i suffered endlessly with indescribable torture for a long time. i beat it. i feel great, maybe try SSRI's. a strategic approach to classical mental health meds can be very useful, mankind has some tools that can be useful. good for a "rut" situation if your really stuck
  2. Do leos life purpose course if your looking for something lifelong, im going through it right now...cuz even though im setting up my own business at the same time, i know i need a life purpose. The ego will still exist in part even after an awakening or two id imagine, the sense of self, its just that it'll be seen through with clear light. So the ego still needs that deep central purpose. in any case, here are some tips that i found useful (some are leo inspired some are my own): - Find someone (more ideally multiple differnt people or groups of people) who have accomplished what you want to do and find a way to get them to share their wisdom with you. i did this, i got a specialist business coach and community in sales and its badass. - Try the "copy someone else" strategy (extremely and profoundly powerful). - Use the app "stickk" to set up a paid accountability partner wherein you pay them if you dont meet the deadlines you set for yourself (you can have someone be a referee as well to verify you've completed the task). i also use this. - Be extremely determined (you can just force this with unlimited determination and/or harness the power of your values. If you value something deeply you'll be more motivated to do it). one that ive got more in touch with recently is... - get in touch with your body, i think humans tend to ignore their body unless its not working correctly or to a satisfactory level. Yoga, dance, acting...expression and connection as well as exercise. - and, drugs. You need to be mindful of what drugs you need to avoid (psycs can incur demotivation, as can lots of substances and foods). not getting enough h20, correct sugar, managing alcohol/niccotine/coffee consumption, and being sensitive to your mind, if you think you may have any natural "mental disorders" like ADHD, BPD, GAD, SAD, autism, whatever...i think adhd is way more common than people think, its also one that can be increased by excessive gaming in teen years and stuff like that. out of all of these community and >people< are your most powerful tools, being connected to the right people, being disconnected from the wrong people. its also helpful in business if you can be ruthless and harsh when you need to be
  3. Yeah I remember you saying in one of your episodes that it can feel like your going insane lol, how fun. No, not lately. Been doing sober practice, I've had some extremely powerful and difficult sober practices...amazing progress builders.
  4. Just Wana make sure I'm doing it in a healthy way. I suppose it might be like workout out with a heavy weight in the gym, you know to expect pain and that pain is a sign of growth and development, but you also are able to distinguish between growth pain and damaging pain, like a pulled muscle or stretched ligament...and that to a large degree, it just comes down to intuition, careful intuition.
  5. I became a milk bottle one time in a grey dimension of simplicity and greyness one time lol.
  6. At a very high level Christ is the single and only begotten son of God. And he is god. The thing is you are him. Christianity is beautiful, just don't fall into the ideology. What the symbolism of Christianity represents is in no way recognised by Christians.
  7. @Leo Gura thank you for being selfless enough to post this bro, you know it will make to look proud, and yet you care more about guiding us correctly than your own appearance. This is a very rare trait, thank you
  8. Its an interesting thought. One that I know has very good chance of being true from my own investigation. I literally have no free will typing this message. And if I am to say "screw that, I choose to get rich" this is also only response to the initial stimuli
  9. This is an episode I would love to see. I struggle greatly with morality and struggle to see where it fits in with awakening...seeing as good and bad don't exist, I would absolutely love to hear some stuff about why I should even be a good man. I struggle to find the reason why I should actually be a good man at all. Does morality have a place at all? I've been very confused about this topic for a long time. ---------- The Christian model of awakening suggests that love flows effortlessly after awakening and that it doesent come from a sense of morality but a sense of general love that is nearly accidental. We have been made righteous through death, and the law was not made for the eyes of a righteous man. ... But awakening can take years, I wonder if morality has even a place for the young seeker who isint awake yet...
  10. Yeah watch out, Christianity is a warping trap dressed with cloaks of kindness and softness. There is truth to it, but your mind will get warped by all the indirect unecessary symbolism. A good rule of thumb is this: no matter what direction your going, always be careful not to overstretch the mind. Stretch, yes... overstretch, no... Like any Extremely powerful thing, Leo's catalog of teachings can also be dangerous if you don't apply it in the right way. I think sometimes people don't understand that the teachings here are military grade, life and death. It's pretty serious stuff...
  11. You'll just be manipulating the drugs in your brain. You can't get away from chemicals
  12. @Leo Gura admittedly, awakening can look very scary with standard concepts such as casual solipsism. Could you tell us the top, most poignant bullet points that solipsism miscommunicates in contrast to a full realisation of the radical nature of how the mind constructs reality and God consciousness..
  13. Are you talking about how some egos might attribute all kinds of negative meanings to solipsism even though ture meaninglessness also means a complete lack of negative meaning aswell as positive meaning? Is that the primary point or is there more nuance to it
  14. @Leo Gura was there any reason why you removed your solipsism video before bro
  15. @MihaiXx just like going to the gym bro, be able to tell the difference between good pain and bad pain. If you want to tear down the muscle to allow it to build back stronger, expect pain. But try to remain vigilant about the difference between your mind being broken down in a healthy way, or your mind breaking in unhealthy ways. u don't Wana stretch a muscle <3
  16. If you want to remember someone's name imagine them shaking hands with someone you have known previously who has the same name as them. Imagine is 3 times to strengthen it.
  17. There's quite a responsibility being advice giver. Sometimes the best way to learn is to teach...but also there's a big trap of constantly putting your attention on other people's issues which can actually be you avoiding your own development...easy to give advice, hard to lead by example
  18. I have had multiple people who've experienced hardcore de-ja-vo (if that's how you spell it) when in my presence. I was sat in the back of one guys car and he just said "I have dreamed this before, you were sat right there, I was sat right here right like this." It's cool.
  19. Leo's series about quantum mechanics talks about atoms and the double slit experiment...one of the primary pointers I took away from those videos was that even modern theoretical science (quantum mechanics) states that atoms are literally not solid objects but waves until they are observed, at which point your observation of them crystallises them and they form into objects. It says that when you look at something you literally cause it to take form.
  20. there is solid evidence to suggest that the spirit of god has preserved teachings through religions like christianity...some really interesting and powerful stuff. christianity is right, but its symbolic. I actually have seen that there is tremendous power in christianity, the baptism of the holy ghost, multiple scriptures fall in line with simple stuff like 1 John 4:8 "...God is love." There is also some really great teaching about the three kinds of love Eros (sexual), Philos (friendship), Agape (unconditional love of God). 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. there are references of people being struck down in fear at the light of the presence of a being of power...and instances of people being "baptised in the holy spirit" ...shaking all over and speaking words that arent man made (martin ball said he sees this sometimes in 5meo ceremonies). ...there is something very comfortable about christianity but just give it time, it'll fail him...i have studied multiple denominations of protestant christianity, catholicisim, jehovas witnesses, mormons, jewdism and read the greek and hebrew manuscripts of the bible...and even the books that were deemed unfit for cannon by the cathoilic church...its a big confusing ball of unnecessary symbolism...that guy has clearly had some kind of special experience but he's mistaking the content for the structure He needs to recognise that his awareness needs to be placed on perception itself as opposed to the shapes they adopt...and that god is linked to his direct qualia. To love something means that there are no barriers of distinction between you and that thing...such that you are that thing...therefore its completely accurate to say that i love jesus christ ...or at least thats my current thesis lol