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Everything posted by DrewNows

  1. How I see it is, the conscious mind is connected with different layers of the subconscious, this is ultimately connected with all that is I have connected with higher levels in the subconscious minds of others, They won’t actually make sense of it, but it’s still possible
  2. yes we are living through many different layers/dimension, some are more alien looking and being. I had a shroom trip earlier this year and I set the intention of meeting ETs or aliens, well the person I tripped with became more alien like, as in, she was now viewed in a higher dimension of my perception. Also when I observed the people around, it was obvious they were acting so oddly, basically mind-controlled to behave in a certain way, unaware of their own programs and how it keeps them stuck in the physical 3D matrix, obviously still very grounded in the normal human way of life. Don’t let anyone else tell you what to think, why even bother questioning what’s “real” and possible, when you know it’s all your projection to begin with. The amazing thing about changing the way we see things is they really do change and it is then possible to harness more power over your reality/experiences. Exploring the different dimensions of reality is a wonderful thing, we are always in all of them but to operate from certain frequencies is learning new ways to connect with ourselves IMO most people are at least one type of “alien” on a higher dimension, most don’t realize they are also these other forms, so your connections will be limited to their level of awareness Pm me if you’d like some content to watch regarding the history of earth and are galaxy seen from higher dimensions of possibility, of course it can be taken with a grain of salt, none the less, very interesting to explore
  3. enjoy this little short bit! ???
  4. Not a problem if you’re fearless, but be careful taking it to the extremes, it’s no accident we have all these godly statues around the world, what if they were once alive?
  5. Are we mocking the ancestors and loving the insensitivity? Or do you think you’re a god too?
  6. They are playing different roles, it’s so pointless to box people into one stage, that’s the left brain approach to rationalizing how the world works tier 2 is actually a left brained Invention to make up for our true nature as spirit before human
  7. The inherent deception of appearances, surface values are highly overrated
  8. is your cage getting rattled sir? Don’t be afraid to feel without judgment, breath into your balls for god sakes!
  9. @Meta-Man it’s like science is political and so depending on what news we’re trusting, we have different beliefs and opinions ?‍♂️ @Opo we are all allowed to have our own interpretations and understandings of how spiral dynamics works, I don’t agree with the model Leo shared, it’s too left brained, not multidimensional in nature, very “stage orange” if you will
  10. Because “they” have taken ownership of there attitude and expression, it feels necessary to polarize
  11. we are highly adaptable but there are consequences and sacrifices most are unknowingly making with the cultural choices, the more Intune we become with ourselves the greater power we hold over the material realm I like “earth runners” sandals, with a copper grounding point, very breathable, freeing and releasing, rubber soles can be very disconnecting I can’t stand wearing shoes for prolonged periods of time. We can actually balance ourselves out using grounding techniques and releasing negative emotion into the earth bras are a big issue too, all the cells want to be able to breath, the skin is the largest eliminary organ for detoxing. When we trap acid, organ malfunctions and blockages occur, creating pain and chronic conditions. Mind influences body and body influences mind I stick to Cotton but I’m no clothing expert, it’s cool to develop greater sensitivity to clothing and colors, how they can influence our energy. Also using clothes to play certain personas, everything related to intention, attention and beliefs. Its possible to transmute the positive and negative, to change chemistry and control personal vibration, as we are spirits living a human experience and not the other way around
  12. It has to do with the information Democratic news shares, it ties into people’s beliefs
  13. Until we truly learn how to SEE, the trickiness of appearances will be forever blinding, How serious are the matters of life and death, good vs evil, high and low, spiritual and animalistic, unity vs distinction @Consilience Trump is riding high on the world stage LOL
  14. Probably another stirring the pot effect, just to piss a lot of people off I don’t partake because I don’t trust any of it. I don’t even believe our votes matter, To me it’s as bad as Q’anon conspiracies or whatever just to trust the government and news corporations. I did hear Trump will take it if there’s an actual winner this year ?‍♂️
  15. Having just been reinstated access to participate on the forum, I may be going out on a limb here in my first thread back sharing this inside look example of someone explaining what it means to them to be a conspiracy theorist. To me, this work is about expanding awareness, not to get lost in the mind’s rabbit holes, so don’t be so quick to judge. Even avoidance of potential dangers in conspiracies seemingly off the beaten path will result in traps of self deception, black mirroring, disassociation and disconnection. No-one is immune, How much responsibility have you taken for your worldviews? How accepting are you of others? There are many dimensions or layers to awareness, which ones suit you now? This is a rather short video, my apologies if it’s somehow unsuitable for the purpose of this work, it’s another perspective, well delivered, not meant to be an attack on anyone. I share as I feel there’s value here for those who are genuinely curious the illusion is separation/division.
  16. Generally speaking, I feel threatened by what I cannot relate to, it's a natural ego, survival, response. To move beyond survival/fear, means there will be room to recontexualize what is being perceived. Stepping into one's True Self, Love, allows for expansion in different directions where walls used to be there to protect the personal matrix. How else is one to be open to new ideas, modalities, paradigms, and relatable truths. To take back power, connect with the entire body and use all senses to enter new perspectives, utilizing the breath to reestablish source awareness. It's basically present moment learning...
  17. @lmfao be careful conflating the relative truths with absolute truth. Do you admit your world view is also a conspiracy theory built upon knowledge that's generally accepted/normalized? You seem to be assuming things here because you really don't know. Science is constantly changing, but I am here as my own scientist, choosing what information is valuable and what no longer is for my own reality. Everything started to change once I took on a new perspective, involving energy, frequency, and vibration as the fabric of everything. Once I started questioning my own presumed limitations as a human being, there was indeed massive shifts in perspective requiring answers not generally accepted. The process of raising up the spiral is about contraction-expansion, unlearning and relearning. Step one is know thyself, step two is figure out what's true externally, this leads into new territory, aka conspiracies. There's no accident for why they are around, and why they have become so popularized this year. There are many faucets to spiritual awakening, deeper truths revealing much more than most would dare entertain for themselves and in their own power. We hold the key to our own created prison. Some would say the mind breaking is an awakening, in a sense, realizing I am not the mind. Often we feel threatened by information that doesn't resonate, so it's written off rather than inspected and 'figured out'. I would say there's both an inward and outward awakening, usually most would have an inward one, then continue to integrate and have outward "insights" oh yes. living life in the unknown opens up so many doors, new realities, possibilities, potentials.
  18. thanks again Leo, merciful indeed ? we all want the same thing. I will appreciate the extra set of eyes
  19. @r0ckyreed you reek of ignorance, I’m talking about direct experience, taking full responsibility for sickness, what it is that contributes to disease. Viruses and bacteria aren’t to blame for our energy blockages, negative energy, acidic cell destroying diets/deities. There’s no separation, bacteria and viruses are friends or signs of needed cellular detoxification. The Covid tests are bogus as they reveal nothing, people are scared/ignorant, full of shit and looking to blame and treat the symptoms of a compromised immune system. The energies are shifting on the planet and we are being held more accountable for our health, most doctors are stupid indoctrinated fools and the media is just spreading fear, but for what purpose? I’ve moved beyond survival, this is my thriving state of being as a multidimensional spiritual being, not compromised by fear relating to densities and fully aware of the self sustaining vessel I continuously learn from, grow and develop
  20. Ralph smart is not a political figure. He’s a humanitarian, not supporting the current systems of capitalism and democracy. These are outdated and not serving the majority Wake the fuck up, all systems down @Leo Gura you don’t know what real is, yet
  21. Source: shortened text from Peter Johanson, translation ND & Gatekeeper
  22. @Leo Gura Hehehe ? continue speaking out your ass about those who “dive deep”, what about germ theory deception? Investigate that? @tuckerwphotography watch the video I shared....