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Everything posted by vibv

  1. I, too, already had a vision before I started the LP. It helped me to make my vision more concrete. I also learned new helpful concepts. There are also a lot of practical exercises that are really helpful. Chances are that you didn't do most of them by yourself already. And of course you support Leo by doing the LP
  2. Well .. then why did you even come here? What do you want to hear? There's not even a real question in your original post.
  3. Music is extremely important in this era. Is music still masturbatory when performed together with a group of people? Wouldn't it be better then to call it a sexual activity? But on a higher level than the level of the body. Like an emotional communion. We don't even really know what music is right now. It's like science: We think we have it all figured out, only the minor details remain to be discovered. But maybe some extremely unexpected discoveries lay ahead. So that the notion of music in 100 years will be something completely different than today.
  4. While the process of composition is something that works best in a sober state, classic psychedelics like mushrooms or LSD work really great for listening to and performing music, including dancing and especially singing. I would even go so far to claim that music and psychedelics can work extremely well together to create communal religious experiences. Which is by the way what my life purpose centers around.
  5. You have to face it fully someday. But you can build up to it. Doing it in meditation is generally a lot easier than unprepared on a high dose of psychedelics. The shift in consciousness on a psychedelic is much more rapid. It can really bitch-slap you hard. That usually doesn't happen while meditating.
  6. @Corpus Of course you can learn from a difficult experience to prepare yourself better for it. When you ride a bike and fall, it is certainly a learning experience. It hurts anyways. So it's better to be smart and not to go too fast with little practice. Else you risk not daring to ride again.
  7. It's not about bringing the thoughts under control, but to surrender the one who is stuck. This is totally possible in any circumstance. But you can be blocked due to various egoic patterns. That's why it's very important to practice meditation beforehand, to properly prepare and to be in a fitting setting. Otherwise you risk being stuck in such a state, and suffering tremendously. Meditation is in a way a method to practice surrender. Surrender means to completely embrace what's happening, and in a sense let reality obliterate you. It means letting go of the identification with the small self that clings onto survival. And when it dies, what remains is pure Reality .. or God. Without yourself. And this is the Truth. Surrender can not be achieved by thinking about it, or in any way through logic.
  8. Great report, thank you for sharing. And I could really vibe to that Soko song. The solution to such a situation is of course complete and utter surrender. You stumbled upon the truth, which is out of the perspective of the ego absolutely horrifying. That's why it has to be surrendered.
  9. A Psychedelic is not something that gives you a specific experience. The experience is in the eye of the beholder and not in the substance. By that I mean: You give a substance into your biochemical system which has a very complex interaction with that, what is already there. That means: One person can have a profound spiritual experience on a psychedelic, while another one stays in his/her closed-minded state. You can not separate the substance and the user! Only then it would be possible, that the substance alone is responsible for the effect. Another point of view is of course: You invented it all! You invented a way of experiencing a radical different perspective, which is accessible without decades of meditation, and you called it Psychedelics. That means you also create the effects yourself every time you take one. Which makes it even more true, that YOU (on a certain level, which you may or may not be conscious of) decide what happens when you take a substance, and what doesn't.
  10. Hedonism is a very shallow form of pleasure. There are pleasures far greater out there, if you even had a taste you would instantly know that God is a reality. Nothing against a little bit of hedonism, but there are things really worth experiencing that do not come by themselves! Which is what makes the process so beautiful. You don‘t want to look back and think, that you wasted your life in mediocrity. The so called „hedonism“ is often times only an escape from the Path Of Passion.
  11. Did you have a powerful psychedelic experience yet? Do you think that was completely illusory?
  12. You will feel like shit most of the time if your diet sucks .. It then doesn't help when that misery lasts more than 90 years.
  13. Truth exists! It is right here and right now. It ultimately is ALL there exists and ever will exist. And you are directly experiencing it! And you CAN become fully conscious of it. But in the very moment you try to grasp it or describe it or have knowledge about it, it becomes falsehood. Therefore Truth can not be told. But it can be known! There is no experience more intimate than Truth.
  14. You already have all the answers. Look inside. If you still can't see it, take a psychedelic
  15. Yeah, law of attraction can be toxic. I see it more as a practice in visualizing what you want to achieve. That‘s really powerful. But of course you have to do the work then, too. What about this: You are God, but deliberately forgot that you are. Because else it would not be possible to experience such a solid reality. And of course you can‘t just undo this, because it is your higher will, of which you are not fully conscious right now, to keep experiencing this „solid“ world - to do what you came here to do.
  16. Hmm .. just saying .. on reddit there was a pretty popular thread about someone who found yellow post-its in his apartment addressed to himself. Very spooky stuff. On further investigation it emerged, that somewhere in his house carbon monoxide was leaking which lead to episodes of amnesia .. much like you describe. So .. maybe you should get a carbon monoxide detector, just to be sure. Because if that's the case, it can get very dangerous. This is the reddit post:
  17. What‘s the point of your experiment?
  18. God is of course always almighty. What differs is the consciousness of that fact.
  19. I really like the idea of a book to be read on psychedelics! (Of which Cannabis is one). It could be part of the third wave, the psychedelic revolution, you know? I‘m in fact working on a LP that involves a live musical play, that is best attended while on psychedelics. So your idea really resonates with me.
  20. And the trick is to find out how to go from "I'm a human" to "I'm God". That's where the fun begins.
  21. The truth is: You don't really know if anything of that is true or not. I read some of the stuff a while ago, some of it is really fascinating. But I concluded, that it doesn't really benefit me in what I'm planning to do in this life. You cannot discard it completely just because it sounds too wild. What's really mattering more in my opinion is, how would it affect you if it was true? How does it feel? Does it do any good for you?
  22. Spiral Dynamics is a model. And a model is never really the Truth. But that begin said Spiral Dynamics is a really good model for understanding a whole lot of what's going on in the world.
  23. @Anderz No way .. I think you're misunderstanding Spiral Dynamics. Just because someone can handle the complicated task of being a president, doesn't mean that someone has to be way up the spiral. There could well be a red/blue president. See some leaders in Nigeria, and also Trump (he's got some orange, too). There never has been a president that was Turquoise up to now. And there will be none in the next 100 years, because the population is not nearly advanced enough. Even Bernie Sanders ideas where too advanced for the American population. And he's full on green with possibly hints of yellow.