Etherial Cat

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Everything posted by Etherial Cat

  1. I'm copying an answer I just gave in a thread made by @Medhansh Depression is a sort of accumulated emotional fog clouding your perception. It stems from prolonged self-repression. In a nutshell, it happens when you're disconnected from your subjective truth for too long. The ignored emotions turn into an unpleasant, indistinguishable soup gravitating at a low energy level, reflecting a sense of powerlessness, despair, fear and shame. So, learning emotional literacy is what you are looking for. It's about making them distinguishable again and accepting the truth they tell you. You've got to listen to how you feel, and understand what these emotions tells you about your life. Depression is pretty much your body/mind asking you to go back to wholeness. I'd suggest you'd buy yourself a book about emotions. One of those acting as some sort of Rosetta Stone. For instance, I'm currently using Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown for this purpose. I would recommend it. And then, you follow the trail. On top of that I would recommend doing shadow work, understanding the concept of the pain body by Eckhart Tolle, and looking into Leo's videos about truth and self-deception. These are elements that would speed up your healing.
  2. You move on when someone doesn't resonate with you anymore because it goes at odds with a deepest truth you've found about life and yourself .
  3. @flume You're welcome. I'm sure you'll enjoy it .
  4. @flume I've been looking for a feminine equivalent. The best thing I have found so far is this video by Emerald.
  5. Since school is mandatory, I would say there is definitely an element of coercion there. There is a constraint on both the child and the parent for it to attend school, under the threat of legal sanction. You are literally forced to attend it physically by the state. But I'd say that claiming physical abuse is occurring in modern school system is really a far stretch. When it comes to mental abuse, I'd say that for nowadays relative cultural standard the mental abuse occurring is average/within the collective insanity range. There has also been people highlighting how the school system is similar to mass conditioning or factory farming. But in general, providing an education is not abuse. Good schooling is supposed to develop a child's potential, grow its skills, knowledge set and peak its curiosity for the world. Some schools manage to do that very well, like Montessori schools or countries like Finland. I watched a video by Teal Swan where she stated that childhood is like a prison. And in many way it is true. Since the child doesn't know the world and is not independent, parents (and the rest of society) make the decisions on its behalf for its own welfare until their consent is considered valid. Until the child is old enough to be seen a responsible, what it wants is just mildly taken in consideration. Regarding sexuality, parents and society protect a child's sexual integrity by refusing any type of consent to be given until the child is old enough for itself to do the consent. It's not a double standard at all. First, sex involves power dynamics well over a child's ability, second sex is physically, mentally and emotionally very invasive, and third sane adults are not sexually attracted to children. There are only damages and no benefit to be found there. You totally got a point here! And this is why there is such a strong trend in progressive circle to make awareness campaigns about the importance of real, untainted consent in adult sexuality! We usually do have them in Europe. Not on a regular basis, but there are some dedicated classes from one year to the other on the subject. At least, that's how it was in the place I grew up.
  6. What is protected is the child's psychological development, as well as its physical integrity. A child is highly susceptible to be influenced/manipulated/coerced/groomed by an adult and is not equipped with enough life experience or independence to put back a sexual encounter into perspective or to say no. There are uncomfortable truths regarding children sexual exploration. I was watching Leaving Neverland a few days ago, and to the men claiming they were abused as children by MJ, the sexual interactions overlapped with their own physical discoveries. The thing is: it wasn't the role of a 30+ year old man to touch them. In my country, minors under 16 are allowed what is called "youthful love" if they do it within a 3 year up/down range. From 16 to 18, the situation is loosen unless the person seeking sexual interaction has a sort of authority on them.
  7. @Sine This is truly heartbreaking. What a nightmare. Any chance he committed suicide while on psychadelics or subsequently, due to derealization? For doing this kind of work, I think more and more it is really important to have very very deep roots in the mundane. Being obsessed with Truth or transcending the ego might results into disdaining the material and/or losing ground. One's epistemology and sens of knowledge can be severely shattered. Now, I am extra careful because I know I've questioned notions as such as freewill, my own body motricity and wondered if a trip could ever result into self-harm or suicide while on the trip. This is why I think tripping in proper structure with help from 3rd parties with some expertise is the best context to do so. I hope these type of structure will soon be more common.
  8. So the Homeless Game is a possible thing, eh? I told you an exceptional personality was 1000x better than a selfish multi-millionaire asshole. You kept throwing me stones calling me delusional.
  9. @Sine Sorry to hear about the news. This user who is also your friend was indeed a beautiful person. My heart goes with you and his beloved ones.
  10. There is an absolute truth, but it has to be put in balance with relative truths. And not all relative perspectives are made equals. Someone could kidnap you, and leave you to starve to death and thirst in the desert. Would you find it all good while dying? Should we find it all good? Surely, if you'd take some very high perspectives, you'd still see how it is all love. But you'll get plenty of relative truth under where this move would be far from "all good". Invalidating relative truth= best way for spiritual bypassing!
  11. No model agency offers their models for going on date. You can't book a model on a date through them. Modeling contract are for... modeling. Escorting agency and escorts offer these kind of services, though. This sounds to me as either a straight out scam or an escort agency trying to capitalize on the social capital models have to sell you the dream.
  12. @flume Thanks a lot for making this video, Maria. It was very interesting.
  13. @Yoremo Your situation seems quite normal due to the context you're describing. I suppose you also don't have any female siblings? I would suggest you to start socializing/befriending women, just as you say.
  14. ❤ Have you ever considered trying plant medicine like Ayahuasca or San Pedro to help you bring up emotions? It's been effective for me.
  15. Right... But that's the question of how do we articulate between individual responsibility and collective responsibilty in general. And I'm making here a specific point about how black women are being scapegoated. So your comment is not very welcome on my end, because you are creating a second issue for me to debate. Imagine trying to explain systemic racism to someone and being done explaining why black male are subject to a high incarceration rate, when someone comes and give fuel for more work for you bringing this kind of issues.
  16. No problem, apologies accepted. These aren't uncomfortable truths, but talking points designed first and foremost to blame the black community and especially black women for what is another consequence of systemic racism and intergenerational traumas.
  17. Because of these posts and threads? C'mon, we all still love you. Don't feel bad. The difficulty is all there; trying to help bring awareness to blind spot so things get eventually better. The process is painful. You're not bad for not knowing what you don't know. We all find ourself in your position. I've been there too.
  18. I'm also an academic who studied political sciences in college before graduating from law school. So I attended a fair amount of lecture on the subject on top of reading extensively about the topic. But I am curious on knowing what makes you trust so much in your own authority?
  19. The point is that as a black person, I have cultural knowledge and mileage within the black community which far exceed yours. How many hours of black content and experience have you been going through your entire life? I'm quoting you from the other thread. How can you possibly write down stuff like that and think we can take you seriously?
  20. @Raptorsin7 Dude, you're talking about stuff you had probably no idea about before discovering Kevin Samuel. I'm not arguing on the same level as you here; I am actually black while you aren't. So I've got first hand experience on the matter. Your level of delusion here is unfortunately very high, so I'll quit. One would assume that after being called out by several people and having your last thread locked by moderator for sexism and racism, you'd get the modesty to reconsider your perspective but it seems like it won't be enough.
  21. I am shaming you for dehumanizing black women and for your arrogance. If you'd read multiple threads using your group as a scapegoat, would you think it is fair to have on top of suffering their ignorance having to debate them to prove your people are not the problem? What if you'd be repeatedly confronted to this type of situation and it would emotionally taxing on top of taking a lot of time away from your daily tasks? I could spend my evening writing post on the content level, but seeing your previous entries on the matter, I am already aware you've got little understanding of systemic racism and sexism. And you don't seem to be particularly open-minded or interested in anything else than confirmation bias due to how you've replied to other members. For this reason, it's just been faster to skip the content and go straight to the point. When you think about it, what black woman do is not your problem. Unless you are dating one, you should be working on yourself instead of trying to tell a group you've got no business with how they should behave. Black women in America are and have been at the receiving end of extreme social violence. There is an awful of trauma going on there. Advocating for stripping whatever power they've got like Kevin Samuels just reek of revengeful, insecure masculinity. Men in their Divine Masculine energy do not enjoy humiliating women, especially not marginalized one from their own community. But those with a disintegrated anima certainly do... Kevin Samuels and his ideas are not worth my time. Though, I am sure you capable of better than that which is why I suggest you to find another source as this guy, because he will NOT help you. His whole audience is based on insecure men trying to bring down women because they feel deep within they are out of reach.
  22. I am not engaging with your points on the content level, as I simply don't have time to invest to do so. Bringing up a perspective doesn't compel others to refute your points, nor does it put the burden of proof on us.
  23. I am sorry- would you be kind enough to let me know why you think I am being dishonest?
  24. You're attracted to Kevin Samuels's content because your resonate with him on the shadow level. That's why you are getting so hooked.
  25. @Raptorsin7 You're not black and you're not a woman as far as I know. So what's this fixation about? How is that you are spending your time writings threads and numerous posts on this subject? Feeling entitled to write two posts about how black women are the root of evil in the black community doesn't make you a light bringer, but a Dunning-Kruger falling into both the pitfall of racism and misogynie. What I see is that black women have only your contempt and you're currently spending your time claiming all we need is more control and dehumanization. Escaping the lovelessness of people like you and Kevin Samuels is the main reason why black women in the US are forced to hustle their way from vulnerable position to safety. You should be embarrassed for writing such horrors and dismissing as biased all the people who told you your reasoning was problematic. You're currently part of the problem, not the solution. The good thing is: you can help everyone including yourself by trying to solve your relationship with femininity and check out for some potential racism based self-hatred. Misogynoire is to be found both at this intersection, so you've got a perfect spot to work on.