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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. This forum is meant for helping others guide the path that you already walked. That's why a Guru is so important in ones life.
  2. @matoriii I'm just gonna speak my opinion, but you should on pass that. That whole program and his philosophy is not that great. IMO that program is for simps. Just do the work yourself, meditate, do yoga and everything will come. You're better off not wasting your money.
  3. @Majed Eat healthy - one reality, eat shit - different reality. Everything, to even the hormonal levels, changes your perception. Even a bad night sleep can give you different perception of reality. I even wrote down a phrase when I had this insight during my meditation, and it goes something like "To be a saint you have to walk a very slippery road and not slip even once" It doesn't translate that good from my native language though. But you might get the point. When you are deep in this work 5years+ you start to understand how fragile your state of consciousness is! I myself always notice my consciousness going dark as soon as I eat something that's not good for my body. And after I go to the toilet to shit out what I ate the day before, the bathroom sort of lights up in front of my eyes LOL, and that changes the state of consciousness.
  4. It's normal, I've been there. My tip would be that you have to do hatha yoga with deep breathing. You need to help your body to move energies trough nadi channels. These "stuck" energies always direct what you do and what you don't. If they are stuck in a weird way that makes you live differently. If everything is OK and the prana flows freely through your body no problems would occur. But this takes some time and you will have to go through hard times. There is no way around it. The ego purification process if very difficult to go through. I've been there, believe me. Also there is a concept of "The Dark Night of the Soul" read about it on google. For you to have a purpose you need a EGO, and your Ego started to "melt", so you no longer feel any purpose. I remember when I was at a pool table playing 8-ball with my friends I didn't want to play, because it felt pointless. And then I realized that in order to play you need the "Need" to win, and the need comes from somebody that wants it, but if there is no ego, there is nobody that "wants to win". To have that you need a big Ego. You are dissolving it little by little and there no longer is a point for doing anything because there is nobody that "does it" If you get my point here. Don't be afraid of it, you will feel weird, but I would recommend that you bite the bullet and accept yourself for who you are, even when others see you as "weird". And yeah do what Leo wrote. Master your survival, don't ignore friends and family. If friends are stupid, make new ones. You might feel like you want to be alone now, but believe me being alone for a very long time can destroy your life for your ego (the body, and your psyche). You are the "Soul/Consciousness/Spirit" living through this body (the Ego), but this body has it's psychological needs, don't ignore them. Happy Ego = Happy Soul. I've made this mistake of going all in on solitude, but once you go through shit and end up in the other side you come back to society a better human, and you will want to involve yourself in society, being the Light.
  5. Haha. By shit I meant all the karmic baggage. The thoughts, etc.
  6. The best way is to learn how to bring your awareness outward, rather that hold it inward where all the shit happens. Takes some skill.
  7. Don't mistake God's Consciousness with human Consciousness. You see, all of reality is created out of the Mind of God. It imagines everything into being. Now try to hold an elephant in your mind, but when God thinks of an elephant it materializes into reality just by God's will and infinite intelligence to the atomic level. Because God is intelligent that it knows that it need everything to create that elephant, the blood, the skin, the cells etc. It's such a powerful intelligence that it can do that. You need to experience this for yourself to realize this. When you look at your phone or computer everything is "imagined" on the go. It might seem material and concrete, but it's actually God's mind imagining everything into material being at that moment. Can you imagine that God is holding reality in his "mind" and never letting go of it, that's why reality is perfect. Leo hasn't talked about it in great detail explaining this like to a 5 year old I remember the day when I was meditating, something told me to open my eyes, and I saw the walls of my room being this God's infinite mind, it is so powerful that my JAW DROPPED. Also I looked at my body and understood that God is "thinking" of my body for it to stay in existence. The scope of this intelligence was out of this world. And I dropped to the ground and showed my respect for God, because it's SO POWERFUL! And at that moment I saw material as mind. If you throw an apple into a wall and it smashes itself into million pieces realize that God has to imagine that. The cause-effect. Even your thoughts are imagined by God, but you don't actually experience that. It might seem like you are doing it, but God has to literally hold everything in his mind, whatever you think of, in reality. When I go to a concert or I'am being anywhere with a lot of people I try to stay focused and realize that everything that I see God has to imagine on the Go. It blows my mind every time.
  8. @Ajay0 Padmasana/Siddhasana are very great poses, no wonder it is used during meditation. That particular asana is like a fist that you clinch, but in an energetic way. It doesn't "leak" prana. When I sit down in Siddhasana I immediately feel my 3rd eye chakra center pumping. Actually the purpose of Hatha yoga is only to master 2 asanas, and those are Padmasana/Siddhasana , you need to strengthen your body so much that you can sit comfortably in those poses for 3-4 hours in meditation.
  9. A good guru will always be better than nothing, but once you become one with the Guru you will have to grow on your own. Don't talk about your insights with other people, those things are yours. They will contradict it with a materialistic minded approach and you might believe them and feel delusional and never take psychedelics ever again. You have to question your insights on your own. If you question your own insights that means you are not seeing the Truth in it. I have been on that phase myself. You will grow out of it with time. Good luck in your journey.
  10. We are, you just haven't done the work to reach it yet there are states of deep psychedelic experiences that I get while doing physical yoga. And it literally feels literally like I'am on psychedelics such as LSD or mushrooms. BUT IT'S A NATURAL STATE WITHOUT ANY OF THE UNWANTED EFFECTS. Your consciousness is so much hightened that it feel like you are tripping, but you are sober. But you have to do the work, which 99% of y'all don't even have the discipline to do and continue it every day. The word Tapas is a big deal in yogic culture. It's constant practice, Discipline. Without it you aren't going anywhere.
  11. Death is outside of God. You need to understand that EVERYTHING that we experience is outside and untouched by God. "Death" is a phenomena to this reality, but God is outside of reality so "Death" doesn't apply there.
  12. @An young being Simple. You have to see Truth and react to it in a Truthful way. That's it. The long answer is that you have to become so conscious that you understand and experience your True self all your waking time. This will change how you act in reality thus the saying "Become the Light" is from.
  13. @Princess Arabia I think the greatest achievement is to become a carrier of Light.
  14. @Leo Gura It's already my time due, but I would like to say a personal Thank You. Without all of your content I would be probably nowhere. Of course navigating reality while implementing these things weren't easy and I was lost so many times (this spirituality aint no joke) that I though that I made a mistake by following you, but now, AFTER 6 YEARS , I'm very grounded and HAPPY. Happy just by itself, just being here in this miracle that is reality. The most biggest things I have realized with your help: I'am God. Reality is Love. All of the self-biases, devilry, why evil exists, self deception (to the end degree). Infinite intelligence (which imagines all of reality at this very moment) Karma is real. Kriya yoga, and yoga in general. (For this - a SPECIAL Thank You.) Psychedelics. And many many more minor realizations. These things will give so much dividends to the years to come, I'am 32 now, and I can already see what I will become 10 years from now. Thank you, thank you and THANK YOU! ♥♥♥
  15. @Someone here Low quality post full of ego. You can do better.
  16. @SQAAD The only thing people cant accept is this - the suffering is cause by your past lives karma. You need to experience this insight (its very hard to get this) and you will understand why your life is the way it is. Take ownership of your karma. It's there for a reason. Karmic rules are a real thing. God was smart about it when "programing" the universe. If you can't accept these words then I have nothing else to say here.
  17. @StarStruck It's a personal book that you get when a guru initiates you to Kriya yoga practice. This Kriya Yoga is exclusive to my Guru - Mai Ram.
  18. God created everything, but humans created everything else out of it. God is perfect, but humans are not, thus humans create suffering out of ignorance. God gave humans freedom, but they are stupid and they unfortunately create suffering out of survival, greed, envy etc. If you can't understand that God wasn't the one creating suffering, but humans are, you can't be free from this question.
  19. @CARDOZZO its the same. Prana - life force (breath) Yyama - control (work) People just think pranayama is a technique on by itself. But it's only a word for breath-control. Generally if you breathe consciously, deep and slow, you are doing a pranayama. But the type of pranayama, the time inhaling/holding/exhaling, the pose you are sitting, standing, laying, the bandhas you are holding, while you are breathing, will give you a different effect. And different methods require different names for Pranayama. Kriya Pranayama. Nadi Sodhana Pranayama etc. Yogis have created tons of them.
  20. Exactly what @Kuba Powiertowski said. You need hatha yoga in order to move your energies through your body, if you don't do it it might get stuck in some chakras which will end up creating problems. Prana needs to flow!
  21. Pranayama literally means - breath control. I would like to share a photo of my Kriya Techniques. And as you mentioned the technique is literaly a infinite loop of breath in your body.
  22. @Parallax Mind question what Love is and go down the rabbit hole. You need to start easy and then go deeper and deeper. Start with hugs and kisses, the easy stuff, then go to material things, think of presents that you buy for others, are they Love? Flowers for your loved ones. Thats literally your Love to them! Then look at your chair and contemplate how the chair is love. It was meant for you to sit comfortably, so you could relax etc! That's Love! Then look at your windows, thats Love bacause it protects you from cold/wind, it helps you to stay warm, THATS LOVE. The roof over your head also is Love. The rain is Love for nature, for trees because it will help them grow. But its very relative! Some times rain is cold and it doesn't seem like love, but think of rain on a hot summer day, that's Love! Understand the relativity of Love. The sun is Love because it makes you warm. Do this to everything and you should break through and see that everything is actually Love, to the point where whatever you point your finger to is LOVE. Even to the point where you understand that your dead body WILL BE Love. It's that's radical! Even your death will cost money which other people will aquire and they will feed their family off of, that's Love. 😉 a peace of shit is also Love, not for you but for flies and plants. Look at it holistically. Good luck contemplating. ❤️ Question what Love is and you will understand what reality is.