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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. I've been practicing yoga for quite some time now with aditional meditation techniques and kriyas. And I can say, from my personal experience, it's like im on LSD 24/7, not the high doses ofcourse. The mind is quieter, my field of view sort of expanded, eye sight is much improved, the vividnes of colors are turned to FULL HD. Reality is like looking at a samsung phone which had way more vibrant colors. The insights, the ability to be aware constantly is just the same as I remember taking LSD/Mushrooms. The ability to ACTUALY LOVE everyone is present. Everyone is beautiful and complete in their way. I love little the kids (no p3do haha), the teens, the mature and the old people. The joy of helping others without any return is out of this world. It's like a purpose on it's own. Seeing the shit I have to go through and actualy not being afraid to go there. Seeing/being aware that the mind is very illusory if I start to think (this shit fking is scary and I still need some time to research this and actually be aware of how it's happening and what to do with it, tips would be greatly appreciated). Understanding how much programing/limiting beliefs/thinking I have and how much I still got to burn off. Actually being aware of the negative things that I indulged myself in, smoking/porn/stupid short content videos etc. That shit flew out the window. Being aware of how my diet affects my own consciousness/awareness. Also my charisma improved +1000%, maybe its because now im so Loving. My personal happiness is out of this world - Im just happy without any reason. So im kinda on the point/level where slowly everything started to get fixed. Ofcourse it will take a long ass time, and it's realy hard, but im finally getting somewhere. It feels like my ego became a spreader of Joy, Love and compasion and it does comply with it. Sort of like the ego kinda started cooperating. I don't even know how deep this psychedelic state is going to be if I will keep a daily practice. Some days Im not quite ready for it LOL.
  2. Reality is working and spinning non stop, things change, opportunities open/close up. If you do have a good meditation practice and you do have a good "gut feeling" or intuite things well, when time comes you might feel sometimes strange urges to do something, maybe go outside at a random time, maybe stop somewhere and take a different path. It feels way different to how you are used to operate in life, in other words this Gut feeling or intuitivenes will somewhat challenge the EGO. To act/be/do different. You might not like what is being told to you, or you might not like how you feel like doing. But that's God calling you. At a given time, reality can arange so precisely that YOU might be needed in some sort of situation. Maybe that situation could be to help someone, maybe you will find someone that will say something to you, that will change your life and vice/versa. OR maybe you might bump into a girl! But also don't be a pussy and talk to her! (I've chickened out a bunch of times) The gut feeling will call uppon you to take action, maybe go to a park, what ever that might be you WILL NEED TO LISTEN to it and take action immediately! Reality wont wait for you to think about, logic your way around it. If you will miss it, nothing bad will happen, but start to notice these call-outs that you are getting, and later you will develop such a great "ear" for these call outs and you will take action without any thinking. These call-outs wont happen daily. Maybe it might, but it takes times for reality to arange itself that you will fit in there. And sometimes when you get a good gut feeling to go somewhere and you do and nothing happens (you dont meet anyone) then that means the other side didn't comply with their call. Im talking from my own personal experience, I don't even remember how many times I have failed God given call-outs for me. But it takes some times for you to actually grasp these things and understand that it's a thing!!! LISTEN LISTEN AND LISTEN MORE!!!!!!!! It's very subtle and deceptive.
  3. It's real. But the question for you is, will you practice it enough to awaken it? Find a legit guru and he will awaken if for you, you will just need to do the practice.
  4. @Insightful27 Practice yoga and eventually you will not even need a cushion. You need to sit in siddhasana/padmasana without any problems for hours deep in meditation.
  5. @enchanted A lot has to do with survival. If you are born in a slum you only can operate on that level and not go any higher than that. Well you can, but you wont survive. And if only way to make a living (survive) is to dig sand then you will dig sand all your life and having a higher IQ threatens this. When you are born to a 1st world country your survival is EASY. If you still think that IQ is what going to take you to spirituality you are mistaken. One need high amounts of consciousness to be in spirituality. IQ is just a number for stupid people to measure their ego, just like you would measure your dick and compare with friends. Truly depressed people have illnesses that the brain no longer creates dopamine/serotonin. A simple person without an illness, who is depressed just lives a bad life, probably eats bad food, doesnt exercise etc.
  6. @Vibes My guru charges what ever I put in the box for a hour of her time. There is no set price.
  7. "Aghoranna paro mantro nasti tatvam guro param."
  8. The Guru will find you. Just be open.
  9. By doing Kriya yoga you can feel like you are micro dosing - every day. But without the side effects and body loads.
  10. In my personal experience weed helps me connect dots very well. I just start to understand things very deeply to the point of mystical experiences. It just sort of helps me to see the little things that I haven't consciously seen/understood. I found that if I smoke weed once every week or once every two weeks it works the best. Buuuuuuut if you smoke it every day it's just stupid. And I'm guilty of that for so many times. The thing I dislike the most about weed is the brain fog that you get after it. If you do it like I mentioned once every week/two weeks then it's manageable, the next day you do some cardio and it sort of goes away. But if you do it on a daily basis you just "kill" yourself, you become so numb. Not interacting with other people in 100%. Actually I can see people who do smoke a lot and just know that they do just by looking at them. And in a way I don't want people like that near me LOL. Actually by smoking weed I fixed a lot of shit in my life. In the early days it sort of helped me open my mind. Some people just need that boost to open their mind, some people don't. I don't advocate that anyone SHOULD smoke weed.
  11. LOL, this idea of one life is what is ruining this entire earth.
  12. @khalifa Seems like you have blocks in your system. Have you ever done any yoga practices?
  13. @Ima Freeman Fear of death is the biggest challenge to overcome. It's why we are alive, because of fear, fear is very crucial in order to survive, so you should not be afraid to be in fear at those moments. Everybody has a limited amount or prana given at birth. Even if you live a healthy life and your prana is done even thunder out of clear sky can strike you and your body will die. Car crash, heart stops etc, can happen. When I do yoga, at the end there is one more pose left, the corpse, or shavasana. In there you let go of everything, you relax your body to your max, and when body scanning, I let go of my arms, legs so much that I tell myself "I don't need it anymore" as if I was going to die. If you can surrender very well you actually smile and accept "death". And I noticed that I no longer am afraid of death compared to how it used to be. But don't worry if your body dies, which it will, you will get a new one at some time Knowing what WILL happen after you die makes it more acceptable of one's death.
  14. @meta_male of course, I had my fair share of time online watching gore videos when I was a teenager. Then I thought that it hardens you, like a MAN! But watching this for extended periods can make you feel bad. My friend once told me he was watching a netflix series "How to get away with a murder" (it has a lot of murder themes as you can tell :D) and told me that in two weeks of watching it, he had experienced depression, a mild one, but it had a impact. He discontinued to watch it after he noticed this.
  15. @meta_male Oh how could you......!!!! I understand that you can argue with my idea. There are a lot of objections that one can say, but you need to ignore those and just take in what I said. no need to make a point out of what I said, because it's very abstract and we could go on forever about this.
  16. @Growly Of course there are no benefits. You just make yourself more desensitized that's it. And also do you see gore when you are living your life? Probably not. So stop it, it's not reality if you watch them on the phone or computer. Understand this - reality is your waking life, without any videos or movies. That's why viewing instagram/facebook etc. is stupid, because that's not reality. Photos doesn't show you reality, even if it might seem so. This is very subtle and a lot of people can argue with what I said, that's fine, you can do so, but if you ACTUALY realize what I said then it changes how you view stuff online. You probably rarely see sexually dressed woman in society while walking in the city, but you can view so much of them online. It's not "REAL". Same goes to gore/porn videos.
  17. There is a wonderful mantra: "Aghoranna Paro Mantra Nasti Tatvam Guru Param" "No mantra is greater than aghor mantra and no element is greater than guru." (there is no higher purpose in this worlds other than to be a Guru)
  18. @Circassia To Rostov You do not have enough consciousness to see what you ACTUALLY are. Which you are the "soul" or what ever you wanna call it, soul/spirit/consciousness. So you choose to accept only what you see and wrap your mind on. Believe me looking at the world this way is very limiting. Blaming "God" or this "loving deity" that you are talking about, is just wrong. You don't understand how reality works. There are karmic rules put on this reality right as God was creating this universe. Once you awaken to such things you understand that God was very intelligent about this when creating reality. He doesn't punish you per-say, but you get what you deserve according to the laws of KARMA. Very few people actually understand this, because you need a really deep awakening into what karma is in order to understand what is being said. You hear it all the time, but you don't know if it's true until you understand it / have experience of karma. I have reached such understandings myself and it humbles you to watch out what you are doing and you try to interfere with this LAW OF KARMA to the minimum. As I see drunk/homeless people I understand that they are living their karma, they are there for a reason and it will take them thousands and thousands of lifetimes to "clear/clean" that karma. I didn't have a father and was stupid my entire life. This isn't the fault of my father or anyone external of me, I earned this because it's my KARMA. And I own and accept this Truth. I don't blame God or anyone else but ME. I got what I deserve. This is very hard to accept because the mind wants to point fingers and blame everything else but yourself. It takes integrity to accept that you get what you actually deserve. All of this sounds woo woo, but if you can't accept what is being said then it's your problem.
  19. You know what you are, your good and bad sides. Other people cannot know you for 100%, never. Only you know what you are. Replace the "What other people will think of me?" with "I don't care what people think of me, I know who I'am" and practice this from time to time. Eventually you will be out of this people pleasing mindset. And also authenticity will arise.
  20. @Hibahere your awakening has started. Kundalini is quite present in your system. Do not ignore pranic practices and help it travel in your body. If it gets "stuck" somewhere you might encounter problems.
  21. This forum is meant for helping others guide the path that you already walked. That's why a Guru is so important in ones life.