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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. @bilouge Sorry, it was not meant as a judgment. HA! No, just a student in my early journey but I'll be happy to answer your questions as clearly as I can.
  2. Concentration ability. Open-mindedness. Innate thirst for truth and understanding. Multi-perspectival
  3. If this was true, then wouldn't everyone's imaginations conflict with eachother? Because what someone creates might be at the detriment of someone else's creation. That's what I'm not getting. Because everyone I see seems to create their own bubble of reality, and it all just "works" for them. This doesn't make any sense unless.... It's literally all imagined, cause and effect transcended.
  4. Yes, good eye! Sword = Spoon Imagine rationalization without an ego to do it. Does it still exist? Is it still valid? Does a spoon practice skepticism?
  5. "Do not try and bend the sword, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no sword. Then you'll see that it is not the sword that bends, it is only yourself."
  6. I'm simply saying that hating aspects of yourself perpetuate them. You can't begin the process of growth until you accept that part of yourself. This is how it works. Because you hate that you take things personally, you're inclined to adopt a victim mentality. This becomes something you were born with, like a bad hand dealt to you (this is the story you concocted because you can't accept it). You want to know other people's "secret." See, this is the perfect scapegoat for the ego since you focus outwards and not inwards. Growth cannot arise from this position, precisely because you've forfeited your power to change it. The first step is realizing that taking things personally isn't a "bad" thing. It's a sign that you're human, and that you can learn and admit mistakes. It's very normal to take things to heart, often a little too much. Once you accept this, the aim isn't to erase this human part of you. It's to maturely handle you reactions and emotions. This can only come about through understanding yourself and compassion for others. It will take some effort, but this is definitely something you can improve.
  7. @Cody_Atzori A much more fun way to gain multi-perspectival views is to listen to YouTube interviews and talks. This isn't a substitute for reading, but it can be a nice way to get your foot in the door when you're feeling overwhelmed. Just pop on some Alan Watts. "Rebel Wisdom" channel has some good videos. Jamie Wheal. Jason Silva. "Making Sense" with Sam Harris has some good guests going into stage yellow systems thinking. Spiritual gurus like Sahdguru, Rupert Spira, and Shunyamurti. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there's soooooo much you can learn from YouTube
  8. Resistance is like a bully. It acts tough, but when you stand up to it, it quickly cowers down and leaves. That's why merely starting is half the battle. Resistance is a sure sign you're about to do something right. Because the person your ego is fighting to maintain IS NOT who you want to be.
  9. Definitely not a scam. It's a stage Green / yellow business and has a good vision. They gather some of the best teachers and emphasize holistic understanding. I like the founder Vishen Lakhiani. He's done several great interviews.
  10. Would joy mean anything without the existence of suffering? Both are relative states of mind like hot and cold.
  11. I know it's a lot to take in. Outright rejection of these ideas and concepts without further thought is common, and I get it. Notice, however, that you don't have a reason for calling it bullshit other than it not matching up to what you think you know. Your post is a fruitless endeavor designed to further entrench yourself in your beliefs and against the perceived "losers." You can't wait for the attention and to read and interpret all the responses in order to further convince yourself this is all stupid and crazy. See, it's a trick of the ego to fool yourself into believing you are open-minded. You didn't come here to learn or teach. If a "loser" is defined as someone who bullshits (your words. "Loser" is actually a baseless, relative, and derrogatory term) then all you succeeded in doing was providing evidence of yourself to be one. Funny how that works
  12. My EGO be like: "Aight, imma head out..."
  13. @randomguy123 What if you used creativity and systems thinking to solve your problem?
  14. @capriciousduck This will take a lot of contemplation on your part. You seriously need to sit down and journal and contemplate this question for several days and weeks, trust me it'll be worth your while. Trap #1. You should quickly find that reality cannot be purely deterministic. But at the same time, you don't have completely free reign as an individual ego. This reality has limitations, and thus some things are out of your control. The determinism argument comes from observations about the EGO, and they are correct from that perspective. Your ego is a machine, and unconscious people behave in predictable ways outside of their conscious control. For the vast majority of people, it's like soft determinism. Upon awakening, you realize that you aren't this ego machine. We have a sliver of God's infinite will. We do have choices. And thinking you don't is actually self-destructive in practice. You can't take advantage of this creative power until you understand that you have it. As well as understanding the ego and how it traps you into patterns.
  15. @Conscious life Its possible for the ego to co-opt this realization and turn this identity as God into a supreme being separate from others. This is always a danger. True realization as God, however, is ego-less, so you could say it's the surrender of all identification. You become directly conscious that you are everything.
  16. I can tell you one thing you already know: porn and video games won't make you happy. See, the ego loves to trick itself into thinking that going back to old patterns will relieve your suffering. It's so easy to trick yourself. Before you decide to relapse, write in your journal about it. And you always have a choice.
  17. @Aaron p Yes it is! Life is utterly and irreducibly mystical. You're not becoming everything. The process you describe is a surrender into what you already are and have been for eternity.
  18. Does this mean that every person whose job it is to save people (let's say a conscious healer) is committing Devilry?
  19. Preach! "Do not condemn them, for they know not what they do." - Jesus, paraphrased Your ability to enjoy this life is directly proportional to your ability to love. Love the people and things you used to hate. Understand them.
  20. @wesyasz What would qualify someone as real? Or unreal? Have you really investigated what these labels mean? You want an external source to prove that something is "real," which that alone invites the question of what is "unreal." Let's say it's science. But notice that scientists can't actually prove that something is "real" because all the scientists verify their data through the only means they have, which is direct, subjective experience. And yet they are in denial that's what they are doing. Scientists created a system called mathematics, and they can prove that certain numbers or equations can work WITHIN that system. But they can't prove the system exists. In fact, it was created by humans. And if you dig deep enough, you'll realize that any "factual" or "real" system we take for granted has no ground whatsoever. The "real" is as groundless as the "unreal." At the end of the day, you are the sole authority over your existence.
  21. @OBEler @OBEler So the reason I wanted you to contemplate the difference between "real" (thanks for the correction) and "imaginary" was to help you figure it out for yourself. To cut through the ideology you mentioned you might be stuck in. You can derive the answer for yourself, and the only way you'll really GET it is if you do. Let me provide a launching point. Ask yourself: what is real? Bring up some real world examples. Get a good sense of what is meant by "real" from multiple different angles. Do the same for imaginary. Then contemplate what the differences are as well as how they are deeply similar. Hint: compare dreams to what you think is reality. Ask yourself: who made this distinction between real and imaginary? Is it inherent to reality? Or was it created? "Reality is imaginary" is one half of the same coin, and Leo uses this side to unhinge your conditioned mind. "Reality is Real" is equally true, but the reason Leo doesn't use this half is because the ideas of "real" you've been brought up with are partial and misleading. Don't get caught up on words. Words are dualistic, relative, and relationary. They have limits you are not yet aware of. Words don't mean anything themselves. They don't even point to anything actual (this may be hard to grasp at first). Let's take the example of "car." You may say, "now hold on, it means something because it's pointing to an actual object." But which car? You have many ideas about what a car is, and they are actually different from everyone else's. Look up the definition for car, and you will find more words. The definition of a word, it's supposed grounding point, can only be more words. When you say car, you bring up general IDEAS of a car flavored by your personal experience. When you say literal, you have many IDEAS of what literal means, and they are in fact (perhaps slightly) different than everyone else's. Words are concepts flavored by personal body of experience. In other words: literally imaginary.