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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. @Matt23 Leo has a different teaching style, which he has said comes from Vernon Howard, an American nonduality teacher of a couple generations ago. It's more of an old-school Zen master vibe that is very blunt. Leo doesn't beat around the bush, and will call "devilry" exactly what it is at face value. Everyone has different styles of communication... not everyone is going to be a Matt Kahn (loving teddy bear energy). And that's OK!!! If every teacher was the same, it would be pretty boring, would it not? God must take many forms to reach as many people as possible, and some resonate better with a different teaching styles. In my personal experience, I appreciate teachers being (sometimes rudely) blunt with the purpose of wounding my ego, and getting me to see the truth. I understand that others may not like that as much. That being said, I will level with you though. I am also picking up on a "spiritual ego" distortion from Leo recently. From the way he talks about certain presidential candidates with authority, relative to the Spiral Dynamics model, is kind of worrying. Bernie Sanders is not the most developed, loving, and compassionate candidate in this race, yet he spouts it as fact. I agree that he seems overly dismissive of other truth seekers on the forum. He recently denounced books as a potential growth path for himself, thinking he has transcended them... indeed this is textbook Devilry to which he has specifically addressed in the past. But what you have to realize is that it doesn't matter! Focusing on another man's problems is just a reflection of an imbalance within yourself. The Leo avatar is imperfect, for he is just like you and me. And God knows you and I have many problems that are deeper than his. Try to realize that your post is a distraction from doing the inner work on yourself. Be grateful to Leo for giving you so many amazing insights and teachings. And he is not done... far from it. You can still learn so much from him moving forward, despite certain imperfections. You can fully accept him for who he is. That is the best path forward. @Leo Gura "Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will." -Vernon Howard Book recommendation: "The Law of One." Maybe it's time to delve into channeling, and see that we have information available from higher dimensional beings, not just human avatars. You will see that the metaphysics in that book lines up precisely to what you know to be true, and yet you have barely scratched the surface of all there is to learn. Take care, Leo.
  2. @TheUniverseIsLove I like your wonder, and your openness to say, " I don't know." You are in a good place on your path ?
  3. Be careful not to let your spiritual ego turn the spiral into a competition. Drake does not use music to raise consciousness, he lowers it. You may disagree with me, but that's just what I see. My friend and I, just for the fun of it, listened to Drake at the tail end of a trip, and we were appalled at the frequency he was emitting.
  4. @Spiral Wizard AI: Artificial Intelligence. (2001, Steven Spielberg). This is an absolute gem.
  5. @TheUniverseIsLove What if there was no plan? Would you resist this idea?
  6. @Pouya i like how I completely understand what you're saying, but the words themselves do no justice at all.
  7. @Beginner Mind You have a common misconception about the nature of reality. It's only something I've recently been able to wrap my head around. So what you're doing when you ask this question, is you impose duality (cause and effect) on something nondual, that thing being all of existence. If you contemplate through this, you realize that for there to be anything at all, there has to be an original miracle. For science it's the big bang. For Christians, a bearded man in the clouds is the origin. From this miracle, all other phenomena can supposedly be explained. But the mystical origin of existence itself can never be explained in dualistic terms, such as your question of "where did it come from?" This leads down an infinite regression of questions, and it leads nowhere because it HAS to rely on an original mystical origin. That's what winternight meant by the Self being beyond a beginning or an end. "Time" is something that is imagined WITHIN reality. You're left with a simple fact: reality just fucking IS. If there was a cause and effect reason for consciousness to exist, then that would make our current reality is a 2nd order phenomena, meaning that our reality wouldn't be all there is. You split apart what is nondual. For everything to be ONE, it cannot rely on external meanings or methods of coming into existence. Of course, the mind cannot grasp this concept because it defies everything. Your entire existence is built on duality, so don't worry if you're not "getting" what I'm saying. There's nothing to get. It's whether you can surrender to the irreducibly mystical reality we live in. Notice that your dualistic questions about an infinite, nondual reality will NEVER end or be satiated. You'll always catch glimpses of the truth that Nothing is here, yet you'll be in denial about it. Like a dog chasing its tail. "But there MUST BE A REASON! LEO HASNT TRULY EXPLAINED THE ORIGIN OF EXISTENCE ITSELF!" 'round and 'round you go...
  8. @Highest @dyslexicFcuk "God has taken my bird and my bush! God is an angry kid with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant! God is a cosmic asshole!" From your perspective, this sounds very rational. Logical, even, considering the lens you used and the events you cherry picked to support the narrative. So tell me something: are you interested in rationality, or are you interested in Truth? These happen to be two distinct things (and yet connected), so we have to be very clear on what you're after.
  9. @Highest it seems like whatever you saw was meant for you. You seem happy and on the right path. I will let you know, however, that what you experienced was not the absolute. And that's ok for you right now.
  10. I just want to let you know that I shrugged and said "ok," almost moved on, but wanted to let you know I completely ignored your post Your title also got me thinking about the psychology of clickbait and how companies profit off of hacking flaws in the human psyche, so there's that
  11. "There is no division." If I was not equal to God, then that would make reality dualistic by definition. So... is a slice of a pie below the pie? "You" are the whole pie pretending to be a slice of pie. That's right, I'm not even saying You ARE a slice! No knife was used. You're just pretending you are! In actuality, you never stopped Being the entire fucking pie. Ta-da!
  12. @Maheshwar pain doesn't inspire us. Pain is necessary for personal growth though. Love and compassion are what inspire us. The personal growth. The superhuman feats of strength or skill. Pain is a feeling that doesn't really move us on its own. In fact, we cringe at seeing others in pain. I have a saying: if I'm working towards my life purpose, I can learn to enjoy any part of the process, *even the pain of obtaining it.* So, pain can be experienced in a positive way (that is, with less suffering) IF you're doing what you're meant to do.
  13. @Highest you don't seem to have fully grasped nonduality yet. That's ok, keep being Your post could also be an egoic reaction to the implications of 100% responsibility of your life, so you created an imaginary division between yourself and God to skirt around it.
  14. @Adodd you already know what's best for you, just listen.
  15. Does it though? To answer your question, no, separating spirituality from other aspects of you life is not wise and will lead to dysfunction.
  16. *When you're feeling down at the beginning of the Path* "God has taken my bird and my bush! SMITE ME OH MIGHTY SMITEERRRRR!!!"
  17. I know this is a semi-shitpost, but I just realized something that's too funny not to share. In Leo's latest blog post, he shared insights from his latest and deepest trip. It was about existence itself being the greatest miracle. He's right, and it's a wonderful way to look at life! But Ii got me thinking... some of you may remember a movie that came out in 2003 called Bruce Almighty starring Jim Carrey (who has since had many awakenings and is considered a lunatic by most of Hollywood). In the movie, God (played by Morgan Freeman of all people!) grants Bruce His God powers for a day. It's a great comedy with an even better message: in the end, it comes down to the individual to "Be the miracle!" because we really do have the power. As one of my favorite comedies growing up, something about it really stuck with me, and now I understand why. It's easy to gloss over this as just some lighthearted feel-good movie, but looking back there's so much more. Leo, if you haven't seen it yet, you really might get a kick out of it.
  18. @Inliytened1 yes, the original miracle, which make all other minor miracles possible. How the fuck are we here? Why is there something rather than nothing? It just IS! And why are we so self-centered and myopic to take something that fundamental, and that mystical, for granted all day long?? It's wild....
  19. @Light Lover My year was shit, 2/10. It's only a 2 instead of a 1 because of this forum and the things I learned from Leo.
  20. @Cody_Atzori being a "master" at something is a very loose definition that requires a lot of context. It basically means "world-class" level. You know the in's and out's of every aspect or mechanic of your craft. You have intense practices and years of built up muscle memory. It's also a philosophy. You see your craft as art that enriches your human experience. A master knows he's a master, because no one gets there by accident.
  21. @SantaMaria yes, it's a fantastic substance. Do it!
  22. Surrender the notion of helping your parents evolve, and only work on evolving yourself. Counter-intuitively, it'll help them the most. And, of course, you.
  23. @Aquarius Do they need to be helped? No. By trying to help them directly, it's going to backfire. It's like throwing yourself against a brick wall. The much better solution is to improve yourself, and the shining of your light will uplift them indirectly. They don't want to be "helped," they want you to shine. And you can give them the resources when the time comes, but only when they want to evolve. Realize that the definition of stage Blue is that they want everything to stay the same. They don't have a knowledge of the spiral. They can't see themselves as "low consciousness."
  24. I am grateful that you came here looking for advice. Thank you for sharing! First, I'd recommend thinking and journaling to expand on your values. Really spend some quality time to understand why these are your top values, why they mean so much to you, and to add more. There are many techniques to remind yourself and keep yourself on track. Affirmations are powerful. For example, say out loud, "I am so happy and grateful to be embodying my feminine essence." Write out several of these affirmations aligned with your values, and repeat them several times a day. Wear a wristband or bracelet every day for a month, and every time you notice it throughout your day, smile and become conscious of one of these values in the present moment. For instance, pick something you're grateful for, or become conscious of the Divine Love in the room. It's always there, but we often forget. Read or listen to books on femininity and spirituality. It would also be wise to read a book on feminine/masculine polarity, even one centered on the masculine perspective such as "Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida. Most importantly, prioritize communication and openness with your partner. Resentment and anger builds when you don't talk or feel eachother. Another point, we don't all feel love in the same way. Read "The 5 Love Languages" to better determine how your man gives and receives love. It's possible that you might not be on the same frequency. Anyways, I hope that helped!