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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. @VictorB02 thank you for sharing! That's cause you realize enlightenment has been right in front of you the whole time. All enlightenment is, is to see what's actually here. That's why attaining enlightenment can't possibly be a "seeking" process, it has to be a surrendering process. "Attaining enlightenment" would be a lot more helpful and accurate to refer to as "losing ego." The egoic search is what hinders so many people who start out. Of course you need to do a lot of work to lose all the Bullshit you've been feeding yourself your whole life. A whole lot of work...there's absolutely no substitute for that.
  2. A work of art cannot be defined as Stage Yellow. Only your perception of it. Spiral dynamics outlines the general LIMITS of the mind as it evolves. I'm starting to see infinite beauty in every work of art I come across... it's all about perspective. On the flip side, a normal person off the street probably couldn't connect with the visionary art of Alex Grey. A yellow person will see the "yellowness" of everything he sees, that's what it means to be yellow. Everything connects in one way or another. Also, art is all about the sense of discovery! Do you really want someone else to decorate your house? What's special and meaningful for me won't be for you. So in sum, go find art that you love and that makes you happy. Or better yet, create some of your own art.
  3. @Mikael89 I apologize if you already are, for some reason I assumed you were just discovering them or something. I really don't know why I assumed that.
  4. @Sockrattes The "Absolute" is a word which points to something. That something cannot be symbolized or thought of. It lies beyond concept (and including it). Which means by definition, these machine elves must be a part of the Absolute. Because if they lay outside infinity, then infinity would immediately have to include them to stay infinity. If these machine elves were beyond nonduality, then you'd have to explain what they are and how they got there... Which gives you the same problem doesn't it? The true essence of everything is nothing. Groundless ground. As it must be! Really try to understand this, if you have any questions let me know. These machine elves ARE you. They are projections of infinite consciousness, resulting in a first-person experience or appearance. Does this mean you're going insane? Of course not! By that definition, we're all clinically insane, because this is nothing more than a mass hallucination! There's no objective hallucination that's more valid than the other. It's all you. It's all perception. Be open to the possibility that these elves are trying to tell you something extremely important. And listen with an open mind.
  5. @Mikael89 It will only be hardship if you're resistant to them. I meant that phrase only from the perspective that you're not aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes... Although depth in the 3 dimensional sense is quite a counterproductive way to think of it. There's nothing I could say to help you in that pursuit, just be curious and open, if you want. Start inquiring into the nature of synchronicity. When you bring more consciousness to them, they will start to explode as if fate had slapped you in the face. Good luck!
  6. @Ampresus 1. You're feeling desperate. 2. You're about to make a huge life decision. Uh. RED FLAGS!! NO!! STOP!! Understand that you are not in a position to make the best choices right now. Seriously consider if you NEED to make a choice right now... And, of course, the answer is no. I know how much pressure family and society put on you to choose a career path. Well, they are simply misguided and dogmatic. You obviously need to take a chill pill, explore the world, do personal development, take the life purpose course, and really take the time to map out your psyche, then map out your best options accordingly. If you were to take off a year, let's say, and really focus on yourself, balls to the wall, I guarantee you that would be worth more than any college education. It's not fair to yourself or your family to waste time and money doing studies in something you're not passionate in. Your studies must be aligned with your life purpose, and if you don't know what it is yet, then you're CERTAINLY not going to find that in formal school...
  7. @Cineva up until a couple weeks ago, I fit what you described almost to a T. Really reflect and see if there's any repressed desires that made you feel like that. I saw that part of me REALLY wanted to be a slob and play video games all day. That was actually what I wanted. The way I was going about it was unhealthy, which was the cause of the "rot" or depression, but there was a valid part of my psyche that didn't want to grow up, to not have a care in the world. Stop thinking there's something wrong with you. You are EXACTLY where you're meant to be. The negative outlook is not the cause of the problem, it's the cause of the perpetual downward spiral; it's the cause of the rut from which you can't seem to escape. Raise your consciousness. Raise your capacity to love. See the art and beauty in all of creation. In not too long, you'll find yourself in an upward spiral from which you can't seem to escape even if you tried.
  8. @John West yeah, thanks for sharing your concerns, and welcome! You bring up some valid points that your ego can abuse the knowledge of a backlash to trick itself into not doing any work. I'm glad you're conscious of that. In my experience, your body can handle A LOT more than you think it can. If you set proper expectations (Leo has a video on that), and are armed with an intimate knowledge of your ego and its backlash tendencies (without letting that fear control you), then nothing will stop you my friend!
  9. Eh, I m pretty certain I haven't met an enlightened person yet. In passing on the street? Probably. Actually talking to them? 99% sure I haven't. Just being real here... The META understanding that we should all have is that we are all one. Yes. Love everyone equally. But that's not practical or helpful in every day life. In fact, it's detrimental. You're thinking like a green idealist who tries to help everyone equally, and then wondering why your aid in Africa isn't working like you hoped. The fact is that different people at different stages egoicly react to policies or information in different ways. You have to be nuanced to be effective. It turns out you actually have to talk differently to a stage blue person than with a green person, or you're going to alienate them! @Tony 845 uh, you're sitting at the precipice of the greatest spiritual growth you've ever had. You're sitting on the gold mine to end all gold mines. I hope you're open-minded enough to cash in...
  10. @tecladocasio It was more of a joke lol. I'm sure I would get a lot out of spending the day with any enlightened person. As far as I know, I haven't met any yet.
  11. Why would you do anything in life? You can't choose NOT to, because you'll pick up the defacto motivations, which is ultimately unconsciousness, or more specifically, egoic desire, and other people's egoic desires. These all amount to shortsighted stumblings in the dark, and won't in any way be aligned with your True self. It's exactly how Leo explains metaphysics. There's no such thing as metaphysics-free. You can't decide NOT to partake, because you're going to unwittingly pick up the defacto metaphysics of your culture. So understand that you're going to have reasons, motivations, passions, or higher purposes for doing things, and how you view your actions will determine how high or low of quality those actions will be... I hope you're starting to see how important the FOUNDATION of your beliefs and morals is. In fact, the strength of your life depends on it.
  12. Good luck! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. A couple of tips, make sure to have healthy, plant-based snacks ready, and an activity +chill music for the comeup. You want your mind distracted in something light and fun during the comeup so it doesn't get overly uncomfortable or overwhelm you.
  13. Leo Gura. Just because he's so involved in his work, studying, and teaching people about so many facets of personal development, I think he would have so much to offer besides just meditating and talking about enlightenment. He's a lot closer to my age, he's sharp, and still on the upward spiral. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like some old enlightened masters would recognize that the only true thing to talk about is "present moment" "focus" "practice" "what is there to know?" "There is no I" and then give you a bunch of fucking Koans to meditate on. In adopting the groundless nothingness, you probably lose a lot of friendliness and relatability. If I'm going to spend the day with an enlightened person, I'd want him/her to be more relatable, still working through some things, be "real," and working on their life purpose. That's just my two cents
  14. @Tistepiste Yeah, that's basically how I see it. You have to appreciate the amazingly complex social structures (societies, governments) that had to be created in order for people like us to survive after dropping ego. Don't take any of this stuff for granted. Not just the structures, but the freedom of speech, millions of people had to die for us to have the freedom to do this work and not get persecuted or hanged. Of course we still have a ways to go (legalization of psychs, etc.) but in most first world countries, you can do this work from the comfort of your home, without worrying too much about base survival needs. I said we're starting an era where the average person can do this stuff, not that all of society is READY to do this. We're still far from it. So much of the world is still at stage red/blue/orange! I'm just saying that transcending the ego is our main goal, but the ego was needed in order to create the vast and intricate social systems necessary for this to work. We are at the precipice of a vast, global awakening, just watch.
  15. @AceTrainerGreen your paradigm is backwards. You're operating under the ASSUMPTION that we're biological robots who evolved over millions of years by random, darwinian processes. You take this as fact. "Well of course, it couldn't be any other way." Have you ever really explored if this is true or not? Have you ever wondered if there might be something more to this human experience? The first step is to fully recognize that this concept of yours was spoon-fed to you by society, and that it is nothing more than an assumption, to distract you from the truly and utterly inescapable fact that nature is irreducibly mystical...
  16. @Tistepiste it seems everyone else is giving abstract answers, which don't really answer you're question... Let's look a little more practically. In the universe's infinite intelligence, why would a thing as "ugly" as an ego need to be created? Is it not the source of all suffering in the world? Yes. But let's start to appreciate what it actually did: All scientific progress, all national competition, all striving and dominating, has accelerated the human race (technologically) to what it is today. The ego is the driver, and it simply wouldn't have been possible without it. The illusion of you having a separate experience, that's ego, and very necessary for survival. And yet, society is still in the dark ages psychologically, because we're still dominated by egoic desires. Start to see ego as what was necessary to become what we are today, and we're just now getting to a point where rapid increases in consciousness are possible without hindering our survival. We're entering an age of global transcendence of the ego, to really reach our full potential.
  17. @Michael569 a Yellow person can do this because he realizes life is a strange loop. Be open to paradox, confusion, and not knowing. These two positions are merely surface- level contradictions. Logically contradicting. But the deepest insights are trans-rational, and this will require nuance to deconstruct and really find out what it means.
  18. Love him to death. That's your repressed side, and I guarantee that there's kernels of truth in what you're feeling. Become the watcher, and observe what it may be trying to tell you. Don't fight it, because it IS part of you.
  19. @AceTrainerGreen I'm sorry but your paradigm is backwards. If you're looking for what the future will look like with AI, don't be afraid. It'll basically move us into spiral dynamics stage green, because all the jobs an AI can't do are ones that deal with people. Not customer service obviously, but real, intimate jobs that require human empathy and connection. I'd recommend that you watch the interview I linked, it's pretty good. From your paradigm, a robot will eventually be able to do EVERYTHING a human can do. If that's the case, then are we robots? And are you comfortable with the idea of the human race becoming extinct because we're no longer needed? Is that what you really intuit, that we won't be necessary at all in the future?
  20. @Mikael89 lmao have you ever tried psychedelics? I'm not just talking about a one time experience, actually extensively texted them for person growth?
  21. @Inliytened1 Uh, so much to say... Answer me this: Would it be possible for you to go back asleep and forget this ever happened? If you somehow denied yourself spiritual work for the rest of your life, how much regret, anxiety, and sadness would plague you until the day you died? Going back to a materialist paradigm, knowing it's all illusion, would literally make you sick. You took the red pill and there's simply no turning back. Mankind as a whole cannot handle the truth TODAY. That's a fact. We're still very much stuck in a materialist paradigm, and that will take many generations to slowly get over. But mankind has the ability in the FUTURE (just like you have now) to be interested in existential and metaphysical matters, and to stomach it. Things are exactly how they're meant to be. People, like you and me, who want to know the truth can find the truth. People who don't, well, let's say it's not shoved down their throats by any means. What do you mean that in Leo's latest videos, he's starting to realize the "realness?" I think he's very aware of the unrealness! And that makes life so much more beautiful. Good luck on your journey my friend! I'm kind of with @Nahm here. Be grateful that you're living in this time. If you were born just a hundred years ago (not even a blink of an eye in time), this wouldn't be possible, and you could have found yourself fighting in WW1. Really start to appreciate the magnitude of this opportunity. Also, ask yourself, did you really CHOOSE to go down this path? Or did this path inexplicably choose you?
  22. AI is a sophisticated tool that will replace a large portion of mindless jobs in the near future. It will definitely shift us into Spiral Dynamics Stage Green. It's already happening, and in 20 years at most, we'll be in the thick of it. We'll have to drastically rethink what we value as a society. Here's a great interview with a leading scientist and investor in AI technologies, and he kind of lays out the path that we'll naturally take as AI develops. As someone who has studied spiral dynamics, it's beautiful and gives me a lot of hope: Now talking on if AI will ever fully replicate a human? Literally not in a million years. Not ever. And I'm 100% certain of this. Why? Because a robot fundamentally lacks consciousness, love, and intuition. These are irreducible aspects of our human experience as a sliver of this giant, connected mind. AI is not consciousness, and it will never be it.
  23. Consider, for a moment, that something=nothing. Of course, that couldn't make sense to a rational mind, but reality is irreducibly mystical.
  24. @Tony 845 Enlightenment has nothing to do with becoming a vegetarian. No correlation whatsoever. Becoming vegetarian/vegan depends on your ecological level of awareness and love for the world. There are many stage green people who become vegan because they expand their heart and identification with all living creatures. And yet they are nowhere near enlightenment. It's such a simple answer that I'm surprised you didn't come up with it yourself. Or maybe you're just wanting attention? If you look closely, you have been answered dozens of times already, it just wasn't what you wanted to see.