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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. Yes. Most people don't appreciate the narrow limits of the human perspective. Also, one cannot judge the validity of a system based on its consensus reality or cohesion. That's a self-deception.
  2. And taking straight 5-meo-DMT up your ass isn't? Come on now... The fact is that there are some combinations, if done responsibly, that produce some unique effects that are very worthwhile to explore. I admit, there's not very many, and there's quite a lot that can be dangerous. I totally see where you're coming from. However, I invite you to keep an open mind about this stuff. There's a select few dual combos (don't mix 3 or more, that's stupid), that are gems. I personally don't find candy flipping that great, it's more of a party combo. Mdma and lsd are way more effective by themselves for personal development.
  3. @Shin my bad. It is a beautiful quote, thanks for sharing.
  4. @Shin What if we were never born? ?
  5. Big rush fan here! Hemispheres is their best album, hands down. The part that always gets me is the middle of Cygnus X-1 Book 2: I have memory and awareness But I have no shape or form. As a disembodied spirit I am dead and yet unborn. I have passed into Olympus As was told in tales of old To the City of Immortals Marble white and purest gold.
  6. @Leo Gura any other reasons not to mix psychs other than safety concerns? I'm aware of the synergistic (multiplication) effects of some combos. You take a lot less of each than you normally would. Personally, my experience with lsd + mescaline HCL was off the charts, they combined into something much greater than the sum of their parts.
  7. Does this prove that the brain is responsible for our perceptions? Or does it just prove that a perception of the brain is merely linked to our perceptions? Does a dream or hallucination not have "rules?" This doesn't actually prove anything if you observe enough. Go deeper.
  8. Mu.
  9. @Zigzag Idiot Thank you, and thanks for the support! Today was slightly more difficult in the sexual thoughts department. There were a few attractive women at work, however, I was able to quickly shift my mind away from that. I'm mentally still going strong! Awareness was up a little bit because I practiced conscious awareness even in the tough moments. I'm constantly seeing the beauty in every day life. I'm currently working at a job that is NOT a good fit for me at my current consciousness level, however, I'm trying to make the best of it. It is sometimes really difficult, but I'm blessed that I have such opportunities to deal with unconscious people, and to practice on keeping a level head. Honestly, I think everyone should do customer service for at least 6 months... it'll teach you a lot of things, not the least of which is infinite patience. Day 4: Energy: 4 Awareness: 5 Sexual thoughts/urges: 3 Self-esteem: 4 Social confidence: 4
  10. @Conceptually-made in the couple times I did it, it was beautiful, but it led to a greater mindfuck. Not my favorite combo. A much lesser documented, but much more powerful spiritual combo I'd love to share is what I call the Tribal Flip. Mixing lsd and mescaline. I simply can't recommend it enough.
  11. @Fairy Wow. This is such a misuse of spiral dynamics. It's apparent that you don't know what it is or how to correctly apply it. Two Scandinavian girls went camping in Morocco and got their throats slit. What does "being green" (also an assumption) have to do with this? Do orange people not go camping in Morocco? "What can green people do about this?" Really? I can see the green in you, who's morally repulsed by this act, and your tendencies to freak out and protest about things you know nothing about... Spiral dynamics tells us there's nothing green CAN do about it, and that it's just a fact of life. Fighting violence only leads to more violence. And Leo is somehow responsible for misinformation?!?! Because he didn't waste his time going over purple and red, which are much less relevant? That's up to the viewer to educate himself. Come on now.... Lmaooo
  12. @Shin Congratulations! You have received 10 points in Love Simulator 9000! You have now reached level 22! Your capacity to love has increased!
  13. Try to understand. It's the perspective that can't be "perspectived." Because it's by definition the cumulation of all, including the one your thinking right now. The mind can conceptualize it as a perspective, but that is an aping. Nonduality is not a perspective. If it was, who or what would be perceiving it? And a perspective, by definition, is a singular point of view! Also notice that the mind can only hold one perspective at a time.
  14. @Rilles HA! Well thank you, sometimes I feel like I blabbing monkey spewing nonsense (which could be the case), but then I look back at the work and experiences I've had so far... And then I get a peaceful feeling. Because that stuff actually happened, and there can be no doubt about it. Well, I constantly doubt what I already take as knowledge, as every actualizer should, but every time I go back it's immediately obvious that this is at least closer the way it is; that the paradigm I used to subscribe to has such obvious flaws. I hardly know anything, but I AM starting to get a clearer big-picture scope of reality. This work will lead you there. And like Leo has said, that's the most important part to get right. I've had a few awakening experiences so far, but I have yet to have a complete nondual experience. I have plans of taking 5-meo next summer as a tool to help me with that
  15. @Yousef sort of. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think nonduality is the infinity perspective, containing all other perspectives. But the word perspective kind of breaks down here, because a perspective requires something to perceive it. All perspectives are fundamentally partial. But nonduality is itself, it can't go outside itself to view itself. It created itself. So it's not so much a perspective as it is all of reality. That's why you need a direct experience of nonduality, because it can't be grasped only from the mind.
  16. @Rilles that's in the dream, at least, because you're the only thing conscious in the dream. Think of minecraft, as you move through the world it gets rendered, and the next village over doesn't exist until it's a certain number of chunks away. Now what if the very fabric of waking reality is consciousness? If everything was directly rendered and aware of itself, even deep space? If we're in a giant, connected mind? Think of your dream, but make a huge recontextualization, that you could simultaneously inhabit several perspectives, but the ultimate viewpoint is nonduality.
  17. @Rilles is the limit not your field of awareness? Do you really think a child is objectively bouncing a ball in the next town over, and if only you were able to fly over, you'd see it? You render the experience.
  18. @andyjohnsonman true. But it's not an ideology for me.
  19. That's quite an ego backlash... You're trying to put words in my mouth, say I'm part of a cult, and then think you know how I think! Is that not a beautiful self deception you created? Let's take a step back. I am not part of a cult, any more than a physics student belongs in a cult when he does tests to confirm F=MA. Let me explain an aspect of the law of attraction from an evolutionary standpoint. No "woo woo" here. Before we had language, we needed to communicate feelings throughout a group with nonverbals. Our ancestors did this so well that they were bordering on psychic. We had to develop this ability in order to survive. Whether you're conscious of it or not, your thoughts and emotions directly effect people around you, because we as a species evolved to sense this for survival. And just like you egoic mechanisms, this "second language" is also still active. Not all your thoughts and feelings are "yours." You picked them up unconsciously from the group. I still work in customer service, and since I really started becoming conscious and observant of these mechanisms, I haven't had a single problem customer or major asshole. It has been over a year. All my coworkers get them on a daily basis. This is simply not possible! But it is. This is not a belief system because I understand this through direct experience. I don't subscribe to any ideologies. You have not explored this field nearly enough, so please stop holding ideologies about it.
  20. @Rilles infinitely far. Infinitely up, infinitely down. What do you think quarks are made of? Are they impenetrable building blocks of all matter? That's as far as they go? How does it not make any sense to not zoom further? And up into the cosmos? A literal infinite universe. If what scientists say is true, and there was a big bang and it's been expanding for 14 billion years, then that's not infinite, is it? It's still trapped in the illusion of spacetime. What happens if you go beyond the "bubble" that scientists seem to believe in? Infinite nothingness? Or a quark in another universe?
  21. @Zigzag Idiot That is a valid point. However, given my current situation, I feel the need to completely reboot my system. There are thousands of accounts of men in my same position who found great results from doing this. Remember, this is only 90 days, not a lifetime. This isn't about sexual repression at all; this is about sexual empowerment and awakening. I'm confident I'll achieve that. @Shin HA! Thank you for the support. Feels good to be here! Day 3: Energy: 4 Awareness: 4 Sexual thoughts/urges: 2 Self-esteem: 3 Social confidence: n/a Today was my off day, and I didn't do much besides stay at home, read, watch a couple videos, and generally laze around. LOL! I didn't accomplish what I wanted to, but at this point, it's still a major win for me. My day is also defined by what I didn't do! Just a few scattered sexual thoughts, but I was able to let go of them easily. My energy levels were definitely down from what they were yesterday. I felt slightly sluggish and tired for most of the day. Of course that could be due to many other factors, but I'm sure that it had something to do with technically being on day 6 without fapping. Every other time I've made it to this point, I get a weird dip in energy. BRING IT ON!!!
  22. "Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god." - Aristotle What a powerful quote, I love it! If you can't be happy by yourself, then you'll never be happy. There is no happiness without enlightenment, that is to say, complete acceptance and presence in the present moment, along with the realization that you are God. There is no suffering to be found there. Once you understand that through direct experience like I have, there's no turning back. The reason why this quote is so profound is because only a person who has found his true nature AS GOD can be delighted in solitude! I'll leave you with these two complimentary quotes: The mind is no more in the body than music is in the instrument. -Robert Anton Wilson The self is no more in the mind than the wind in the trees. - Swami Anandakapila Saraswati
  23. @Wisebaxter You'll be fine! Speaking from experience here, the difficult trips actually present the greatest learning experiences! Personally, I have never had a bad trip under 300ug, in fact, all my challenging experiences, save one, were over 300ug. It's kind of like a line for me. That being said, I wouldn't take back any of my trips. So be open to any experience that may arise, whether it's bliss beyond your wildest dreams for 9 hours, or if you go back and work through past traumas, it really doesn't matter. You're using this for consciousness work, and you will learn greatly either way. Like I've said before, you've done more than enough research, and watching more can become a self-fulfilling prophecy due to your pre-conceived notions and fears of the experience. It is what it is. You're going to be led wherever your true self wants to go. Breathe and surrender to it, and it won't matter what you'll face, good or bad. It was exactly what you needed to experience. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you on Christmas!
  24. This series is extremely important, especially for actualizers with young children. I just want it to be seen by more people.