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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. I believe the word you're looking for us "Mu."
  2. @Leo Gura thanks, I'll make sure not to lose this understanding. It could be so easy to fall back into objectifying things. How do you reconcile this understanding with everyday life? I am aware of the one-ness right now, but it doesn't seem to bring me any happiness, fulfillment, or extra value to the experience. Am I missing something, or are these experiences completely normal?
  3. I talk to myself out loud in English ALL the time. I'm also a massive introvert and like to be kept alone. However, as I started my consciousness journey a couple years ago, an interesting thing started happening on its own accord. Over time. I changed from saying "I" to "we," to make the distinction between my true and false selves. This never used to happen, but I'll say "we" to motivate myself all the time. "We've gotta get going." "We've gotta get going." "We've gotta save that note for later." All while being completely by myself, but of course, there are actually 2 selves at play here. I didn't plan for that to happen, it just naturally came about when my awareness of my true self increased. This is the voice of my true self talking to my lower self, since I noticed that every time I say "we" it is in a positive or motivating light. I'd say the next step would be to enter a no-mind state more often and transcend the need to talk to myself. However, that's still quite a ways off...
  4. @Cepzeu Thanks for the advice; I'll definitely stay on track.
  5. @Leo Gura In that specific experience, my awareness didn't go much past my living room, but I have had the realization of infinity on psychedelics. So yes, this screen is infinite, as it must be! So I've experienced no self, the screen, infinity, and consciousness as fundamentally irreducible--the fabric reality. Where should I be looking next? I've had some amazing feelings of love, but I wouldn't say I've experienced infinite love. I also have plans for taking 5-meo for the first time this summer, as it's one of the only psychedelics I haven't tried yet. Should I just read Ramaji's book 1000 to gauge where I'm at? Thank you. @Nahm I see where you're coming from, and I think we're just coming from different angles. In the Absolute sense, yes, none of this shit ever happened and all we have is now. But in a more relative and practical sense, we are controlled by the desires of the ego mind. For example, people in the 1700's knew nothing about Evolution, but were still controlled by the ego. It's really helpful to understand our history and trajectory, not only for understanding our animalistic tendencies, but for improving our diet to something more appropriate. The possibilities are endless
  6. @Nahm ? @FoxFoxFox true. It's our identification with objects that forms the appearance or sensation of a separate self, not that we were ever actually separate from it. One of the biggest traps our minds like to make is to pre-conceptualize or pre-judge something we have not yet experienced. This skill was extremely useful in our evolution, for instance, to assess dangers before they actually killed us. However, this is turning into a hindrance more and more as we thirst for true spirituality, which cannot ultimately be achieved through the mind. Transcendence is a tricky beast, considering our millions of years of psychological evolution. This enlightenment shit is brand new to our species!
  7. @FoxFoxFox yes, I had heard that analogy many times before, and it is a good one. But there's a difference between conceptualizing it and experiencing it, of course. Words can't do any of this justice
  8. Day 6: Energy: 4 Awareness: 4 Sexual thoughts/urges: 2 Self-esteem: 4 Social confidence: 4 Kind of a blah day. Slightly lower energy and awareness than yesterday. Nothing abnormal, just slight fluctuations. I'd attribute that to only getting 6 hours of sleep instead of 8. Very few sexual thoughts, and I was able to quickly toss them aside in the light of my self-actualization goals. I've found that when lower desires arise, thinking about the big picture can help to put them in their place. Also keep in mind that I spent years of my life at an effective 2 in all marks except sexual thoughts, which were probably at least a 5 at all times, so a score of 4 is actually really good for me right now! A 3 would be cause for a little concern, but 4 is a good baseline. I hope I can maintain that through the doldrums of this 90-day reboot. Today, I bought Leo's Life Purpose Course as the best Christmas gift of all to myself! I'll be devoting 1-2 hours a day on going through the course. I think any faster would be detrimental; I really want this information to percolate into my entire psyche, and that takes time. Adios, amigos!
  9. Here is the recount of my enlightenment experience I glossed over a few days ago. I felt the need to write a detailed report, not only for myself, but for other self-actualizers on this forum. I'm counting this as my full journal for the day, since that took quite a chunk of time... Enjoy!
  10. @Tistepiste Thanks for sharing! That sounds like a wonderful experience, I quite enjoyed reading it! About those two friends texting... We are all connected. You letting go of your past traumas triggered something in them. They wouldn't be able to explain it to you, it's like an intuition. This is very real stuff, stuff I've personally experienced. I hope this experience will allow you to be more conscious of how connected you are to everyone else... This is an extremely powerful tool you can use once you study and understand it better.
  11. @Roman Edouard Thank you. Best of luck in your journey! And if you have any other questions, feel free to shoot me a DM. I'm in my early journey myself, and honestly still trying to figure this stuff out, lol. All we're doing here is trying to learn and grow together
  12. The best thing I could ever tell you is this: drop all ideologies and attachments. Appreciate that you came into this world not knowing anything. Become a child again, and genuinely explore the world and yourself, with no attachment to where it might lead. Only then will you be able to experience true personal growth.
  13. @Roman Edouard You're correct. Evidence is destroyed. Science funding is controlled by big businesses and government, so it's mostly only concerned with what will make the biggest economic gains in the short term, and that's a travesty. However, the biggest blunder of all is that science is not aware of its own limitations. Listening to Michio Kaku and the like, they're spending their lives searching for the "God" equations that will describe the universe, for they think that the universe is material and mechanical. I want you to know, right now, that this is a fundamentally fruitless pursuit. Don't believe me, go research this for yourself. All the evidence is right in front of you, it just requires a radically open mind... Like you said, science is amazing and has drastically improved living conditions. I'm not knocking science at all, in fact, I appreciate it more than probably most scientists. Why? Because instead of studying one specific field, spending all my energy on mastering one subdivided construct of reality, I focused on understanding the big picture. It is only by getting the big picture right (the Absolute context), that you can understand what science is and what it can and cannot do. Science is a beautiful thing. But be open to the possibility that it's just a man-made framework of viewing the world. The laws of physics aren't inherent to reality, they help to describe reality in our narrow, human-centered perspective. Science describes reality with symbols (variables), and it will attempt to describe what other variables are by shuffling the symbols around in equations. But science is incapable of getting to the root. What is time? What is space? Science will describe these only in respect to other variables, but it can't get an understanding of the variables themselves. Science confuses the map for the territory. Try to get this.
  14. @Roman Edouard Your belief that the universe is a contained sphere is... just a belief. Also, it is impossible to see the entire universe from earth. You can only see what light has reached earth, that doesn't mean there isn't more beyond. According to science, the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. So it should become apparent that you can't rely on your perceptions from earth to possibly describe the whole thing. Part of it? Sure. The whole thing? The whole thing hasn't even been seen yet, yet alone "proven" by any means. Nor will it ever. Let's assume the universe is a contained sphere... What lies beyond the sphere? That's a valid question! If the universe is finite, then it must reside in a "container." What is the container? What is it made of? Where did it come from? It must have existed before the big bang, right? Now ask yourself the big questions--and really think these through. Will science EVER (in a billion years) be able to explain what lies beyond? What is science? What are its limitations? Will science ever be able to describe what time is? What space is? Is mainstream science even aware of its own limitations?
  15. @Roman Edouard Here is an article I posted just a couple weeks ago about a new scientific theory that could explain many of the phenomena you're talking about. I think you'll find it very interesting! This is at the cutting edge of current cosmological understanding... and what is it pointing to?
  16. It doesn't affect your learning as long as whatever you're learning fits in with your existing materialist paradigm. If it doesn't match up, you will discount it. For instance, you are not interested in spiritual beliefs, so you are fundamentally closed off from exploring metaphysical matters. This is because you've chosen to study science and perhaps make that your field of study. Science is your livelihood. You will have egoic reactions to anything that doesn't line up with that, and you won't even be aware of it because your mind hides it so well. However, I get a vibe from you that there may be more there, and you're perhaps just a little bit misguided, no fault of your own of course. So I'll humor you. Have you ever heard of the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field? It is a photograph of dark, deep space (previously thought to contain no known galaxies). This photo was a composite of many exposures of 10-11 DAYS at a time. Here is a link to a wonderful YouTube video of it. In light of this, you simply can't make the argument that just because you can't see all the galaxies with you naked eye, that means the universe is not infinite. Some of these galaxies are moving FASTER than the speed of light! A true scientist would be humbled at how little we know about this mysterious and mystical existence.
  17. @Roman Edouard I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of science. But please don't ask about this stuff in a spirituality forum if you're not interested in listening. You're going to get answers that don't make any sense to you, and you're going to want to debate and argue and retort. You're not actually genuinely interested in learning, you're interested in proving a point. Just let it go.
  18. @d0ornokey are your habits aligned with your life purpose? Perhaps you need to rethink your relationship with habits, now that you're more conscious. Habits for the sake of habits no longer work for me either. Your foundation should be self love and conscious presence. That it doesn't matter what you do, you are perfect the way you are. Now to a low-consciousness person, this doesn't make any sense! Don't I need to recognize my flaws in order to change them? Yes, that's fine from that paradigm, but as you're finding out, that no longer works as you evolve. Placing your self-worth on the completion of habits you believe are "good" just isn't the right way to go about things. Instead of thinking, "I'm good because I do X," think instead,"I love myself just the way I am, there is no good and bad, but this habit will bring deep satisfaction in myself and ultimately others." Knowing thyself is the highest calling. If you bring presence into each moment, every day is a blessing; an adventure. Literally every experience is beautiful and icing on the cake. Because instead of believing that doing certain things earns you cake, you take the understanding that you ARE the cake.
  19. Some of Yes's music. The song Awaken. The album Close to the Edge. The album Tales from Topographic Oceans. About as turquoise as I've ever heard, in my opinion.
  20. @Anton Rogachevski great insight! Yes, the teacher learns just as much, if not more, than the student. Who teaches who? It's an active, highly connected process of learning. We tend to think of teaching in a rigid, academic sense... Try to erase that image. That's not teaching, that's regurgitation; indoctrination. True teaching is an active, cyclical process of not only learning, but condensing and honing your own knowledge.
  21. @Amun exactly the same thing. Again, mu. Meaning, question not applicable, leading with false assumptions, question begging. Look up the Zen Mu koan.
  22. @SQAAD I'm not quite sure what you mean. If I lived in a different reality, then I would never meet you. So, by definition, doesn't everyone you meet have to share your current, inherent reality? Am I missing something? Of course people can be on different frequencies or levels of Consciousness, but everyone you've ever met shares your reality. Has to. Unless you're starting to doubt whether anyone else is real or not... That can't be possible, because if you were the only valid point of Consciousness in the universe, and the universe unfolded around solely you, then there would have to be something outside of you. You'd have to be living in some type of simulation, with another real world "out there," and that outer world would have to be nondual. The reason nonduality is the Ultimate truth is because everything is one, and it embraces the paradoxes we see out in the world. You; along with everyone you've ever met, is a sliver of this infinite consciousness, all one. As it has to be.
  23. @Amun Mu. The brain does not control your body, it is not the seat of Consciousness, it is just another perception. What is this "I" You speak of? Define it.
  24. Time is a strange beast. It'll enslave you. If you're really interested in Truth, then the illusion of time can't be something to put your hopes on. That's what everyone else does. "Give it more time, it'll work itself out." "Give a single cell billions of years of time, it'll turn into present-day nature." When has time EVER been on your side? Time is the only thing we don't have. Why would you trust in time if time is an illusion? It sounds like your metaphysics is still grounded in materialism (there are more subtle forms of it). The perspective that "change = distance divided by time" is useful for physics and modeling, but in your own life, you've recognized that all you have is the present moment. Hmmm, how do we make sense of this? From the conscious, present awareness that you are, what does "change" really mean? Is every single cell in your body not changing in every moment? And yet, does the background presence that you are ever change? What is change? How does that relate to your current understanding, and how could that relate to nonduality? How do you bring about change in your own life? And if you're inclined to say "well I need a goal and some time" then ponder whether there's a more direct path or understanding to be had. You may have many misconceptions about what spirituality really is. I highly recommend watching Leo's video on What is Spirituality. But ask yourself: What is spirituality? Is spirituality about meeting some other celestial beings? Woo-woo stuff? Or is it about knowing one's own spirit or self? What could be a higher calling than that. to truly know thyself? Any time you reach to grab Truth with your mind, you instantly take two steps back. Try to understand why this is always the case; it's more certain than the laws of physics. Then become directly conscious of how this happens in real time. Ask yourself: Am I aware? Did you need to think to come up with the answer? It's not a trick question. It's as direct as can be. If you had to think about the answer, then that's the problem right there. Awareness comes prior to thinking, reasoning, seeing, tasting, touching, feeling, emotions, everything. If you can truly understand and experience this, then that's as pure of a spiritual/mystical experience as you will ever get. If really hope I didn't just confuse you more, lol. Laugh. Love. Live. What more could you possible want? There seems to be an egoic longing within you still. Try to locate what that is. And don't attack it. Genuinely try to understand it. Every facet, every angle. Love it. Get to know yourself before you even begin to transcend.
  25. Day 5: Energy: 5 Awareness: 5 Sexual thoughts/urges: 3 Self-esteem: 4 Social confidence: 4 A coworker commented that I had lost weight, so that was nice! I've been eating healthier, and as a result I've probably lost 10 pounds over the last month or so. Making strides, boys!