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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. @LoveandPurpose Yes. Bringing conscious awareness into every mundane task in your life is key. Prioritize higher consciousness, and everything else will fall into place. This is not easy, but it can bring about radical transformation. The transformation that occurs within will be reflected out there. THIS IS NO SHORTCUT!! It is extremely difficult, so take this advice with caution. I'm not sure if you'd be ready to tackle your inner demons first, but it worked for me. I found this to be the most effective and rewarding method, because like you I'm impatient and not cut out for one change at a time. I demanded more from myself to make it happen, but man am I seeing results (that's not the point I'm after, I'm not chasing results, but just to give you an idea).
  2. Every stage will react to psychedelics based on their current values, simple. Blue is fundamentally closed off from psychedelics and would never touch them. If you tried to force it down their throats, they'd have a really bad trip and not glean anything from it. Orange would be open to psychs under the pretense of increased creativity and performance. You see this with people in silicon valley microdosing LSD to improve performance. That's all they care about. A nice side effect is that it's pushing orange into green. You're familiar with Green. A return to nature and wisdom of the self. Emotions and connection. This is the first stage that promotes psychedelic use because the benefits become so apparent. The values changed to community and love. I'm mostly at Yellow (I still have to integrate more green and femininity). Psychedelics are sacred tools for yellow. We're all about knowledge and being radically open-minded. Psychs are invaluable to better understanding ourselves and deconstructing the world. They allow us to take on new perspectives that were otherwise impossible or unimaginable. Turquoise is similar to yellow. But the emphasis is more on transcending the self. If you could put a stage on a particular psychedelic, then 5-meo would be turquoise. It's about gaining nondual experiences and being shown aspects of yourself as infinity. I doubt you can be at turquoise without having a nondual experience of infinite love. This doesn't HAVE to come from a psychedelic of course, but it's a much faster and direct path.
  3. One thing I've found is that you're MUCH more capable than you think. Anything is possible with a great enough vision and change in consciousness.
  4. Just curious, were you an addict? Was it a huge lifestyle change?
  5. Yes, there are some things that just don't line up with this type of work. Alcohol and other hard drugs being among them. I'm happy you found the strength to quit.
  6. @Aakash Only you can stop you. For you are God!
  7. @Hellspeed I believe you, that's actually fascinating and I've been wondering about this. People say that social media or internet isn't a true connection to people, but I believe it is. This example doesn't make sense that you experience the connection THROUGH the video game, I think it points to the connection that separate partitions of consciousness are focused on the same experience. Really think about the mechanics of this. Picture 10 guys in a room focused on a crystal ball in the center. All 10 minds are the same, just separate "partitions," and they're all connected. When all 10 focus on the same experience, a certain gateway perhaps opens up, and any one of the people can influence how the rest of the people experience the ball. Now back to the video game example, it's obvious that distance is not a factor. All 10 people are having essentially the same experience. Infinite consciousness recognizes that, and "syncs" up the 10 players. It's not what you do in the game, it's the fact you're having the same experience and influencing others directly. Wild...
  8. @Aakash Good work on the recontextualization, that makes this one step easier. Would you say that suffering is the identification with the ego?
  9. @EternalForest As long as you understand how those won't fulfill you, then that's all I wanted to get across. I'm not denying that video games can provide a sense of wonder or excitement, and I can even see them as tools of the future for raising consciousness. But 99% of video games today do not provide any of that. They are easily abused, and ultimately pull you into yet another hallucination, disconnecting you from yourself. Disconnect is the root of the video game fantasy. Appreciate that for what it is. Appreciate what game you're fundamentally playing here...
  10. Yes, this is a wonderful point. Imagine what a stage Yellow or Turquoise video game would be like! I can see immersive VR as potentially a tool for raising consciousness, but at the same time, noticing gaming's current trajectory, I see VR becoming a more consuming and destructive force. If you're passionate about video games, then I could see this as a potential avenue for amazing benefits for society. To help steer us away from our current path...
  11. @ingurix It's impossible to tell, so you should start experimenting with ways to fix it. Look at your diet and try different Nuutropics and supplements. Start a meditation and yoga practice if you haven't already. Try to get out in nature. Sleep 8-9 hours REGULARLY and AT THE SAME TIMES EVERY DAY. I can't stress that enough. And watch this interview, extremely insightful:
  12. @Gnosis thanks for sharing. This is also a greatly underappreciated aspect of music! Miles Davis in his album Kind of Blue mastered the spaces between the notes to a point where Ma feels tangible. I highly recommend a listen.
  13. @EternalForest I definitely resonate with what you're saying, as I've had some amazing, almost spiritual, experiences with Minecraft (shaders really help). However, my consciousness today is at a point where video games just end up making me feel empty inside. I resonate more with what @Hellspeed said. Nature is where it's at... nature heals your soul and raises your consciousness. Even if they make a virtual reality game that mimics the real world almost perfectly, it still won't be the same. There is a force, a healing energy that comes from nature and connection to oneself that should not be denied. Video games will never provide that.
  14. @Tony 845 There's no "best" method, as your best method is to try all methods and tools. Psychedelics are the main tool that you left out above, but they are not shortcuts or means to an end.
  15. @clouffy can you see how a person scoring 150 could also say the same things? It's all about perspective, the number itself is meaningless.
  16. @now is forever what is the difference between the muh and the Mu?
  17. @clouffy so? You think your current IQ has anything to do with your success? When it comes down to it, you can make a solid case for being either dumb or smart and capable. And at the end of the day, those are just labels. You cannot grow past the labels you put on yourself.
  18. Does a cow have Buddha nature? Mu ?.
  19. @TheWokestMan the thing holding you back is your lifestyle and lack of vision. I'd know, since I was in a similar situation not too long ago... You don't realize how destructive that is until you get outside it.
  20. Day 13: Energy: 3 Awareness: 3 Sexual thoughts/urges: 6 Self-esteem: 3 Social confidence: 3 Oof. Definitely an off day. Against my better judgment, I got baked last night and today, for the first time in 2 months. It's OK, but definitely made me tired. I know some people are the opposite, but for me perhaps it's not the right substance. Also it made me horny, which isn't a good thing now... Oh well, life goes on. I let my mindfulness during the day slip because I felt so tired. All of today just felt like an ego backlash. @Wisebaxter I was yesterday, but today was a backslide.
  21. That's an ideology. The year is 1895. Lord Kelvin declares that powered flight would be impossible. "Shortcuts in life don't exist. Man will always be bound to the earth," he'd say. The plane wasn't a shortcut, it was a faster mode of travel. We've been "shortcutting" ourselves, that is to say advancing, forever and will continue to do so. Psychedelics aren't Shortcuts; they're technology that have been used for spirituality for thousands of years. Drugs have been at the center of every spiritual tradition since the beginning of time. Lol. And the proper use of not only natural substances but new ones like lsd, mdma, and 5-meo will be at the forefront for personal growth headed into the future.
  22. Observation and practicing present, conscious awareness. ❤️
  23. Day 12: Energy: 4 Awareness: 4 Sexual thoughts/urges: 4 Self-esteem: 4 Social confidence: 3 Off day, didn't do much.
  24. @ivory It's understandable that you'd think that, but that's a narrow view fed to you by your society. The best leaders are yellow. You've gotta take a more nuanced and big-picture perspective of what leadership really is.