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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. yes i agree. this is a very deep knowing indeed unsure about the awakened state but the ego-states during the search... those can be scary with this take someone going thru a negative trip or even a negative time in general the depression feeds of the negative emotion... and since we manifest that emotion which we feel, the incredibly dense negative emotions compound and multiply and increase exponentially so when one asks/thinks "can it get any worse?" it actually freekin does! lame but real example, let's say if we can quantify pain somehow... like if someone was feeling the pain of 1000 bee stings and they feel can it get any worse... that pain level will increase from 1000 to 10,000 to 100,000 and so on... without end and awareness being what it is, WILL BE AWARE OF EACH OF THOSE INCREMENTS.... that's why people who get stuck in those hellish trips.. they really truly are in hell... seems like eternity also!
  2. Yao Quick one here. It is inevitable that all us living in the duality based reality see that we control our own thoughts. In the infinite possibilities of the Absolute, there has to be this exact case - otherwise the set would not be Infinite. You just happen to be currently witnessing this particular iteration. There exists also a version of reality in which the general population is born and due to the social consciousness level of that reality, is born and remains enlightened. So again, (about thought control / free will illusion) when people often ask and say "well, it just totally feels like I have control, like look, I am gonna move my hand at will (*they move their hand). See I have control, how can you I don't? Or if you're saying that I don't then it sure feels impossible." Actually jokes on them, they don't even exist
  3. Yes, this is all an illusion. Yes, this is Maya. Yes, the goal is to ultimately be free of the this suffering and separation. But, I think there is so much to be gained for the "collective-consciousness" of the society / world we share if understanding used from the devine insights are translated into modern science/physics work - to advance the understanding for the common folk who are too narrow minded to study spirtuality or have a radically different paradigm shift. I have yet to have major insights/understandings in my own direct experince, but from the few I have had, I understood some deep aspects I would like to share. I also would like to say, that depending on our background, what it is we had studied/learned in our life prior to the path of self-actualization/spirtulaity - the insights one gets on this path can be used to understand that work, that much more deeply. Example if Einstein had a DMT experince he would have understood and got devine download of some advanced physics formulas / conceptual understanding vs someone who isnt from that background would get I was very interested in phsysics, time/space before i somehow found the path to dmt - lsd - Leo's videos and from there the rest of the spirtuality stuff Here is what I feel I understand about this current reality in which we live in LIGHT is what GOD is. or infinite consiouness is. a Light particle experices no time... granted the universe is infinite, but lets imagine for a second that a photon of light left the far left end of the universe and arrived at the infintely far-right end of the universe... to that photo, no time has passed. this is what physics tells us. from the relative point of view, the photo went from "past" a present and then in future, arrived to the end point but for photon, it all happened "NOW" in the eternal NOW.. the photon of light (consiouness/soul of God?) which is how it can be said we know of the world experinces all past,present,future simultaneiously. just like how we say God knows it all at once. infact, all reality as Leo says, exists as this one giant infinte block/object of past/present/future all together. so God/Light, expericincing no "time" see it all at once another thing is this, in phsysics, the one true constant is that of the speed of light now Leo said this in one of his videos that reality is groundless. there is no limit which can be - so that speed of light limit is just what it is measured to be in this current level of reality.. be that as it may, there is still one thing that can be said about that. it is that we can NEVER GO PAST THAT SPEED OR EVEN AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT. we can go at 99.9999999999% of speed of light and the crazy thing about that is: to the person travelling at 99.9999999999% speed of light, light is still travelling at its full speed. so when one travels fast, he is constanly transitioning to a new level of reality in which that light speed is measured at its natural rate. this is how time flows differently at each level. in the twins paradox, the fact that his other twin is now older than him means the space-twin literally travelled into a different universe where this is the case
  4. yes quran's teachings as understood by most muslims is that separate soul and then god that separate self being talked about is just the ego-life we all live the essence of the existance of each us is, is God God/Allah says he is closer than the jugular vein to us... implying no distance
  5. There is no such thing as good or evil - from God's perspective (from no-perspective) One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter/hero. It's all relative. My understanding based on Leo's views/videos about reality being just a bunch of distinctions which each of us make and agree upon in our set of reality which we are in now. Ruper Spira often refers to all this as the "screen" and whatever appears on it is a "modulation" of that screen And as Leo says, reality is absolutely free to be whatever it wants to me - whatever can exist in whichever way, exists so that being said, our current universe with this current story and the context is just 1 out of the infinite rendering of reality The two images I am attaching is how I understand it from God's view. Take the random pixels first. if i were to ask you this about it: Is it good or evil? what would you say... ? and the picture showing a burning man being clubbed by another man, is that good or evil? as we are able to see/identify the "distinctions" which make up the man/fire/the act happening - we may say it is evil but to God - it is no different than the random pixels picture. to God - it is all one image/rendering. it is alive. all over. that's just it. it is one. one without distinctions and that is why it is said that from the ultimate prespective, there is no good/evil and no many other things like life/death etc.. all oppisites breakdown at the God's prespective... things go full-circle... all are seen as the two sides of the same coin... a coin which is actually side-less ... no DISTANCE
  6. Hi All, My first post/topic here. Nice to meet you all, God bless. I have a question about the state/experience of enlightenment. I like to read about the "moment of enlightenment" for people... About how it happened for them, or what they saw/felt/experienced. For example: for Sadhguru, he says when he first experienced enlightenment, his vision became 360°. Is that something which would happen to every enlightened being? Does Rupert Spira for example have this too? Or is that state something which is temporary also? Many spiritual teachers whose content I follow on YouTube - Mooji, Francis, Rupert, Eckhart, Adyashanti... So when these teachers are sitting there in Satsang and teaching, are they in that state? With 360° vision and all? Or is that a state they can easily go to at will? Also when leo did that live enlightenment video and when he says this is absolute infinity etc... Is he seeing 360° around him? Or conscious of the whole reality? Second question: When people on the path of enlightenment / spirituality say that they have had "glimpses" What is that being referred to? Is that once again to the experience of enlightenment? But it's very brief and without ego-death? Are those people you see in some videos on YouTube in Mooji's Satsang / papaji etc who are having a moment of awakening... Is that the real awakening which Buddah/Mooji/Sadhguru have or is that a glimpse?
  7. Damn oh shit hahaha Mind blown Bless up! Fuck the egos! Lol Long live Divine Or shall I say, Eternal live Divine
  8. Damn Something about this just put things into perspective for me. Thanks. That was good "The movie didn't happen" It "apparently" happens... But I'm reality, it doesn't
  9. @Leo Gura What puzzles me is this... after your EGO-DEATH when you returned to this body-mind of Leo Gura... the consciousness which currently embodies it (even though it's now orders of magnitude different as you may say) is aware of the same old Leo's thoughts, memories etc. So even thought there is no each of us... the consiouness which apparatnely embodies each of our body-minds knows that body-mind's story... ughhh... i know i should just figure this out on my on... but blah slow and steady. one day. inshaa allah
  10. @Quanty wow... I hope to see these one day... Is there anywhere on the site where you have posted how your awakening happened? Could you share me that link or post if you have. Thanks
  11. Hey All, Again, this is not my personal experience but rather intellectual understanding based on my reading of trip reports and Leo's/Other Guru's videos. Here it is. Leo has been reincarnated. Leo and all those who have had "breakthroughs" on DMT/SHROOM/LSD etc trips. How so? Leo, as well as other people's trip reports I have read say this: "I died." That is how they see the truth. upon their death. Call it ego-death or whatever, but as Leo has said this many times - ego-death vs our normal definition of physical death, are really the same thing. Ego-Death isn't anything less than the "REAL-Physical" death of a person. Now where is the "reincarnation"? Many trip reports I have read, people say that they spent an eternity in that state of one-ness, of eternal bliss or whatnot etc before "returning" back to their bodies. Now people say this also, that when we are born, we "choose" to incarnate in a certain body, knowing all well what we intend to do in that lifetime of the person we are being born as. So what we can say is this, when people who just take these substances have a breakthrough experience where they have an ego-death - they then "choose" to come back to this reality. They come back fresh from having downloaded all those insights in their heads. All the questions answered. and with that knowledge etched in their subconsious, they are usually in that bliss-full state for the 1st few days / weeks after that breakthrough trip. Slowly they integrate back to the earthly life (those who are not on the spirtual path more quickly than the one who has taken the subtance knowing about this) so basically, their previous self before the trip is literally dead. They come back as the "new" version/life of themselves. and this is no different than reincarnation. unsure what mechanism is upon physical-death where the body dies and there isn't anything to return back to... then you maybe "choose" or incarnate near the timeline of ur death... except when we incarte after physical-death, this is done in baby-infant form. where all those insights that we know of, and even the memory of that place, is all lost. even in a fully grown adult state, the experince is barely recalled and whatever is recalled is also said to be a mere pointer and not even 1% of what was witnessed. i feel like this maybe all over the place but yeah, my insight about this is in here somewhere i hope
  12. @Leo Gura Question please. For someone like yourself who has had many breakthrough/enlightening experiences... how does that compare to Sadhguru/Ruper Spira/Mooji etc? Like for them, during their each individual path, they have surrenedered and detached so much that when they finally had the last layer stripped away from them of the ego, they are able to remain in that state permanently? so for you, when you did the 1-month off goal for May 2018 - that was an attempt to become like them? in permanent state of bliss? you are not able to remain in that state as they are because you still have some ego/attachments left? just trying to understand the process... i dont know if i overthink this tbh... like often, i wonder if that "infinite love that one feels like they are drowning in" is a state that all these sages can just tap into at will thruout the day?
  13. Wow... I get a reply from The Man himself. It's an honor Sir Leo! Thank you for the explanation! I suppose whatever the true experience may be, is indeed absolutely ineffable.