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Everything posted by Hansu

  1. At first I thought this would be about a certain experimental school in Helsinki, but after watching the video I can confirm that its very accurate depiction of the average school here.
  2. So, I have tried dopamine detox twice now on two separate sundays. My plan is to bleed the dopamine detox days to the saturday and occasionally to weekdays, but first I want to build a habit of doing it on sundays. I have noticed that a lot of the distractions that get me off of studying and self actualizing are high dopamine inducing. When I make a conscious decision to bar myself from doing the distracting activities altogether, doing self-actualization activities like reading on Kriya Yoga becomes very easy. Its like "Eh, cant go to Youtube so I might aswell read". Fascinating. Dopamine detox days are great at helping you to reflect what kind of activities are very harmful and distracting to you. I even noticed that Actualized.org is a distraction to me. So, Im going to limit myself to check the forum just once a day. I guess it was my braind way to supplement social media, which I already quit altogether.
  3. In school we were taught that xylitol (A form of sugar) feeds good bacteria in your mouth while the karies bacteria (teeth consuming bacteria) cannot ingest it. So supposedly xylitol works by increasing the amount of good bacteria in your mouth relative to the bad karies bacteria, so the karies bacteria has harder time fighting for resources and spots to live and multiply when you eat food. You are supposed to chew xylitol chewing gum after every meal. Then again, this could have been just some lobbyist bullshit to push their product on every schoolchild in Finland.
  4. Why is Apple supposed to give a free platform for developers? It also makes any old game and program playable on the latest Windows without having to go through hoops I once bought a Mac Mini from 2006 just to see how it looks like. The UI is surprisingly sleek even in todays standards.
  5. https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-mobile-android-vs-ios-which-is-more-secure.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/14/apple-refuses-barr-request-to-unlock-pensacola-shooters-iphones.html "The company still refuses to build what it calls a “backdoor” for law enforcement to its encryption, believing such a tool could be exploited by anyone if created and compromise the security of all its users." When it comes to phones and tablets, Apple is definitely the more secure platform out there.
  6. They take user privacy very seriously. Even the older phones get regular updates, which is a very good thing for security. Their business model is a little shady tho, as they are attempting to make their phones impossible to repair in small shops. They also dont do great optimization on new iOS versions for older phones, which along the intentional CPU power reduction seems to be simply to make a new phone more appealing.
  7. Is unconditional love related to any spiral dynamics stage? If it is, is it a negative or positive side of that stage?
  8. From ego perspective, I think beauty is longing for an idea. Your dream, no matter how small like a jewel, manifested in material world. Once you immerse yourself with the beautiful thing, it becomes ordinary. Like a trophy wife, beauty can also be used to boost your ego in social circles.
  9. I'd say that you would get more out of reading story writing theory and reading novels while paying attention to how the theory apply to the novels. Personally I would love to learn how to explain my ideas on the spot. Its easy on a forum as you have all the time in the world to write, but a lot harder during live discussion.
  10. Im not Leo, but there is big difference between the average joe and average user of this forum. I've noticed that self-actualizators question teachings more in general. The average joe in other hand takes whatever an authority tells them and believes its good. My favourite teaching from Leo is "Dont believe anything I say, experience it yourself"
  11. If you want to still support the channels you watch on phone, you can download Auto Skip Ads Pro from play store. It mutes the ads and skips them after the minimum wait time. Its also Google approved app, so it shouldnt do anything shady in the background. Its not perfect tho. Sometimes it dont autoskip or block ads, but it does work 99% of time.
  12. @Farnaby The bright side is that the more people talk about these issues, the more these traits are understood and discovered by the general public. Also, people who benefit from understanding why they are different discover the help they need easier. However, it is a double edged sword. People who bullshit themselves and others with their fake or true mental traits/disorders create prejudice not only against themselves, but also against those who actively do work on their problems. So dont write your mental traits/disorders on your CV.
  13. I dont have any problems mentally anymore, and I am a highly sensitive person. Being aware of this fact helps me to understand my emotions and reactions better. This awareness is just a tool for me, nothing more. But I can see how some people could use this kind of self-identification as an excuse to be an asshole or not take responsibility for ones action. Like demanding "Im highly sensitive person, so you must not say offhand comments about me" while in reality that person should learn to accept that offhand comments are a thing. Id say that give people the benefit of doubt. If they are bullshitting themselves with these self-identifications, just make a mental note and dont care
  14. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Nah, Im just pulling your legs. My fears are on-off, and most of the time they are off. So I cant pinpoint what I fear Companionless is probably the closest.
  15. I came across a really good video that explains brilliantly why social media is so toxic to your life. The video doesn't only explain social media, but also why other easy dopamine sources cause problems in our lives. However, social media has a negativity twist that makes it even worse.
  16. Did you do the detox just once, or are you doing them every weekend?
  17. Something is a little off about this thread. Seems like a troll to me. On the off chance tho, do you want sex offenders to spend more time in prisons to punish them or to reform them? You do know that USA prisons are more like relapse centers than reform centers right?
  18. I have a problem with grudges within myself. Often I think about an action I took that was incredibly stupid and the feeling of shame and regret overwhelms me. These memories span all the way to my early childhood. Basically these memories never get old. For example, about 8 years ago I hit my friend for no reason. I have NEVER hit my friends before that and I will NEVER hit them again. But this memory comes back to me time and time and I just feel so ashamed and regret my actions from 8 years ago. Recently I came up with a decision, that I wanted to say sorry to my friend I hit, but I think he wouldn't really care about that apology. I think he would just brush it off as "Lol ok, I didnt even remember that". Still I wanted to do the apology, and today I realized something: Im not making an apology to him, Im making an apology to myself! And weirdly by wanting to love him, I would be giving love to myself. Then I realized, that my problem could be in lack of self-love? Am I demonizing the results of my actions in such a scale that I hate myself for doing things that dont really even matter or are long forgotten, and as a result Im creating pain and suffering for things that warrant no pain nor suffering? Is self-love something I should focus on next, or does my problem stem from somewhere else?
  19. Yeah, I always thought this was just a stepping stone towards something more powerful. Nevertheless, it feels so powerful in comparison to everything else I've ever realized in self help that it feels supernatural
  20. Yes, I learned this through the video "Power of self-acceptance". Now whenever if I guilt myself, I do the visualization of attaching the thing that guilts me into myself and then giving myself love from an incredebly powerful source I found. This doesnt only help me with self-acceptance, but with every overwhelming emotion I have. It can even dissolve physical pain momentarily (couple seconds). I've thought about turning it into some sort of physical pain acceptance meditation
  21. So, I figured I should write an update on my progress. I now do this every day. The second I feel a "negative" emotion, I go through the visualization, and all the negativity just melts away. When that negativity comes back, its much less powerful. On strong, overwhelming emotions it usually takes me 2-3 days to fully dissolve the emotion, and to return to a peaceful mind. Its incredible. It helps me so much when I can just move the emotions away and think through my thoughts without judgement or shame or anything. Sometimes all I need is to just realize that the thing aggrevating me is a part of me, and immediately I return to a peaceful mind. Im living less and less in the past, and Im much more focused on the present as my thoughts cant jail me anymore. If you are also a highly sensitive person, you should definitely try this out! It will help you to not get stuck in others negativity if they manage to suck you in. Its incredible!
  22. Nope. I have shared parts of my past here that would be taken out of context, and I would be cancelled in a heart beat.
  23. @Leo Gura Just because male to female rape happens significantly more often than female to male rape, that does not mean that its okay to normalize female to male rape by saying that its the males own fault for not overpowering the rapist. Mental lockdown can prevent anyone from acting rationally, like trying to stop someone smaller than you raping you.
  24. Hey So, I've found visualization very powerful. But I have a problem with the consistensy. Sometimes I can do really powerful visualization, sometimes it falls flat and I just cant visualize. This is especially a problem when I need to do a visualization multiple times in a row. Like when Im angry, and I want to integrate whatever Im angry about to myself with self-love, and so stabilize my thinking mind. Sometimes it takes multiple 2-3 second visualizations to achieve stillness of the mind, which is a problem if my consciousness decides to not play along. Is there a way to achieve a state where I could visualize consistently whenever I am where ever I am?
  25. @seeking_brilliance Sounds interesting. Like a token that represents a bridge between me, the universe and a source of infinite love. So when I imagine this token, whatever emotion Im feeling is connected to the universe, me and infinite love. I will do this and report here how it works.