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Everything posted by Hansu

  1. I agree that children should not be on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, but I dont see that people would ever rally against vegans. People are too self-centered to do so. The average person is more likely cheering that in their perspective, they are better at raising their kids. Until we have a societies that are capable of doing quality research, what we need is to increase education around healthy vegan diet, and around effects of malnutrition. Even in Finland the schools dont teach much about malnutrition, except the obvious stuff like vitamin C deficiency (Yeah, you probably are malnutritioned if your teeth fall out, duh)
  2. I started vegetarian diet 2 weeks ago and I was pretty shocked how nutritionally low some of the foods I googled were, no wonder there are vegetarians/vegans who get sick when they eat like shit.
  3. So far my favourite has been throwing different kinds of vegetables, onions, chilipeppers etc on the pan and frying them in olive oil, then throwing some cooked brown rice in there too and frying it. Its easy, it smells freaking awesome and its tasty. A good tip for those who dont want to wash pans when making oatmeal: Put the oatmeal with salt in a bowl, pour heated water and then put a lid, say a plate on top, and let it cook for 5 minutes. The result is like the oatmeal was done in a pan. Its perfect way to do the breakfast if you hate the consistency you get from microwave. I have to say, after a week on vegetarian diet I have already have my energy levels going rapidly up and cravings for food and candy going down. I didnt even have any precognitive idea of what happens when you start vegetarian diet, I just thought "Lets see what happens".
  4. I can see the logic behind that. But it also goes both ways. Lets say that the media stays "responsible" in the eyes of the government, it could have conservative effect. Something like use of marijuana or LSD in a TV-show could be prohibited by the directors because "Hey, lets stay responsible. We dont want to promote use of illegal drugs!" EDIT: but yeah, USA school system should definitely teach pupils to question media
  5. I dont know if schools teach media literacy where you come from, but its about taking responsibility to confirm whether something you hear on media is legit or not. To me it sounds like the root problem goes deeper than just having people discussing freely. General stupidity cant be cured by Joe Rogan censoring himself or his guests.
  6. Could be a sign of salt deficiency? Try eating without salt and see if you stop craving it. I found my salt deficiency through eating popcorn. I felt much better when doing so, and after I begun to add more salt on my foods I lost my appetite for popcorn.
  7. Im playing devils advocate here saying that, perhaps the individual in the picture has the need to emit an image of wisdom of him/herself. After all, when you have an ego death, dont the ego take the steering wheel back with force? Maybe some's ego spins this ideal so that they need to start showing how enlightened they are, an ego trap to slow them in the journey. They dont show off how enlightened they are by talking big words, but showing it with their presence so we wouldnt notice. To us they seem highly enlightened with their presence, but maybe we never see what they could become. Again, Im playing devils advocate here and dont mean to insult any sages
  8. You could check out if your local waters have crabs in them. You can then get a fishing permit and start crabbing. The bad side about crabs is that they must be cooked immediately after you kill them, because they begin to rot immediately. And if you dont have heart to kill one... Well, thats a problem too. Just dont kill them by throwing them into boiling water, stun them and pierce their brains first.
  9. Yeah, its a puzzle. Maybe they created an image in their head that anyone who follows Trump has to see where he went wrong and immediately reverse all of those things they perceived as wrong doing (Im trying to stay objective, I dont have an opinion on Trump)
  10. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/10/biden-says-he-wouldd-veto-medicare-for-all-as-coronavirus-focuses-attention-on-health.html I mean... Has he even promised to act on those things? I googled medicare for all and he opposed it last year in march. Why would he have turned his jacket now? (Apologies if CNBC is not reliable source) As a non-american all I care is the USA military activity is increasing in the middle east. Seems to be the case with every president of USA that they want to continue or increase military presence in foreign countries.
  11. I can see a good use for it with AR glasses, if they can make the reading nodes invisible. Like imagine wanting to look at a sign that is 20 meters away, but you cant figure out what it says? Well, just send a signal and and a small window appears in the AR-display, which then zooms to the sign automatically just by using mind control to control whether the camera zooms closer, further, up, down etc. I have wanted to build glasses like these since my childhood, too bad Im in the wrong industry. I have thought about switching to tech, specifically XR-technologies once I get enough experience in my current field tho.
  12. Damn, cool! Or even making it so that pharmacies had some kind of DIY-kit device to fast-immunize ten people at a time. Just have booths where people sit and put the DIY-kit on, check that its properly on, push a button to inject and go to next patient. One pharmacist could easily immunize one person every 5 seconds.
  13. That's blind democracy for you. Its easy to hate someone when all you can see about them is their name and text, maybe an avatar. This is why I don't generally like up and downvote systems. Upvotes are okay, when they don't dictate who's comment gets the best spots in the discussion.
  14. I wrote a detailed review on a 3D printer on a 3D printing subforum, I was shadowbanned for having 0 karma. I never wrote another message on Reddit and don't intend to. The karma system is just bad. @charlie cho They dont downvote your for making a low quality post, they downvote you because they disagree with you and want to have opinions reflecting their ideas appear on the top of comment list.
  15. ... You must have money laying around like it was trash
  16. This forum is full of people aware of the spiral dynamics, and if I'm not wrong, I'd say that people generally work towards being at least yellow. Everyone here who has watched Leo's mini-series on spiral dynamics should have no problem accepting stage green's flaws. If you have watched the series with focus, you don't suddenly start to hate green just because someone made a thread criticising it. This is literally a non-issue. Stop being overprotective.
  17. @Parththakkar12 I've always thought that left and right don't understand each other correctly. They always project their own ideas on words that the opposite uses, completely missing the point the other tries to make. I always thought about researching this topic and try to make generalizations about it, but then I got disinterested on governmental politics. It's mentally exhausting and I rather work on something more productive.
  18. Kinda like how people lump European countries into one. When it happens, I usually roll my eyes and disregard whatever the person says. Especially since it's often used as a strawman by someone who lives outside Europe or by someone from Europe who wants to feel superior compared to someone else outside. There is 160 distinct cultural groups in Europe, it's very ignorant to generalize these into just "Europe" EDIT: Oh, and this only applies on something positive.
  19. Yes, sounds great! Exactly what I had in my mind! I can't wait to listen to it
  20. Is it possible to make a guided visualization that draws parts of the scenario from our unconscious mind? Like a guided tour to our unconscious world? Something that has potential to change each time you listen to the track again?
  21. My experience with two reports through PM's was that both of my reports were handled within 24 hours and disciplinary action was taken on the reported users.
  22. This forum has a report button. You can also report discreetly by private messaging a moderator. Please use these methods instead of being a part of degrading a topic. Nobody wants to read 5 messages of two people bickering at each other like elementary children.
  23. @Fredodoow I used to get triggered by this same ignorance, but then I realized that 99.99% of the ignorant no-name internet personalities have no political power and never will, because they are fucked in the head living in their small bubbles. Only the mentally ill people think that *insert attribute here* makes someone less of a human, and they will never get to a position of power.
  24. Let me first address the title of this topic. I am not a christian wish gay away type of person, I have not "found the truth", and I love each and every one of you no matter your orientation. I don't think you can change sexuality, its an unique piece of your personality that only you yourself can discover, and nobody on a forum can tell you what you can and cant do with your sexual orientation. So, let me tell you my short story of how I found myself to be bisexual, and how I later found the hetero inside. I became bisexual at the age or roughly 15 years old. I noticed that I liked gay porn more and more. I also found plenty of homosexual friends on the internet with whom I still keep in touch. My preference would be 50/50, and I never had a clear definition of being gay or hetero or bi. I did a lot of contemplation of things such as "Could I be effeminate homosexual in denial?" and even made a thread of this question here on Actualized.org. I never contemplated being hetero, it was out of question. I was closeted until I turned 25, finished college and moved into a city. There I began dating guys, met few for some time and got into a few months dating with one. Here the problems arose: At first it was fun and all, but then I began noticing that the men I dated didn't make me sexually aroused after a while. Instead, they began to repulse me sexually. This has never happened with the women I've dated. Never. Some of the women I've dated have been worse looking on "a scale" than the men I've dated, but still the women never began to repulse me. And this is when I made my realization: All of those gay videos I have watched has really, really attractive men. They look good, they are all shaved and gay sex in porn never gets dirty like it does in real life. Meanwhile, when I look at hetero porn, they are not always 10/10. There is much more slack in my preference when I watch hetero porn. And this is not only about the looks, this is also about the personality. I want to have a feminine partner. Problem is, I don't like a feminine gay personality. So I believe that looking for that clean and good looking porn and all those years of discussing with my gay friends, making sexual jokes and chatting with them in general made me think I am bisexual. However, when I began to date men, the reality hit me hard. I only like really clean, polished men. Im not denying my attraction to good looking men, I will be attracted to porn for all my life. But when my preferences are so specific, clean and fantastical, they can exist nowhere else but in my fantasy and imagination. As soon as the light of everyday life is shone on my fantasy, it withers. This text is really crude and might come off as somewhat superficial, but its not really easy to distill 10 years of experience in just a few paragraphs. Just trust me when I tell you that I have a lot of hours on contemplation and experience to know that I've finally found my own sexuality. I made this topic not only because I wanted to share my story, but also to possibly help other bi men who are struggling: I hope it gives you a new point of view where from to look at your sexuality. If your experience is mainly from gay porn, contemplate on being hetero. PS: Biphobes don't bother. Im not answering a single comment that questions bisexuality as an orientation. EDIT: Maybe it's a little harsh to say that I am not bisexual. Like people have commented on this thread, sexuality is a spectrum. Thing is, while dating men I found myself to be hetero-romantic bisexual with really strong prefence to women, like 95-5 preference in favor of women and my attraction to men is more so an aesthetical attraction and less of sexual one.