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Everything posted by Galyna

  1. What if I tell you that there is no such thing as memory, what you call memory is information that is catered to this dream character as it appears in so called time and space reality. Everything has been catered to this illusory dream persona: memory, life history, time - space continuum. In fact, all these attributes create You. YOU ARE A PROCESS, right, since you do not exist, but when those characteristics of reality merge together and are spliced they create you! And now, my friend, your biggest issue is that you clearly see it. You clearly see that you can not be found anywhere, it was just a glitch in consciousness. And this scares you the most, how come that I am not real, how come that I do not exist.... An idea has recognized itself as an idea (because you are not a human being) and now it does not want to give up. It cries, it tries to compromise, to do anything to survive. And you seeing it as not real. It disappears in the light of your awareness cause you can not fool yourself anymore. IT does not want to die. But it is dying, no choice here, you can not go back...sorry. This is the hardest part, resurrection of ego.
  2. @ivankiss There is no one at home! That is the point, no one behind the scene. Reality is a verb but not a noun. Conversation happens on its own and no one needed for it to happen. It is really amazing, mind blowing. Also realize that mind loves conceptual thinking and language is a barrier here. Would help a lot of seekers if they lose ability to speak and understand human languages. I also wrote about how language creates meaning. Actually, “we are “at the beginning, not at the end of the path…. Also, this fear of yours is directly connected to this center you call “I”. You are not scared to die. You are scared to lose the idea , which is not real anyway. Death will never happen. Mind will rearrange “reality” and you won’t be you anymore but will be continued as “something else”. But ofc existence will never disappear. So every single attribute your mind uses to construct this personal reality for this character will be demolished. Death is very similar to a night dreaming. You will disappear as a solid Ivan and reappear as something else, exactly what you do every night . Do you remember Ivan when dreaming? Do you care about his current life? You don’t even know sometimes that Ivan exists.
  3. I know exactly what you are talking about, therefore I was asking you : who was there to register the experience, when you said awareness becomes aware of itself, first I thought it was your mind playing a game of separation, since there is no one there to register it. here is what I wrote three years ago about my non-dual experience: In order to understand Oneness, one has to receive the experience of being Nothing. As soon as you pass through the experience of being nothing, this thought about others vs. me would never occur in your mind. The only difficulties on my way to understanding and grasping that everything is one was in fact the belief in the so-called POV. Once you become raw experience - literally become a raw experience where "being" (hearing, seeing, feeling, and perceiving) just happens - you would not experience such a thing as POV. At that particular time, you will lose the sense of self and you will become nothing. When you become nothing you would not have any registration whatsoever of the particular moment of time. You literally become a raw experience. When this happens, you can only recognize that when experience has already taken place, but not when you are fully in it, because there is no one to register that experience. When you retrospect about losing yourself, you see that you literally became nothing - there was no one behind the scenes, just raw experience. Raw experience does not hold ownership, therefore there is no such things as others or me. There is only this experience. Which feels like never happened when you think about it. Call it a dream if you want. But it never happened. So, in order to understand if others exist or not, get rid of your current POV. And the way to do it is to become awareness that is not aware of itself and relax and go with the flow. Once you pass through this experience and you literally become nothing, the question about "me vs. other" will resolve on its own. All you need to do is to change the paradigm, not in your mind, but rather, you're getting rid of your POV here, which is on your way to a bigger understanding. Being aware of being aware is the first, initial, and important step to become nothing. The second step will be full relaxation where you are not aware anymore of the observer, you just become what you are observing. Once you're there, it will lead you to the experience of becoming nothing. When you become nothing, you would understand that there is no such thing as others. The topic about solipsism will be closed forever. Please don't be too strict about my works -- I'm using a linguistic language to frame this concept.
  4. @ivankiss very poetic description…. Thanks for sharing. can you please elaborate on it? Because in all honesty”awareness recognizes itself as awareness “? How? By which means? There should be a distance between the observation and the observable. However, awareness is non dual, so to speak. Is it possible that it is still a mind playing tricks on itself ?
  5. Oh look who is here in my thread! My old friend, Sommie! Hello, hello…😊 you actually love suffering as well. Train your attention and become directly aware of it. You love your identity, your ego, everything you call “yourself “. You love how you think , how you see the world with this filter through your own personal experience. This attachment to the idea of “I” creates suffering as well, when something doesn’t align with your needs and desires. You pity yourself. All of us do. And you actually feel subtle pleasure in this process. Think about this: if you don’t like something in your life, you go and change it. Right? What is preventing you from happiness? Fear, right. So here comes this vicious cycle. You are unhappy but afraid of uncertainty that change might bring into your life. You pity yourself and suffer, becoming a victim of life circumstances. But do you understand that you can absolutely achieve anything you want. It depends directly on your faith. As soon as you have faith that you can achieve something and desire for it, everything is possible. So suffering is not real either. If we are truly honest: we are staying in a crappy life situation because we have hidden benefits in it.
  6. @Yimpa you are so welcome. Glad my post could help! 🙏😊
  7. Don’t seek the depth in the Other, there is no depth like Yours…. One day Love eventually comes back home. It has been outside desperately looking for something in the external world…looking for “this treasure”. It was close to “touch the God”, so so so close… and it failed again this time. My beloved lover disappeared like a snow on the sunny day. This woman in love disappeared with him as well. Was the experience real? Yes. Did it mean to be? No. You want to be cynical and say: “I don’t care, everything is illusory in this world. It comes and goes. I will stand up and walk on my path again….” But wait…sense what you feel inside. These feelings that you are experiencing, they are REAL! Yes, the characters in this dream you call life, are illusory! But feelings are REAL. And when you observe this reality with sensory organs it is not just a dry perception happens to no one. Perception is real. Perception is feeling. And you are IT. You are this perception. You are FEELING. You can brush aside everything but still…you are feeling it. And you become it. You are a pain, you are a compassion, you are a hurt, you are a sadness. As you walk this path suffering and pain eventually grows into joy and harmony. Some of these feelings will go away, some of them will stay for a long time.Maybe for the rest of your life! But those feelings will not stay with you but rather you will be these feelings! And every feeling will give life to another feeling and so on and so forth. This is what karma truly is. Your mind will be looking for the meaning, it will assign the significance to each and every person or event that will happen. But leave it aside. You do not need meanings all the time,Reality is a Feeling. Love is a feeling; it is not a noun….it is a verb. Faces will change, people always come and go, names, places, circumstances…but feeling is ever present, so near, closer than your skin. Prior to each inhale and exhale. And you are IT. Don’t let destructive emotions to toy you around. In the long run, you turn around just to see that everything is on its place. Everything is for the greater purpose. And what you can do is to truly love, no matter what, despite everything, not a person, but to love Love itself! It enriches you; it transcends you; it picks you up from the devouring abyss of despair. It rescues you when no one is around. It gives you strength when your lover betrays you. It wakes you up from the worst and darkest nightmare of your life. Nothing really matters with time. This is how Love gets back home and takes its place, which it left long time ago.
  8. Love doesn’t divide. But in a long run, Love as we know it is just a concept that our mind is clinging to so desperately. I am not denying it I am just saying, love is beyond and prior to any concepts. You need a good amount of awakening to see it.
  9. Beautifully said! I agree. But sometimes to get there, personality has to suffer a hell a lot.
  10. no, you are not the one who is observing. Observation happens to no one. Personality is a collection of various phenomenon. you are none of it. Sensual phenomenon creates a human being that you think you are. In reality there is no nouns, only verbs. There are processes that happen to no one.
  11. Relatively speaking, from a paradigm of a human being, not from a paradigm of an Absolute Consciousness! Freedom is when you align your intrinsic authentic desires with your external needs. Love yourself in your actualization. You do not have to throw "the game" in the trash, you can always enjoy the "character"
  12. @StarStruck @StarStruck whenever you put your attention, there you become! Just switch your attention to some motor activities.
  13. Pure effortless awareness is very important in everyday “meditation” (let’s call it self-remembering). As soon as “you” lose the awareness, the flow starts to construct “you” on autopilot. But if the awareness is there, five senses are drowning in the perception. “I” starts to dissolve. What do I mean here by “awareness”? When “you” acknowledge any mind activity within, any thought. “You” literally acknowledge how the mind creates and assigns “I”, “me”, “my” and/or “mine” to any activity at play. It always speaks in a possessive case, rather than subjective and objective. When “you” lose this effortless awareness, the thought process starts to create "you" as a separate individual. As soon as this happens, even right at this second, “you” cannot catch and notice it anymore. Now "you" have been formed as a human being. Human being is an illusion. Practice the following: total full relaxation. Thoughts come and go. Notice them and let them go before they start to construct a human being. Before they capture, curve this “I” and start to develop an individual with a story line within space and time. (None of these exist in actuality) You are a collection of thoughts, please notice it. You do not exist as a human without language and conceptual knowledge. Ultimately everything boils down to 5 senses. Remove language. Conceptual level forms you as a human being. All “you” have to do is to develop enough attention to notice this. There is no one at home, nothingness....and "you" do not exist.
  14. @Bobby_2021 I do have an account but I don’t post spiritual content there. Maybe I should. I need to upload my writings on the website.
  15. That is not God, that is conceptual thinking, which is MIND! "In front", "behind", "beyond and above" do not exist and merely are figments of your imagination. Let's not exalt a regular phenomenon! But if you want to be romantic, sure, please read below: Talking back at you using your language, yes MIND IS A PART OF GOD, so relatively we can say mind is god! However you want! I was talking more about states of realization...but mind wants to be poetic. Mind creates God, Consciousness and Self-Realization.