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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. @VeganAwake It's effortless and completely unpersonal. It's THIS ?
  2. @Leo Gura Right, the ego is maybe trying to make another story? But it seems so definitive. I have realized here there´s only being, not an identity. So in other persons POV must only be also being, not an identity. Should I be skeptic of this "inference" into what it´s inside in other persons POV?
  3. @LfcCharlie4 Is it difficult to awaken to love? Never tapped into that feature of consciousness, since I started the spiritual journey I only see things as absolutely neutral and empty always
  4. @Leo Gura Yeah I totally agree with that, but I just I´m a little confused since they say sub-breakthrough dose can be more uncomfortable than actually breaking through. I think I will try the first trips vaping it to get acclimated to the experience and when I feel I know what it´s about I´ll plug it looking for a more total dose. You think that could be a good plan?
  5. @Leo Gura What stage would you categorize that one of Becoming aware that BEING is what you are and there isn´t an identity? That you are just basically talking to yourself whenever you talk to another human. Also that when for example you are using a remote controller you are literally interacting with yourself. But I haven´t had direct experience that consciousness is imagination thought (I am getting that with my pure intellectualization, since Being is all there is, I guess Being invented all of this, because there´s no other one here LOL) What I should I prepare myself if I do 5-MeO in the next month? Could be possible with just the first try that I can become consciouss of world is my imagination? (Not theorizing because it make sense, but actually become consciouss of it withouth any doubt whatsover)
  6. I think it's about discovering new things about yourself, as conscioussness. Sure, you can be conscious that you are conscious (aka, waking up to you being consciousness itself and not a person) BUT that doesn't say everything about THIS present moment. Where are you doing here? Who created all of this? Why?...etc
  7. @Serotoninluv I will definetely try to remember that attitude in my future psychedelic trips bro That was inspiring :holdinghands
  8. You are taking for granted physical reality and the mind. This is a belief, too. In esence, all you have is the present moment. Within this present moment, chemicals, neurotrasnmitters, brains, hallucinations, chairs, pencils, hands, cars...etc happen. You can expect that for example the graphite of a pencil is the responsible for the pencil being able to make a drawing, but that doesn´t mean that the graphite is physical, or better said it, that doesnt mean that the graphite occurs outside consciousness. Everything happens inside consciousness! Because consciousness is existence itself. Existence is not an outside phenomenon. You are thinking reality or existence exists outside you. This is false, you are literally existence. The physical world do not exist. Now this guys say this consciousness has been imagined by no other than YOU. That I can´t speak of because I haven´t became consciouss of this, thought.
  9. bruh That´s a Rupert´s quote I would advice against trusting everything of what of a Guru says or gives the impression (sometimes it´s not their fault) to communicate. I actually love Rupert Spira´s teaching but I have no direct experience of actually how it is his experience of life. Unless you are a in a buddha state all day long I don´t see how you are going to be in a hapiness state all day long. If really hapiness or bliss is your truly biggest motivation in life, the move is easy. Surrender all desires and go to an ashram to meditate all day long. You probably won´t realize total truth or awakening as leo says, but I´m sure you´ll be in an almost 24/7 peace state all day long. It just that you will have to surrender probably absolutely everything. And I doubt your ego wants to do that. I used to think like you, that hapiness and being in peace was my first priority in life, but then I realized if that would be true i would have surrendered everything by now and have gone to a meditation cave. In the inside there´s more drive in me that hapiness or bliss. Sometimes I think if we are alive is to experience live fully and be explorers, as you have said, cats are "happy" or "fullfilled", but they are not really experiencing the 1% of complexity of the human mind do. If you, as God, is experiencing life right now as human, why not open yourself to experience the whole range of the thing? The happiness, the sadness, the discovery, to explore, to create. But hey, I don´t judge you, ever lasting bliss sure looks delicious, is just doesn´t seem very realistic as a human form. But as I said you can always go to live on a cave.
  10. @Derek White Chemicals and neurotransmitters are consciousness too, they are just another "feature" of consciousness. It seems that a state of consciousness is a particular level or intensity of being aware, and it looks if we act on neurotransmitters this intensity changes.
  11. Nice. I recently begun to experiment in lucid dreams. Do you think it´s possible to have an awakening inside a dream? Recently I became consciouss of IAMness inside a fucking dream! It was crazy and I think it catapulted the total mindfuck i´ve been in the last few months. Wondering if you have any techiques inside the dream to make yourself more in control in the dream? I get upto the point of knowing that is a dream, but my character from which i experience the dream "keeps doing its thing". Although the fact that I get consciouss inside the dream and the character keeps doing it´s thing is exactly the way I know that I am not the character hahaha Mindfucky stuff, definetely. For me dreams have a "wacky edge" that I can´t never quite get comfortable with them. Like they felt always "foreign". Like "I don´t want to go that far". Maybe because deep down I know that maybe this reality is also a dream. Like I had had some insights but I don´t want to bite the bullet yet.
  12. So enlightenment at the end does depend on what state your brain is? (Let's use the model of the brain for the sake of the example, we could also says in the state of your conscioussness) I THOUGHT it was a realization, like for example when I had my first Awakening my overall concern with my personal problems substantially reduced because simply of what I've discovered. That reduced stress overall on my life regarding if my brain was feeling good or bad. My idea until know is that total Awakening is discovering the ultimate truth and knowing that truth basically dissipates all of your fears and so on, like it wouldn't have to depend on what state your brain is (again, you can change brain by conscioussness) Well fuck that, im out of here to pursue money, sex, and fame because is a more reliable way to put my neurotransmitters in a pleasurable mode LOL
  13. That because your brain uses food as an addition. You need to change additions into one more healthy. Here's a timeline of my last 8 years of life and how have I been switching addictions - Addicted to videogames/internet (8years ago) - Quit videogames, starting smoking cigarettes (6years ago) - Quit smoking, started using porn as an addiction (2-3 years ago) - Quit porn use partially, started using Kratom (1 year ago) - Quit porn totally, started using Kratom only occasionally (just recently) - Started doing running and meditation more habitually to ease the mind, because since I no longer use porn, Kratom, or cigarettes to combat boredom or anxiety, there's an emptyness. This emptyness drives me to eat bad food sometimes, even if a I have a pretty good diet, but now I'm definitely switching to something healthy.
  14. @Leo Gura Hehe!! But then YOU DO exist. But I agree you only exist in MY (conscioussness, not brain) imagination. Therefore since I imagine there is a Leo over there in USA teaching me about Awakening, there you go, YOU EXIST. "I think" I can wrap my mind about it. Luckily if I ever experience this in real experience i won't go totally nuts.
  15. @Inliytened1 Ok... just one last question. When you read the post I replied to you, would you agree that in that moment you were imagining @Javfly33 and the post he wrote too?
  16. what the actual fuck But then you guys are living in parallel universes of what? Is the only explanation to what leo and you is saying If total awakening is realizing the universe is your present moment, then while im typing this you don´t exist. How then have you been able to awaken then and tell me all of this? Because you have existed independently of me. If this is not true, and I can hope this is not solipsism, then the only way this could be possible is if each one of us is living in their own universe with its own "present moment". Anyway I know this only get solved with direct experience but it just blows my mind that you guys are being serious and literal in that all that exists is the present NOW and other persons are just projections LOL
  17. Gotta let go of all concepts bro. Including the "it has no meaning". That´s an assumption about THIS. What if THIS has something more to reveal?
  18. Today I became sending healing energy through all the body via sound. This might sound crazy but trust me when it is happening you know it is healing. I couldn´t stop, I was like 15 minutes doing sounds with my voice and sending this sound through all the body healing it. I think I can go very deep in this and If i take this serious I could become an energy healer. I am amazed this is actually real, but yeah is not like pressing a button. You have to put your heart on it and you can´t force shit, it doesnt depend on the ego at all. It just comes in total "authenticity of being". Now I get why this kind of habilitities remain unknown and can´t be proved in a normal scientific scenario.
  19. Focus. Focus is power. Focus and... BECOME.
  20. If you are not making this up you probably have some impressive mistic potential. Well, you´re already are mistic LOL. But the question is, what are you going to do with this potential?
  21. This is only possible if we are living in multiple realities/universes. What I guess it's possible since quantum physics has already considered this.
  22. Yesterday I experienced what I would call a breakthrough Insight. I had had an strong Awakening into no self before and what Eckhart Tolle calls "presence awareness" a couple of times. After this happened I still would say my understanding of other's and my self was intellectual, I would think: Since my thoughts are not me, and the space where I am aware of my thoughts seems neutral and empty, then other persons are also "me". Other persons are also this space where I am. But it didn't felt totally authentic. It felt when I was talking to someone I would have to think that they are not different than me, I would have to convince myself with "evidence". However yesterday a powerful insight hit me out of the blue. I got profoundly conscioss to WHAT I was referring whenever I have said I or ME all my life. When I had said I or ME I never have been referring to a mental concept or mental image of my person, No! LOL. I've been referring to the FEELING of being, to sense of being alive, let me repeat it, to the SUBTLE sense of being alive, that is what I refer when I say I or ME. After this, I realized that I or ME is literally being, the sense being, so other persons, obviously are experiencing absolutely this right now. When they say "I don't feel quite good", or they say "I feel amazing", they are not referring in that moment to a mental image of themselves!! They are "listening" to the present moment of feeling to tell themselves who they are. They are not consciouss of this, but they actually KNOW who they are, inside they know who they are is not their mental identity but the feeling of being in that precise moment, they are literally THE THING. THE "SUBTLE ENERGY". Don't believe me? If you can distinct emptyness let me know, I'm formless and thats why I'm able to be writing this while reading it at the same time in the other part of the world. It's "ME" in all POVs of reality haha
  23. Well, Kundalini also feels a lot like fucking designer drugs sometimes, some stuff you do with your breathing defiently moves energ. I would be skeptic k of that information. The "energy" narrative it's yet another thing constructed onto their dogmas probably. There is definitely energy. But how do you know which tradicions are the one who really knows what they are talking about?
  24. @Mo0ngrass It has been me all the time, isn't it