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Everything posted by TomDashingPornstar

  1. @CreamCat In this case it's self-interest, so it does matter what the biological sex is. That's the difference between orange and green. Compassion for others vs me, me, me. #ProtectOurBoys would be an example of women behaving in a Green paradigm. Not only are they standing up for a marginalized group, but it's done of compassion
  2. @Emerald Is there any area of society where you think maybe straight men don't have it better than everyone else?
  3. Divorce rape is actually blue/orange because it's an outdated system from way back that no one wants to change for fear of political fallout. "Me too", completely disregards the safety of men. And ignores that it's a problem. Feminists are stage orange as they do nothing but promote self interest.
  4. One of the sections on Leo's booklist has a lot of information on this.
  5. Masturbating serves a biological function, and we're not the only mammals that do it. It replenishes your sperm army, making you potent. A single man should masturbate at least once a day or whenever your body tells you to. If that's 5x a day, then that's acceptable. Porn can fuck you up, but if you're young it's a good place to get ideas. Chicks can't stand it when guys don't know what to do.
  6. You can learn any skill on and it's kinda free. A lot of my digital nomad friends started out that way. I spent the last 6 months in a digital nomad hotspot, btw. Programming Web Design Graphic Design Video Editing (of sorts) etc etc etc etc etc
  7. Methods that work for me: A) Don't use porn to masturbate. If you really wanna experiment, you can do total noFap, and the anxiety will go away for sure, but you lose your edginess and your sperm aren't potent anymore because they're too old. Your body knows this and hates it. So I recommend to just masturbate without the porn. The anxiety should go away. If you're a chick, you still need to masturbate for other health reasons. Those ideas are partially from the book Sperm Wars. B) Don't try to get rid of the anxiety by saying, "I wish my anxiety would go away." Instead, focus on the opposite emotion which is 'courage'. Trying to get rid of anxiety doesn't work, building up courage does though. Just think, "courage, courage, courage, courage." That's what they guy who wrote Thought Vibrations says. It's the original law of attraction book published in 1906
  8. Without using negative prefixes like detached, what is the opposite of attachment?
  9. I got ENFP, but I was like 50-50ish on e/i, t/f, and p/j
  10. Eating healthy is a skill. You have to know how to prepare good food, know where to find it, and know how to do it in an economical way. If it tastes like shit, you won't last. So find out what's good.
  11. Holy smokes, that is so characteristic of that phase. Sometimes you have to work a job to get ahead. The more aligned you are to it, the easier it will be, and the quicker you can make enough money or build yourself up enough to move on.
  12. Sure, just pick a scene, and implant the lesson you learned from it. Sometimes it's good to do the exercise multiple times on many different scenes, but don't let it stop you from progressing with the course. Your values will evolve as you go, and you can always go back and change them.
  13. You have to give things up to live your life purpose.
  14. If you're uncomfortable, make it look cooler. And then you can own that shit.
  15. Money is a often a good way to track a lot of the impact you have on people. Your outflow is so positive, people hand you one of the things they prize most, or could be given to many other people for many other things, but right now, they're choosing you. Money in itself is neutral. It is just a placeholder so we can function as a larger, more peaceful society. If you feel like it 'poisons' your life purpose as you say, then you should be well-served to find a way to make money without poisoning yourself. This isn't always easy, and it's an issue that most of us grapple with, but we need to pay bills. Money is part of the game.
  16. I tried to give up once, then I came back stronger. Just make sure you're being sustainable - socially, sexually, and emotionally.
  17. And of course Google Translate is your friend if you find yourself outside a touristy area in a foreign country. That'll get you places. Hostels and hotels also have business cards so you can use their address to help you with Uber, Grab taxi, and normal taxis
  18. @Leo Gura I'm no fan of him, but I wouldn't say JP is about keeping the status quo when Canada is in full blown stage green.
  19. You create your own astrology. I used to wonder if it had any merit, but then I see different methods of calculating your astrological coordinates such as latitude, longitude, and even exact time of birth. It's not like the calculation tools are accurate to know what the stars looked like in Timbuktu, Alaska on 9 May 1993 at 4:05 AM or whenever and wherever your birthdays was. I mean, if you're from Australia where summer is winter and winter is summer, are you still a Pisces if you were born in March? What about Equatorial Guinea which isn't really in a North or South hemisphere, it's in the middle? But if you read your horoscope and it's on your mind, it will manifest, just like most things you think about a lot. I suggest you create your own astrology though, instead of letting others do it for you. It sounds like good fun to take whatever traits you want from each of the signs until you feel balanced.
  20. Since I've started self development, I've heard many times that dairy products are bad for you. Aren't they also good for you? If you're not lactose intolerant, what's so bad? Shouldn't you be able to feel if they're affecting you negatively. For Example, if I eat McDonald's or a box of Oreos, my workout is usually severely affected. Dairy is a different story. Lately, I've been drinking at least a liter of milk everyday and everything's cool. Leo talks about auto-immune diseases because of dairy, wheat, etc. Shouldn't those diseases be obvious if you have them? Is this something subtle?
  21. @Zweistein No one's trying to hold you back anymore. You need to let it go, and evolve to the next level.
  22. @Zweistein Why don't you just answer it?
  23. You see how she snuck in that little presumptive and shitty undertone toward him? This is why feminism is becoming outdated.