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Posts posted by Aakash

  1. I think you should seperate this NEW NEW NEW NEW age ideas I.E imagination from the enlightenment / spirituality thread. 

    Maybe call it nothingness or something 

    But i think theres a clear gap in individuals understanding and its like you said the lessons aren't being toned down simply to grasp. Theres too large of a gap in my opinion. 

    Let me know what you think? or any of you for that matter really. 

  2. @Anton Rogachevski i can't explain it, logic and reasoning has completely faded. I actually don't know whats real and whats not :/. I'm actually so fearful of how unrealistic things sound in my head <-- this is my ego. 

    Even i know its crazy to think your crazy, i think i'm so weird right now. so i just stopped and listened to rap music in ignorance looool! 

    ^ This is why i've come to understand the limitation is set by the invidiual personally 

  3. @Anton Rogachevski i Swear i was sleeping last night and contemplating non duality ... the conclusion i came to after i woke up was simple enlightenment is nothing else besides the delusion of self. 

    WHATEVER you define as self is go, 

    if the imagination was not from whatever you define as your ego, then it is pure awareness 

    it can only be told by the person, because enlightenement is literally just one self-delusion 

    Time is another self -delusion, it actuallly has nothing to do with enlightenment imo 

    Then the delusion that space is another seperate delusion, 

    but the fastest way to become conscious of all this is the process of enlightenment or god consciousness because you identify with literally just everything and comtemplate it 

  4. There psycho- induced numbers of consciousness people create out of thin air. I must say i read a book and got 333,111,222 etc and  when i saw those numbers for a split second my consciousness raised ever so slightly higher lol. But its basically putting a meaning upon those numbers. 

    I'm not going to lie, that diving deep guy is way to spiritual for me, I'm not even sure hes that conscious even if he has lucid dreamed his whole life lol. But like i said i'm not sure really what hes about. There are definately better people to learn from. 

  5. Recent experiences have led me to question whether absolute nothingness, infinity , void or other are truly the end of end. Let me state first that, if self-deception is total, which i don't hold in concept i truly experience it. Then i would concur that: 

    Give a creator some tool and he will create bullshit

    give a bullshit some tool and he will spread bullshit 

    give the bullshitted some tools and he will replicate bullshit

    IN OTHER WORDS, if you give absolute nothing tools he will create bullshit? 

    "it can not be encapsulated, only in the now etc.. etc... , you have not got what is being said, you are conceptualising etc.. etc... " 

    the human animal bullshitting machine can only bullshit as much as you feed it; so naturally the way to stop this is to feed it absolutely nothing 


    We are still stringing nows together, here is where words have broken down and i can not articulate metaphysical meaning but have to do my best with analogies and metaphors to state the obvious. 

    So i will do the counter intuitive thing and state the obvious without explanation here

    All maps of the territories are cycles because the nature of awareness

    A) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8787878789789789789789,10,7,8,9,10 etc etc --> the 10 ox herding pictures

    B) All strange loops 

    C) Rebirth cycles in hinduism 

    Rebirths as such in our recontexctualise meaning 

    YOU! are now the one processing infinity with limited resources and so the recontextualised bullshit now belongs in this domain of relativity with implications of absolute nothingness associated 

    NOW! imagine! 

    Its obvious now that you created yourself at a starting point, forgot about yourself and then self-goverened yourself, (YOU in the BIG sense) 

    but how did you THINK of what something is 

    You defined something through perception / not perception 

    But what is absolute Something!! 

    sure the perception bought it to reality in duality terms, but you bought it to reality in non duality terms 

    You! imagined it ! and it appeared, the creation was the intricate design. It had no use or purpose. It was simply imagined for the sake of understanding what am i. 

    IT has to know initifity of itself to know what infinity feels like itself

    so you imaged yourself as this inifnity void that has no conceptuality just acceptance of a bigger self again 

    I am now the creator but i don't have the ability to create. I have the tools to create something

    but what is something! 

    pure awareness and void - IS 

    imagination - ALSO IS

    the term we call imagination if ou recontextualise it! it becomes creation. Imagination is creation

    We are creating reality itself with imagination!!

    So if we are being now as you, what is the purpose - to play your part 

    but what is the purpose - non duality

    but what was the purpose - Image the end of the strange loop between creation and creation ~ true non duality 


    Kind regards

    My human animal bullshitting machine and ME. 

  6. change and not change are dualities only percieved by perceiever with a reference to time which is also an illusion. However within the ever infinite of now the awareness is in hypothetical change itself. We can not state merely without a reference of change without the quantification of time. None the less change is occuring within the ever change of infinite formless ness. 

    In other words, words alone can not decitate whether change is occuring. Everything is happening now, forever. 

    I believe that there is no constant awareness and by default you have to be everything to be formless if that helps ... 

  7. He does not ; he/ she must only do one thing. Complete the paradox and break down dualities. Becoming so conscious they are consciousness themselves in the big sense, thus able to create something out of nothing 

    in scientific terms, it's like nikola tesla creating a device to harness energy out of thin air, he suppodely has and the government has covered it up. and it's so called conspiracy theory. None the less; i'm not interested in the conspiracy but the theory itself. Using reality itself consciously to create reality itself. 

    It does, not need to have shape or form, or be real these are all additional dualities and delusions! it just has to be done to completely break down the duality. As we say the miracle is no miracle to us but miraculous to others! to us it was already what was there! 

    absolute something = absolute nothing (duality breaks down)


    absolute nothing > (is greater than) absolute something 


    absolute something > (is greater than)  absolute nothing 

    This is where i think many enlightened teachers are at absolute nothing 

  8. Recent experiences has caused me to question what the divine play is. In hinduism ... it ... is called leela. If we are all playing our role, then who is watching out for the overall role. It is a natural paradox, am i big or small. This is the duality that leads to I am small-big and this is what we call non duality. 

    I am small , i am big , i am small-big , i am big-small 

    as long as in your role you identify with ONE thing you are non- dual. 

    Could it be as such, that the role of playing ONE thing has no distinct boundaries, therefore it only leaves the role and term "playing in the now" 

    "What came first the chicken or the egg"

    in other words

    what came first Something or nothing ... 

    The answer we know now is nothing .... they appeared at the same time , in fact they are non dual. 

    so for all dualities to collapse you have to arrive at the point where all terms are the same between big and small and the obvious answer you arrive at is simple... the big and small are dualities, the answer can not be encapsulated by any human standards, besides absolute truth and void or another definite of complete nothingness. 

    Okay so you arrive here and lets say you let go of everything entirely... you become non duality itself .. You become one thing! 

    A force of nature, belonging to a bigger self ... YOU itself 

    I agree you can become absolutely nothing, but you can't actualise absolute nothing unless you actualise absolutely something 

    in other words, might it be that as non duality... the role we play is one role ... to create something out of nothing! 

    The paradox turns inwards and the duality completely collapses! 

    saying we are absolute nothingness does not raise consciousness levels fast, the fastest way is to produce something out of nothing. produce yourself out of nothing. 

    Human is only a construct itself, pure awareness however is the only thing real ofcourse! but only as far as hallucinations go! or absolute nothingness. 

    what are your thoughts on this matter?  reality constructing itself? 

  9. I think that i have had many theoretical enlightenments in the past, none the less they were awakenings that i could not hold onto for more than a couple of minutes and then i began the rebirth cycle again and circled all the way around until finally you are aware of your true nature. At this point there is no other choice but to denounce "who am i" and even then will rebirth if they have any other metaphysical questions that they want answering. until they understand they are the very thing themselves with no conceptualisation possible. this is actual enlightenment, however, you still have to maintain it and this is the "I am" . Thereafter, you have to let go and even let go of what you are thinking of, so you are only with the now always. The wandering mind get trapped again, but the enlightened one knows there is only one.