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Everything posted by SoothedByRain

  1. @Florian Yeah I'd put him as a mixture of Orange and a lil Yellow. Ego dismissing lots of his higher Green values it seems if he has embraced such taht is. Of course, I don't know the dude. What he shows is highly contrived and edited. I know nothing!
  2. Far from high consciousness . . . Listen to the delusion and hypocrisy of the ego in the beginning of his monologue here starting at 1.50 He condemns egos, dismisses low quality people and states how he has no time for them whatsoever because . . . "they look at the state of the world and all its suffering and pain and misery, and instead of working to improve things they just add to it. They're lazy and they take the easy way out, they blame, they complain" and he says he has no time for those people. He then admits that cutting these people out of his life is a selfish thing on his part, because . . and here is the egoic justification . . . he wants to enjoy himself and be titillated by people. He only deals with people who serve him and his survival. He does have more conscious teachings than most in the niche of dating talk and teaching but he truly is a glaring sign of the limits of the materialistic paradigm lock. Such bitterness can only stem from a dualistic conceptual framework. He is great to listen to if you are a man who is dating and seeking like minded women to spend your time with, but he is far from a high conscious resource. Really just goes to show how low the materialistic, egoic paradigm sets the bar if his channel is one of the only decent content suppliers in this niche. I'm not saying that our culture as it stands right now sets the bar low. I'm saying that Alexanders teachings are the highest the unconscious ego can go within a partitioned dualistic worldview. In terms of selflessness and a conscious attempt to go beyond survival, he is completely unconscious. He is almost completely right in all he says btw and worth a listen, but only if you want to thrive as a partioned being, as the little you, as a limited individual ape delusion seperate from the whole. If you seek to go beyond the ego, seek High Conscious resources and teachings.
  3. Stage Orange/Green --- Rage Against The Machine are coming back this year as a protest against Trump. No doubt they will be very vocal about supporting Bernie Sanders.
  4. "So, Anthony . . . tell us, what is your prediction for the music of the future?"
  5. Brexit: Nigel Farage's last words to the EU parliament
  6. DarkReader extension works for this site via Chrome
  7. Gold. @electroBeamGo and explore, alone or with new people.
  8. Detach yourself. Go spend a month alone or with other women.
  9. Thats the game Annoynymous. Start a thread asking for how to make bread and you'll end up in a discussion about the rape of Nanjing How old are you?@Annoynymous
  10. @Anna1 @Meetjoeblack They're both rapers. Children are starving. Humanity needs new laws put in place. Laws don't always mean too much depending on the context. But yes, you're right . . Baldy isn't a victim. Anyone, man or woman, who gets married without a prenup makes their own bed.
  11. @Meetjoeblack
  12. Hahaha "Come on Leo mate, you're nearly fifty son" - Prince Andrew
  13. Can be very toxic and threatening to an immature ego that dislikes certain realities about primate neurological and physiological mechanisms. If you have been observing Leo and his teachings like Self-Bias, Survival, Self-Deception, Fear etc. . . learning about such shouldn't trigger you into viewing the social dating game or other people, with a negative outlook. Red-Pill people are Ego's trying to survive and thrive, in doing so, they have fallen into the trap of creating a single faceted, self serving ideology. Despite this, it doesn't mean one shouldn't learn such material and observe all of these interactions ad conceptual stories in action. I consider the guy below to be the highest content creator among all the red pill trash. Haven't really looked into a lot of it tbh, most of it is very immature, I have no comment on the video you posted above. Alexander comes from a higher place, but he is still very materialistic, scientific and extremely egoic. Observe him and see the fear, need, anger, duality and survival mechanisms behind all he says. Notice the Self-Bias and Self-Deception in these three vids below, from both the women, and the male content creator. Observe it objectively, take the gold, shit out the waste and try to flow through Being in Love. Humans are fascinating. Neurological evolution has evolved to be the most masterfully deceptive operation system that we know of and it is responsible for making sense of these words. Notice your judgements on my writing or the three videos posted, observe your neuro linguistics at work and notice how relative the stories are and how impetuously skewed in your favour they lean. Just to add onto my quick post.
  14. The water situation in India is going to be a shit show in the next 10 years. Other than Australia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are going to be hit the worst by systemic breakdown and war stemming from mass migration and civil unrest as climate warming feedback loops kick in. During the summer of 2019, millions of people were close to serious violence for their daily water needs. No. This is a naive fantasy stemming from privilege. Stay in London. Millions will be migrating out of India within the next decade. I hope I'm just a clueless fool with loose fingers and a big mouth who is very very wrong.
  15. Just an update to this thread. I'll add in the extra context because it seems I wasn't clear enough. My intention was to garner real life happenings that had taken place over 2019 and were unfurling Now, during 2020. All my links in the first section of this thread are from 2019. Post what you like, I'm not bothered. Just thought I'd define what my intention with starting this thread was. Warhammer and poorly crafted prison movies weren't what I had in mind Since we're on fiction and old clips here are a few goldies . . .
  16. All the moonmen want things their way, but we'll make sure they'll see the sun. Goodbye Moonmen.