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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. I was watching one of Leo's insights, that he developed from his retreat, and he spoke about the dangers of getting too caught up in trying different methods. Main reason why was because you tend to dabble a bit, and not get much out of the technique, before you try another one. There are literally millions of spiritual techniques out there. Its so easy to get caught up in trying bits and pieces of each one, and not really get anything out of any of them. Currently what I do to resolve this problem, is to try out a few techniques, try and pinpoint what it is about that technique that does work and that doesn't work for me, and then try and find techniques that highlight that aspect, while still trying different, random methods once a week just to survey the landscape a bit. What do you guys do about this problem?
  2. Thats the perfect definition of an individual who is allowing themselves to be ruled by external vibrations, rather than actualizing their own vibration. No you shouldnt be as he wants you to be. You should be as your true self wants you to be. Ive tried that method - acting like a marketing expert, and just doing things that are mechanically going to work. Its not how the universe works.
  3. its called lo-riding, FYI. but how else are we gonna show that we have a big D.
  4. That's not how the world is. Its more like Logic is based of reality, reality is not logical, but logic is realityish. Logic is a set of commandments, not by the bible, but by individuals who mistake the belief in consistency as fact. Believing in logic may be helpful for enlightenment, but only as much as believing in Vedanta is. Logic works very differently to enlightenment. Its only loosely based on empirical observation, and it can only solve problems that are inherently conceptual. Objectivity is a skewed interpretation of subjectivity. Its a second, artificial layer to empirical observation, and its only useful to individuals who have a preference, or are attached to those meanings. Saying enlightenment is logical only makes sense within a logical paradigm. Outside that paradigm you begin to realize that perspective shifts have nothing to do with logic.
  5. I can juggle tennis balls, while smoking weed on a high wheel.
  6. - the common 'everything is colourful and i feel energised' but you can't put your finger on it. - feeling almost like your floating. I.e. body dissapears. - feeling like everything infront of me was spontaneously made. Like nothing existed before seeing it. It eas just spontaneously made. But you can't put ya finger on this stuff, its not something you can grasp ya know.
  7. @Voyager i think your post is useful. I'm struggling to figure out if my mystical experiences were in fact mystical, or something else, because they are so so so subtle that its hard to notice them. But at the same time its so profound that everything else changes.
  8. Has anyone noticed that anything is truly possible? I mean we assume that life has physical laws, that are deterministic, and that the world is just a physical blackness. But has anyone inquired enough to realize that those physical laws are mere illusion? And that determinism is really just illusion as well?? Has anyone done enough inquiry to realize that dropping a pen isnt because of some law, but because the universe/god/you want it to appear as though the world has laws, and really its just a facade. And if thats the case, ehat does that mean? anything is possible. Like literally anything. There are no limits. There is actually nothing holding the world together. Just inquire and see. If there are no physical laws, and no determinism, and if the world is literally every combination of things that are possible, what does that say about what you lack?? Do you have self esteem issues? Do you feel like you are not good enough? But if the world is everything, what does that say about your lack of something? Have you lost a love one? Thats really sad, but what if you were experiencing just one variation of your life? What does that say about the lack of a love one. If youre really rationally minded, try inquiring about the nature of determinism, and the limits of the universe, and see what happens. There's a beautiful and profound realization waiting on the other side.
  9. @Loreena probably, And 2, i dont have a position on whether or not gravity or the laws of physics are real. We have a brain, and inputs from our senses make up our reality right? So if you look in front of you very presently and silently, you may think that you're looking at a screen, but actually according to science youre looking at inpulses from your brain. Not a screen at all. So if thats not true, if you look outside what makes you think that there is a world with predictable laws? Just day you see a dude walking past you, you may think that, the person had been somewhere else before he walked past you, because that's how the world works. But what makes you think that? Maybe he wasnt anywhere before hand and god made him up as soon as he walked past you. Why do you think he existed beforehand? Its a belief but can u break it down enough?@Evilwave Heddy sure but is that because of some laws? Can you see those laws in your experience? If you cant what makes something predictable.
  10. If you really weren't afraid of death i.e. enlightened, would you get offended by some stranger you don't even know, and never seen before? See, this isn't projection, its just deductive reasoning. It could be wrong, but unlikely.
  11. A video from leo would be great on this! How to become a master of small talk. You can actually really develop mindfulness and consciousness through talking to people. Its esoteric, but it works. And yes, the goal might seem unrealistic, but that's just a limiting belief.
  12. @username raising vibrations are good. But the thing is, there are 3 planes when talking to people: - the vibration of the conversation - the content of the conversation - the closeness and depth of the conversation. You've got the vibration part down pat. I agree with you, the content doesn't matter, and honestly I find it fun talking about low consciousness stuff. I must not be at the same level everyone else here is at. BUT How do you have deep, close conversations with people? Without them getting offended, confused or bored? Close conversations include all, but not limited to, the following attributes: - peaking into the person's true self - getting to the core of their beliefs - having vulnerable conversations that allow deep rooted secrets to be exposed. Forming a connection with your higher self through the conversations of others. This means going beyond how to win friends and influence people and making conversations that are sage material
  13. Elaborate more on how to be strategic - The strategic motherfucker video was good, but more depth on how to actually take the lofty stuff you said in the video, and turn it into practical, tangible action steps is required. - Specific examples on how to, for example minimize your day so you can put more focus on the stuff that matters. Very specific examples. - Specific examples on how to Plan your day better. I feel like I dribble around a lot, and am not really focused. Any specific examples on how to actually plan your day would be great. - More depth overall in that area. Elaborate more on how to be a leader/influencing people - What are the social dynamics of influencing not just low consciousness people but high consciousness people too. - What are the patterns at play with social systems? - specifically what techniques and theories can you provide that will help individuals influence others to get off their asses and make a more conscious world. Ways to live a sage lifestyle while still dealing with/getting the most out of society - How do steer clear of getting a job that is going to bore the hell out of you, and get a job that promotes consciousness? What traps are there to look for while searching for a sageish job? What steps can you take to work in a sageish job? As opposed to being an accountant. - What does a sageish job look like as opposed to the everyday, soul draining job? Specific examples of what the values are, what the work entails? What elements do sageish jobs have that will directly impact the meaning of individuals in it. - Marketing techniques for sages: How to market stuff for high consciousness people. Marketing courses only focus on easy targets/low consciousness people. - How to talk to and interact with individuals meaningfully, how to steer conversations away from petty gossip, and change it into meaningful conversations that develop a deeper knowing of themselves for all parties involved. - How to live in society without getting sucked in by it. How to remain as awareness in all situations, and not get sucked in by the distractions. Elaborate more on how to learn effectively: FOR SAGES! - There's heaps of research out there on how to learn to master tests, like make it stick and the book a mind of numbers but how do you learn consciously? - How do you embody theories so that you can apply them in actual real life! - What are the best ways to learn stuff that will be helpful for you in the future.
  14. It is frustrating. Very frustrating. And so is self inquiry, getting good grades, trying to get funding from an angel investor for your startup(especially in my country ) and everything else worth doing. But its a much better approach than warm approach. With warm approach you only meet 1 or 2 date worthy girls a month. Cold approach 5 or 6 a day. And guess what, if you have no friends due to shyness, cold approach is the only way to go. Its not an option but a necessity.
  15. @Loreena I meant cold approach. Simple? So exciting reminds me of a timid rabbit @Shane597 speak to @STC Online dating does work, if you know how to use it. Don't ask me I get no tinder matches, but STC is a god at online dating
  16. Youre so boring. Finding someone outside your social circle is so much more scary and exciting.
  17. so to generate connection with someone, you need to speak to them, and relate to them in such a way, that they connect to their own knowing? Interesting. Maybe that's why people really react to individuals have common interests with themselves? Because it points their awareness more inwards, it lightly taps their true selves. When people say "I really relate to your message" They are realizing that the world is themselves, very very slightly and subtly. I've just had a huge epiphany, thanks @Toby for sharing the video very insightful! Just discovered a new approach to interacting with the people in my lives.
  18. @Miguel Oliveira others have already said this, but you're not the only one who feels this. The real problem you're facing is that you really do believe that you are weird, strange, different, dont belong in this world, maybe the only one that's conscious, and everyone else is a philosophical zombie? Its very isolating. BUT What needs to be understood, is that people can notice how you feel about yourself. They can pick up on your lack of belief in yourself. Im not sure if you've ever encountered someone with a deep emotional peoblem, but interacting with those people are extremely unsettling, they give off a very dark aura. And that person is you! Its not you thats the problem here, its exactly what you rhink about you which is the problem. See the reason why you're so fake, isnt because you're some mystical, magical alien from mars that has to hide his identity like a russian spy incase someone finds out. Thats not whats going on deep down. Deep down your trying to avoid looking a part of yourself that absolutely disguists you. Youre trying to avoid those bad memories you have that imply that youre weird and different. See, it has nothing to do with the people around you, you being fake in front of others, is your way of avoiding those memories and ideas you secretly have about yourself, which are absolutely terrifying. Because if someone does find you weird, say if you decide to show your crazy true self, them finding you weird is the least of your problems, its the memories and ideas that you(and only you!) made about yourself which is going to bring you the most pain. The dude whose creeped out about you, is just pulling them out of the wardrobe for you. So you know what my advice is? Look at @Martin123 guide, and resolve all those memories.
  19. @Toby myself, after pushing yourself for 4 years say, your emotional body gets fatigued, and the resistance builds up and its getting very hard for me to keep pushing. But also based on my currenr position in life I do feel as though i need to be more extroverted. But this isn't related to the problem stated above, its more of a fatigue problem.
  20. @egoeimai sure but acceptance doesnt solve everything. Its not some magic pill. After genuine acceptance, comes a time when you actually have to make change, otherwise you'll be miserable. And im struggling to make a change on this one. Yes they are beliefs, but i feel an energy problem/sensation problem too, and im really struggling to manage it. Its like asking how to get motivated to do homework. Its just painful. But you have to do it, you cant just accept not doing homework and then not doing it. Your parents will kill you. Any resources will be great.
  21. @JCShannon88 hahahaha dude, I've tried being an asshole for the last 4 years, because my mindset is exactly like yours. Guess what? Being an asshole doesnt work that well either. How do you become attractive? There's a whole series on youtube called rsdtyler which has hours and hours of content. And the only way youre going to 'become that guy' is by getting off your ass and watching those vids. The thing is, you have to be authentic, and genuinely love yourself, before loving any other women. And that authenticity might come off as assholeish to some, especially if you start to genuinely tell people what you think, rather than being fake about things, but is has nothing to do with being an asshole.
  22. @nightrider1435 accept being afraid, dont try to not be afraid. Accept the suffering from being scared as hell and love it.
  23. @Hero in progress really loved the osho one you sent me! Keep posting these!
  24. definitely, that's also why its easier to meditate out in the forest then in a shop, because man made structures produce thoughts that block the natural flow of silence.
  25. @nightrider1435 just don't get neurotic with your silencing of the mind. Make sure that if thoughts arise like 'OMG LIFE IS GROUNDLESS, ALL THERE IS, IS SEEING" or "IM FLOATING WTF", let them arise! Whatever you do don't suppress lool. I made the mistake of suppressing thoughts, and one day my brain couldn't take it and it exploded in the form of an awakening.