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About Crazy_Monkey_Brain

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  1. We all have stories that could make the world cry, that's just life. Life will chew you up and spit you out if you let it. It does not care about you. That's the brutal nature of reality, you are on your own, reality is all just yourself (literally) reality doesn't care about you, it cares only for fulfilling its survival needs but you must fight! (self actualize) Every moments life lurks in the shadows ready to eat you up and spit you out, just waiting for you to quit so it can have it's lunch! But you're better than that! You my friend have one life and only one life, you are a warrior! You must begin to self actualize and dream a vision for your life, this is necessary for your very own happiness and success. If you do not take responsibility for your life and let it blow wherever it wants to go you won't enjoy it. Challenge your mind when it tells you you can't do something your mind is your survival elements and does not care for your personal success or happiness, you must command your mind to do what you want it to do. Be that relentless warrior that finds a way no matter what. Be so stubborn your mind says "this guy isn't going to quit, he's not quitting, we must find a way" You see, your mind is your most powerful weapon you have, but once your mind starts to control YOU it's game over, be in charge of your own mind and do not let it control you. When I was 100kg and overweight I looked at these healthy dudes and said I could never do that, that's their life not mine, I would be that way if it wasn't for money issues, I would be that way if Is had a better childhood. Maybe I would have control over my diet if my dad didn't leave me when I was young. Then I paused and asked myself 'What if'. What if I could. What if I don't need the perfect childhood to make it work. What if I can! The power of saying "What if" immediately cuts off the brains automatic self defeating bias. It's all about recongising those thoughts and going to war with them asking "what if" "What if I can!" There was a point in my life where I was everything people told me I was going to be, a nobody, my life was going nowhere, I worked at a call center I hated, was in debt, didn't care for myself, or my life. Diet was awful and overall look on life was just bleak. But I had this one itching dream in my head. It wasn't to become a billionaire or start my own company, it was a dream to live the lifestyle I have always wanted to, one day after getting off the phone with a horrible customer, I said to myself "this is my life" "This is it, this is all my life is" But then a voice somewhere whispered "But what if motherfuçker!!" "What if!!!" So at that moment I got up and without saying anything to anyone I just left Left the building never to come back. I have no plan B. I knew it was going to be hard. But now was the time to change. Now was the time to re shape my future. I had to trust in the universe, god, anything really that it would work itself out! I stopped chasing the 'doller' and started pursing the things that mattered to me, taking the time to enjoy life and start living it the way I wanted it to be. You have to trust in something, the universe, god, Allah whatever you want to call it. Believing that the dots will connect down the line is vital for when life leads you off the well worn path.
  2. @Leo Gura Leo in one of your older videos, I remember you talking about a man having very painful dental work, without any pain killers, how he sort of turned the pain into a joy, can you remember who this was? Hope you had a good day as a side note
  3. What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.
  4. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot loose something that you are.
  5. Become deeply aware that the present moment is all you will ever have.
  6. Stop separating the “I” from others, see yourself in all evil, see how you relate to evil. Stop asking the universe for things, ask the universe what can I do for you?
  7. @Solace yay for us! Keep going, what is lyengar yoga?
  8. As veganism becomes ideological and as seen as the truth, and only the truth, it then turns into a wack-a-mole game, trying to defend it, it’s exhausting. It’s has very good intentions overall all and is good for the planet, if you go vegan don’t cling to it, it’s too exhausting
  9. Personally I have found the full lotus position or padmasana while meditating amazing! I used to be only able to meditate for 15/30mins before getting very bad back pain from just crossed legged position, but now I feel more stable and easier to keep good posture! Try it! It took many many months of stretching to do it but worth it!
  10. my girlfriend often gets extremely angry and emotionally over the smallest thing, the relationship will be going fine, and then bamn! Out of nowhere extremely angry, crying, verbal profanity, over something so petty it’s beyond my belief, for example, I didn’t reply to a text message for 20mins because I was busy, and she full on had a completely melt down in anger rage, she would ignore any message I sent her, for a few hours, or once I didn’t reply to a snapchat message for a while and she, was having another melt down saying, I’m horrible, I’m ignoring her on purpose and there’s probably someone else I’m seeing, all cus I didn’t reply in like 20mins she sends me FULL CAPS I AM ANGRY MESSAGES LIKE THIS. I’m lost and it’s effecting me emotionally it makes me very stressed and anxious, I go full monkey mind and I hate it, help me friends
  11. @Leo Gura You mentioned you meditate sometimes in the morning or late at night but you never miss a day, my question is for how long do you aim to meditate for? Thanks for reading
  12. You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, karma whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leaves you off the well worn path, and that will make all the difference. Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living by the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the voices of others drown out your own inner voice. You got to find what you love and that is as true for work as it is for lovers, if you haven't found it yet keeping looking and don't settle, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. As they already know what you want.
  13. Allow yourself to sometimes be mentally weak, sometimes we want to be strong as a defence mechanism, however this is due to fear emotions, instead become so comfortable with who you are, you can be 'weak' and mentally strong. This is also very masculine. Meditation routines & climbing works for me
  14. @WildeChilde @WildeChilde @@Leo GuraGuradGuraGuradGuGura Death is just stripping away all that is not you, the secret to life is to die before you die and realise there is no death
  15. @Ether i@Nahmits not that I don't love her, it just that I seem to project the opposite intensional to how I feel, at this point I'm not sure if theres anything I can say or do to fix the situation, even if relationships are in Leo's view kinda stupid, I have become more self aware learned a lot about myself and made growth