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Everything posted by framu

  1. What the fuck is this shit. Like seriously, I am falling in love. I just want to say thank you to @Leo Gura. You have had such an impact on my life. I have followed you for 10 years. Consistently watching your videos. You made me understand the importance of meditation - which is the most essential bedrock in selfhelp. I am currently studying clinical psychology. Have done a lot of psychedelics to heal my trauma. Was at the brink of suicide. But psychedelics is the 2.0 of psychology. Psychedelics is going to revolutionize the world. Broad research is needed. 5-MeO-MALT could have the potential to end all wars.
  2. I stumbled upon the classical "box breathing" technique that is used by NAVY seals that is supposed to stimulate the vagus nerve. What I noticed was that when I was breathing out and holding my breath, I got the most relaxation while using this technique. This spiraled me into experimenting with breath work. What I figured out was that when I sat on a chair bending my chest towards my feet while I emptied my lungs of air, before I sat up and held my breath, I could feel the anxiety in my solar plexus chakra expanding down to my root chakra to the point where it felt like I was going to pee my pants. I did this 10 times every day. For each time I held my breath, I sat with this uncomfortable feeling (like I was going to drown) for longer periods of time. 20 secs, 25 secs, 30x2 secs, 35x2secs etc (these time limits are for me personally and should be adapted to every individual person - the point is that the feeling should become so uncomfortable that it is really hard to stay with the anxiety). You can feel the heartbeat pace dropping down while doing so. What happens is that the threshold limit for activation in the autonomous nervous system starts becomes higher. Its kind of a exposure therapy. This has helped me a lot. Its like a staircase, where you sleep better at night, do the exercise the next day, and sleep even better the day after. In daily life, anxiety just disappears in all kinds of situations. I used to be a nerve wreck sometimes doing while psychedelics, but since I have implemented this I haven't had any bad trips ever since. It's like being totally zen in a war zone. The exercise could be analogous to the free divers that dosen´t feel the drowning sensation when they are pushing themselves while diving and just passing out in an blink of an eye. A friend of mine have had really hard struggle with crippling social anxiety, and this exercise has transformed his life. Has anybody tried this?
  3. From what I understand, I need to find the right dose for me. But is it possible that the same dose could result in two different trips (strength wise)? I just remember when I tried 25I-NBOMe over 10 years ago, this research chemical was a bit unstable if you compare dosage to the strength of the different trips. The reason I ask is that I am living in an apartment 15 meters above the ground with a balcony. I haven't had any problems with high doses of LSD and mushrooms, but this is new territory for me and I don't want to end up jumping out a window.
  4. I got my 5-MeO-Malt. But since the dosing is so low, I am a bit skeptical about these microscoops. And especially that tiny amounts could get stuck in the nasal hairs etc. I was thinking about trying to mix 100mg malt together with either 400mg or 900mg powdered sugar and snorting 100mg lines. Does anybody have any objection to why this could be a bad idea?
  5. Could you describe some examples of how it is practically working on the energy system?
  6. Ohh, that is really cool. Do you get tremors and shivering like you do on LSD? Would you recommend snorting or smoking?
  7. Is there any healing potential with 5-MeO-MALT like psilocybin and LSD? Could it be help-full or effective to process childhood trauma?
  8. Me and my girlfriend are both into self-improvement and spirituality. I am particularly interested in psychedelics (especially LSD) for healing trauma and meditation. My girlfriend however is more into what I would consider more feminine sides of spirituality like journaling, yoga and law of attraction. My girlfriend was talking a lot about law of attraction in the start of our relationship. I was kind of sceptical, but at the same time not being judgmental and close minded. When we got together she told me that she «found» me by writing a list of what she wanted a in a man and relationship, where she had a ceremony burning the paper she had written the list on. I had some serious health issues I have been struggling with for almost 10 years. She inspired me to try just writing down in present tense the life I wanted. So I have written an A4 size paper every day since about my health issue in a negating and positive way - if that makes sense. Like «I am healthy, I feel so good in my body» etc. I also started practicing visualization. Surely and steadily my health have been getting better ever since. I have at the same time simontaniously worked towards achieving the goal of better health. It seems that small coinsidences just appear out of nowhere that over time adds up to helping me getting towards this goal of getting healthy again. Everytime I trip and get ego death, I experience law of attraction as a universal truth about the universe. It feels freakish but I always end up having the same insights and conclusions. When I am back in a sober state though, I start to question if I was just delusional ? Of course, I also think law of attraction have some kind of limitations without me knowing what that exactly is. So I tripped on LSD this weekend for some trauma healing and when I came down from the trip, I had this weird insight. I was thinking that Jesus and Muhammad was preaching prayer not only as a meditation technique, but also as a way to practice law of attraction - i.e. what you focus on becomes true. So from what I understand, law of attraction have 2 fundamental rules. 1. If you don’t believe in it, its not going to work 2. If what you want comes from a place of desperation or scarcity, its not going to work I feel like the first rule is relevant for a prayer to god, because FAITH in god is of high importantance in Christianity and Islam. When you ask god for help, he will only help if you believe in him. On a little side note, I saw the Netflix documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger, which was a very inspirational. I can’t shake one of the last quotes in the third episode out of my head, where Arnold was saying: «When somebody says «Arnold, you are the perfect example. The self made man». And I said «the only thing that is «self» is kind of all the motivation, VISUALIZATION and all this stuff. There was an endless amounts of people helping me…» I think this hammers home the point that law of attraction is a true thing. Another thing I have been thinking about is if the placebo effect in studies is law of attraction also. In psychology, studies has also proven that self fulfilling prophecies are real, but they are explaining it to some "logical reasons". It would be really interesting if somebody actually did a study on this to see if it works! Do you guys think Jesus and Muhammad might have had the same insight about law of attraction and thus preaching prayer? Or am I delusional? ?
  9. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I totally agree with the strong inbuilt structure you are mentioning. One thing I feel is really relevant is that if somebody who is sceptical to some miraculous or mystical event that contradicts physics and logic, then that particular outcome will not manifest in reality because all of the observers (or most of the observers) need to be open to the idea that it could work. This is probably stretching it a bit far, but with the example of Jesus walking on water or Moses opening the Red Sea, I could see that potentially being a real manifestation because the observers at that time was open to Jesus or Moses being capable of doing remarkable things that contradicted their worldview. With todays science, people are bought into the idea that reality is "material" following strict physical rules which cannot be broken. Hence walking on water would not be possible because people couldn't in their wildest fantasy believe that it was real. But if you think that law of attraction is a universal truth about the universe, do you use it for any practical manner? And if so, how?
  10. Haha. I think you are speaking a bit above my head with regards to Darryl anka and Bashar? But for the purpose of total practicality, most people on earth today are not spiritual seekers. With this assumption I think that law of attraction can be used in an egoic way to better the lives of human kind. And it´s more simple than externally motivating other people to take on spiritual practices. For example praying (or using law of attraction in an egoic way) to get money, stop hunger, living peacefully etc could be good for humanity. This was the insight I got coming down from that trip I was talking about - that Muhammad and Jesus understood this and thus preaching prayer as a way of law of attraction. What do you think about this?
  11. I was discussing with a friend of mine that have been taking a bachelor in philosophy. The topic was about solipsism and I told him about my non-dual experiences and how I had many direct experiences of this concept. He was very skeptical to solipsism overall and was quibbling on what I told him, and he said that if I believed in solipsism, then I also had to believe that he or any other people/beings are not conscious and that I was just projecting this on to them. What I answered was that when I have experienced solipsism, it´s not that I think other people are unconscious but rather there is no distinctions between us. For example when I was speaking to a friend on psychedelics it felt like I was just having a conversation with my-self and I was totally alone in the universe. Is there a difference or has one of us misunderstood the concept?
  12. Yeah. I am not really sure what it is. I am just really open to it being a thing. I feel like when we raise our vibration, we get more in tune with the natural rhythms in nature. Haha. Don´t I smell some resistance here ? To be honest, I also think law of attraction sounds pretty unlikely and too good to be true. It can also sounds like wishful thinking. I have been very skeptical. But I have also been very skeptical about healing, energy work etc - which I have a direct experience of working. Law of attraction has worked wonders for me. At the same time as I am logical and analytic, I am also very pragmatic. If something does seem to work, I don't question it - I use it for what its worth. For example, if placebo works as a good intervention for a medical problem, I don't see why it can't be used as treatment. Psychological studies have also shown that self-fulfilling prophecies is a real thing - but they just explain it away in a logical manner. They have also shown in studies that if a teacher is treating a student like a smart person, that person will perform better than the students that a is treated like normal or dumb. And like I said earlier, I think law of attraction is limited. I don't think that if I script that the earth is flat, then suddenly it will become flat. Why can't thoughts affect the probability that something happening? What I have also experienced is that if I have resistance to something, that will become a bigger problem than if I didn't have the same resistance.
  13. I have no clue. What do you think? One thing I experienced that I think is really funny is that when I took LSD for the first time, I tried to explain some phenomenon inside my counsiousness. For every word I used, the phenomenon I was describing vs experiencing was being more and more distorted to such a degree that the words I used didn't make any sense. It felt like the sand was just falling trough my hands and. Do you think that trying to explain anything with words is like having a perfect picture with infinite pixels and that is compressed down to a low pixel picture? Another point regarding science that I also think can be analogous to what it's possible to experience while introspecting is string theory (implicating parallell universes) and quantum mechanics. With regards to infinite universes I am thinking about the birth / rebirth process and reality being a fractal. With quantum mechanics I think its interesting that every particle is in a superposition until you actually observe it, which can hammers home the point that consciousness is like an infinite probability field.
  14. I watched Oppenheimer yesterday, and I got some thoughts about science and metaphysics. The speed of light (and other particles) is the only constant in our «physical universe». In metaphysics, the «metaphysical self» is the only constant in our subjective experience. "Physical material" can transfer info light and vice versa. From the perspective of light, time dosen´t exist. When our ego collapses, we experience that time is a concept and the present moment is infinite and neverending. The only law of energy (which is light) is that it can’t be created, neither be destroyed, but only change form to a lower quality. Is being «a human» the equivalent to energy being aware of itself through conceptualization?
  15. Yeah, that is what I mean about the "metaphysical self". I meant that about energy as well. The way I look at science is that it's models works good within its limitations - with i.e speed of light, gravity etc. But for example, when it comes to black holes - that is just plain theory. And I think it isn't possible to experience the inside of black hole as the finite beings we are because the classical laws of physics don't apply there (and so can't we). Every conceptualization has to exclude something to be finite. And it's not possible to compress infinite into some finite concept. So every finite perspective (one of which is our human percpective) will never be real. But I acknowledge that some concepts and models in "physical reality" work really well within its limitations. So no concepts are real, but they are at the same time useful to understand something. And with stuff like that energy is not created or destroyed is where conceptualization and logic meets the pavement. Existence can't never be logically explained. So energy being aware of energy is just a limited concept. But there seems to be some similarities between metaphysics and physics.
  16. Yeah, so I think that the chakra system in interacting with the physical body, with for example the nerve system. And from what I understand the pineal gland is very involved in vividness in dreams while sleeping - and thus active in visualization. I am not sure exactly what happens but it just seems that you tune yourself into some kind of frequenzy or state which makes you more susceptible to getting the results you are aiming for!
  17. It's not that I think that philosophers have some kind of fantastic insights, I feel like a lot of them are just cultivating their own ego. But from what my friend said, was that the professor in his class had emphasized that this was a central part of the theory. But I did a quick google search and looked up solipsism on wikipedia (, where there seems to be a distinction between different thoughts of school. Has solipsism as a concept first been derived from purely theoretical though or has it been derived from direct experience?
  18. I was thinking more of the lines of how clear your "visions" get. Sometimes for me, they can be as clear as real life visions. Like very strong closed eyes visions with vivid colors, clear shapes shapes etc. Sometimes they are not really clear. I think this has to do with third eye activation and the pineal gland in the brain. What I feel like visualization and scripting does, is that it changes my though process. For example, if I have something that I have afraid of or resistance to, that whole thing switches off. If I think about something is impossible or improbable, my thinking changes to it's possible or it's just a matter of time. So my thoughts changes, making the manifestations come true in the end. I feel like you can't manifest something totally specific like an exact event, but its more like it just opens the path the where you want to go. An good analogy could be in the dating sphere where dating techniques and seduction dosent work on one particular girl you want to date, but it works as a method to be able to date more girls that is better suited for you.
  19. Do you have an very active pineal gland when visualizing? Any of your visualizations ever come true?
  20. Yeah. There are many distinctions like consiousness and self-counsiousness which is a cognitive process. The way I am looking at level of counciousness is the level of flow you have in your energysystem. For example while taking psychedelics and getting ego death, the flow is at 100 and the ego is at 0. The more flow you have, the higher you are to on the spiral - and less you have of a rigid ego. If you take high amounts of benzos, it will tighten the flow, resulting in going down on the spiral. If you are really depressed, you are less aware oF sensations in your body and have less energyflow, resulting in an highly active and straining thought process.
  21. I would argue benzodiazepines lowers counsiousness because it shuts down your emotions, lowers your vibration and energysystem. A person, who in a sober state has empathy, could suddenly do all kinds of antisocial behaviour. It’s legally perscribed, but I dont know if meant over the counter (?)
  22. Yesterday I had a very intense meditation before I went to bed. When I later tried to sleep, my head was completely empty. It was like I continued to meditate in my bed. Suddenly I was so immersed in "nothing" that all thoughts, concepts and ideas about everything dissapeared. It was like I experienced pure nothing. I had no sense of self or my human life and I was just 100% aware of reality/existence. I did not know what I was. It felt like I was nothing. It felt so unusual and I experienced it as a bit scary so I "tried" to find a way back to my ego. What kind of experience was this?
  23. Hi. I have tried intermittent fasting for about 4 days right now. I am counting my macros and right now I am at a deficit (2000 kcal). What I have started to experience though is heightened anexiety. I am drinking black coffee. Is this normal and will it eventually stop?
  24. Yesterday I entered a pretty deep meditation. Took a pillow on my desk and rested on it with my head leaning forward. The whole experience shifted and I got very focused in a different way. I was so focused that I could see my thoughts from a very objectively place. It felt like i watched the content of my thoughts(WHAT IS A THOUGHT?). I asked WHO AM I? and went looking for what I was. The other thing I did was trying to locate where I was (WHERE AM I?), which was impossible.. Is this the right way?
  25. I want to go to a retreat in Europe somewhere in my winter and easter holiday from 21. march - 3. april. I have never attended a retreat and I dont know really what to expect. I am very motivated to go. The thing for me is that I want to go a place where I get a bang for my buck. Anyone have someplace to recommend me? If I have questions about my meditation practice, will I be given proper guidance?