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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. Has anyone here done what Leo has said and become consciousness, without any Self? Has anyone here actually achieved Truth (like described by Leo)? I've watched all of Leo's videos. I love his teachings. I want to believe all he says, but I have a hard time with some of the deeper philosophies. For instance, all matter doesn't exist, there is just a never-ending field of consciousness of infinite possibilities. And everything is infinity. And we have zero control over any aspect of anything, not even moving your finger or making a choice. And if you truly realize all this. All your suffering and fear disappears, and you are at peace and a state of bliss. And once you get there, you can never go back to the suffering. You reached enlightenment. But, I've been an atheist my whole life. I studied science. I have believed that we are matter and we can control our life. But I also have tried everything and have always still suffered. So if this can work, I would gladly dedicate 1000 hours to achieve this. I'm willing to give up everything I know. But, I have a hard time believing anyone that says they have the answers or the truth that can set you free. Been burned by too many religious con-artists, shamans that were just out for their own ego, and everyone else's own opinion of how everything works in life. So could Leo's teachings be just another opinion? He is extremely convincing in telling you that it's not an opinion, but experienceable Truth. But only if you dedicate 1000 hours to hard work to get there. Could 99.999% of people be wrong and just a hand full of people, like Leo, know the true Truth? I'd like to think so. Like I said, I love his teachings. I want to achieve what he says is possible through these teachings. The catch is, you have to believe it's possible, to even have the drive to dedicate 1000 hours to it. So has anyone actually known someone who actually achieved these highest levels of Truth and Enlightenment? If no one has achieved it, or actually met any of these handful of Enlightened people, then how can we truly know it is possible?
  2. Agreed. But, if you haven't seen much of Leo's videos, I highly recommend watching them. Namely: and Will all twist your mind.
  3. Not trying to be contrarian here, but I'm getting the feeling that alot of people here are not even reading the posts they are responding to, and have not even watched Leo's videos. According to the teaching here, there is no Self, so you can't enjoy anything. And there is nothing to enjoy, as it's all a made up hallucination, according to these teachings. But, thank you for trying to help.
  4. There is no mind. Watch Leo's video on 'Why Brains Do Not Exist'.
  5. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. To me, this is the old paradigm of enlightenment. What I've been learning for years. Basically how to make your life better, yourself more happy and how to be love. But, all of's videos tell us that all of that is a illusion. There is no Self, there is no such thing as love, there is no physical world. There is no being happier, cause there is no you to be happy. There is no use in better communication skills, as there are no people to communicate to. It's all a hallucination. So either Leo is right, and we are just nothingness and nothing in this life matter not one bit. Or the old paradigm is right, and I should continue to try and make my life better.
  6. I'm going directly off of Leo's videos. Namely the one on there is no brain, there is no free will, and the ones on infinity. According to these videos, there is no physical world. The whole world and everything in it, is a hallucination made by infinite consciousness, that is also nothingness. I do not know what nothingness experience is like, since I have not done the 10,000 hours of work it supposedly takes to experience it. Point of the post was, why would I want to experience it?
  7. This is a forum for the teachings of It has nothing to do with Jesus. Please keep your religion to religious circles, and let us who are interested in this form of Enlightenment to discuss its merits.
  8. Because there will be no 'I'/'me' to enjoy it or anything. That's the point.
  9. That's exactly my point though. Why would I dedicate my life to learning and achieving Enlightenment, if enlightenment is the literal destruction of everything it means to be a human, and give me infinite nothingness? You can say 'you won't know till you know, so just trust it's good', but my original point was why would anyone actually want this?
  10. Have you heard of the cow who attained liberation and was viewed as a Zen idol? It was dyslexic and kept on repeating OOOOMMM !
  11. Who chit, have you achieved this or has anyone you known? If not, then how do you know it's possible?
  12. No disrespect to you or your teachings, Leo. I'm just confused, as now I'm questioning everything I thought I knew. Now doubting all my thoughts and beliefs, I guess I'm doubting everything. I know there is no way of reaching peace or happiness from the current paradigm. So the only way through is teachings like yours. I just have such a hard time rapping my head around alot of the concepts (especially the core concept of consciousness being everything and matter and science is all false). And this doubt is a block in having the trust to fully dedicate myself to the work. I guess I'm willing to take the risk, because what do I have to lose but time I would have spent doing nothing anyways. The potential of what could be possible on the other side matters more than anything else in the reality I live now.
  13. It's relative. 3 or 4 years may not seem like alot in the face of a lifetime. One an argue that most of those people in the eastern civilizations are still part of the illusionary belief and Ego driven views, just presented as a form of Enlightenment. It can seem like a huge amount of dedication to something you're taking on faith is possible. But my point was if we've never met a person that has reached these higher levels of Enlightenment and Truth. Not a spiritual person who is still Ego, just successful at looking like they are enlightenment, but full on what is taught by Leo. Is taking on faith that it's possible, is that enough to dedicate that 3 to 4 years to maybe some slim possible of getting there. For me at least, I'd need more than that faith to even dedicate myself down this path.
  14. @Leo Gura I know I'm a little late to the conversation, so you may not see this Leo. But I know if you came to Seattle, there would be a sizable turnout. I'm plugged in to a pretty big community here, and I know most would be down to come. Let alone if you did any advertising, like in The Stranger (which is the most popular paper in the city). Hope you make here, would love to meet you.
  15. Watch more of Loe's videos. Specifically "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear". There is no 'you' to get offended. There is no such thing as 'getting manipulated'. That's a story that you made up, as is everything in your life. Words are just sound waves. They inherently mean nothing. You don't react, because there is nothing to react to. You just go on existing.