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Posts posted by Cocolove

  1. @Leo Gura

    I've been watching JP's classroom lecture playlists from youtube, and they are really good. They are definitely systemic thinking. If you checked those out, e.g. 2016 maps of meaning lectures, I think you would see that there's more to him. It sucks that he's being such a devil.

    Check out this video of JP extremely passionate about the environment:

    what changed?

  2. or get some fun job to work 3 months a year so I can save enough money to live and eat healthy, and spend the other 9 months meditating/traveling/working on a life purpose. Then do that for maybe a decade or 5 years, before finding a long term life purpose. I'm 17 and really don't think I can figure out my life purpose yet, it's too soon. I like psychology but I don't need to go to college for 8 years and get into a bunch of debt to learn it, information is free. The only thing that would get me is a place as a professor or a clinical license, aka safety nets and not my full potential.


  3. I just had my first mystical experience about 20 minutes ago. Up until now I've had mild weird effects while meditating but this was crazy.

    Been doing kriya for 6 monthsish. About a month ago I went from 36 KP to 72. Usually when I do a routine, I'll have one or two pranayamas where this thing happens. Once I get the energy to the top of my head, before I breath out, my head feels fuzzy and consciousness (like being conscious of my body) moves from the body to my bindu or focus point. It feels hot and vibrating. I can still feel my body but much less for a second or two. I usually crave this experience, it feels really good. 

    For the past week (since I got back from a 1 week break of meditating while traveling) I didn't have this experience, until yesterday, when It happened a couple of times. 

    Today it happened just a few pranayamas in, and then happened about 10 more times. When I had just a few pranayamas left, I went really slow and decided to hold my breath at the top for about 15 seconds, which usually gets this thing to happen. After about 5 seconds nothing happened and I was about to breath out when it happened but like X100. It felt like energy shot up my spine. I totally couldn't feel my body for idk how long, I'm guessing 15 seconds. I think the technical term would be out of body experience, subtle realm, or something. All I could feel was just this one intense vibration, no sounds, sights, body feelings, etc. I had thoughts because I was thinking 'what the fuck oh my god'. Then after I'm guessing like 15 seconds I could feel my body again (which happened to be drenched in sweat) and it took about a minutes to feel it all the way. In that minute I was breathing normally instead of Kp's, and my heartrate was very high.

    I'm really excited because this is the first time something really blew my mind just from meditating, and yes, I know I shouldn't make a big deal about it and just let it happen, which I tried my darnest to do while it happened. 

  4. Jungian and Freudian psychology both place a huge emphasis on dreams as being vehicles into the unconscious, dreams are composed of symbols from the unconscious mind.

    Do psychedelics use symbols from the unconscious too?

    It seems like such a basic question, does the content of a trip arise from the unconscious like a dream, or is it arbitrary, like we used to think dreams are. 

    I tried googling it but I can't find shit, would really appreciate resources or knowledge if anyone knows.

  5. On 4/3/2019 at 11:54 AM, MM1988 said:

    Do you guys feel heat during maha mudra?

    Sometimes I get these intense heat waves after exhaling and sometimes I just dont. 

    I always feel like Im doing something wrong if I dont feel the heatwaves, so whats the deal with that?


    I get these every time, and I usually have to open the window (its cold here) before doing it and sit under it to not freak out because it's so hot. I also get warm in general during meditation, but maha mudra makes me hot.

  6. 90 minutes isn't that much time. Is there something else or other things you do for that amount of time per day that you can cut out?

    Defenitely don't cut out meditation. I had to go from 2 hours a day to without it for a week a few weeks ago and so many benefits went away.

    I bet you are more likely to make money if you keep meditating.

    also, think about the idea of 4 hours of work per day, at top speed/intensity, since you can't do more than that without performance lowering.

  7. Insight from life purpose course LP section exercise 5, 3 passionate events visualization. I realized I specifically get very very enthused and passionate when I am discussing psychology with others in a teaching way, two events came up, one was me discussing a book I was reading and the other was me talking with my friend.

    Both cases involved teaching interested people, and both involved what I believed to be fascinating psychological concepts

  8. On 7/8/2018 at 6:01 PM, Elisabeth said:

    It's complicated. I may be yellow intellectually, but my life reflects orange-green in values. 

    That's how it works. The cognitive lines of development are a prerequisite to any other lines of development, e.g. you can't have green moral development(post-ethnocentric) and blue intellectual development. This survey is cool but it is an oversimplification. 

    I'd peg myself at yellow cognitively, with mostly orange and green on the other lines. yellow moral, green psycho-spiritual. I have some orange tendencies such as stimulation addiction that I'm working through(mostly there) that I don't know how to categorize.

     and then there are various psychological models that don't correspond with spiral dynamics.

  9. I want to be able to do a 10 day vipassana this summer, so I'm working my way up. Two days ago (friday) I realized I had a pretty free weekend, and decided to go for it. I still had about 8 hours of homework, just one of the cult like qualities of our pathologically orange education system im only half kidding .

    Friday I did Kriya in the morning before school, and did 2x 1 hour vipassanesque self inquiry sits.

    Saturday and Sunday I did my daily 1 hour kriya, and then 4x 1 hour sits, so a total of 12 hours from when I got home to now, sunday afternoon. I always do kriya at 6  am soon after I wake up, and did my 4 sits at 730, 10, 1230, and 3, with a little leeway. 

    It was hard, but not that hard. I did almost SDS style sits for all of them except the very last one sunday, just a bit ago. I got really bad ass pain and sat on the floor then went back to my seat. Right now and today I have felt very restless. It is very very challenging to sit for even 2 minutes without getting up all ancy, opening my eyes or thinking a lot.  I feel very uncomfortable in my own skin, and also feel a deep sense of emptiness, not the good kind. I was expecting this because 1. I've done this once before(3 sits /day + kriya for 3 days). and 2. I've read about it appears to be 3 characteristics stage from MCTB2.

    Overall I learned I need to do this more, or the 10 day retreat will be impossible. Or that's just mEgo making a big deal out of it to scare myself.