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Everything posted by moon777light

  1. I am about to take my very first psychedelic trip ever (WOOHOoO) on mushrooms, specifically 1.5g. ( @Nahm another thing on my dreamboard that manifested) Whats some advice for handling it in the best way possible? Any book recs? (i have a few weeks until the trip so i can squeeze in a book), methods of prep, how long to prep mentally beforehand, things to do during the trip. Im aiming not for recreational chilling stuff but spiritual advancement specifically. Music? Thank youuu!
  2. @Nahm thank you for the calculator! turns out for first trip 0.7 would be ideal lol but ill go with a gram i'll keep this in mind xx @outlandish i meant any books to read before the trip (liek weeks before) that give good advice or something haha yeah i always hear ppl say empty stomach, and then first time trippers complain on reddit that their empty stomach distracted them a lot and possibly even contributed to a bad trip. Ill have something light an hour or two before.
  3. thank you guys all so much @Leo Gura @dimitri thx, i'll start out with 1g because thats better than freaking myself out with too much. seems like meditating before will help. @Chakra Lion that has some nice music i plant to include some of that, and definitely the Journey game soundtrack @Corpus honestly no idea haha i'll ask, but im pretty sure their B+'s, thats the most common in the place i live
  4. The more i read spiritual books, especially memoirs/autobiographies, the more i sense that all the people who *made it* in the spiritual world (attained realization, lived their life led by synchronocities and intuition) were people who as children had a magical life. As kids they already remember manifesting stuff, being psychic, having paramornmal abilities even siddhis and such. And of course later they attain spiritual insights to an insane magnitude, much deeper than what most surface level esoteric books can offer. Im currently read "If Truth Be Told" which triggered this question I myself was not particuarly inclined spiritually or had any gifts as a child (the only thing maybe is that i had deep interests in the occult in those early years). So i wonder, exactly how much harder is it for people who have no talents/predispositions to this kinda work to attain deep results such as Awakening? Is it a devote every single minute of your life to it type of deal? i heard a person (specifically Dean Radin, author of Real Magic) talk how he meditated daily and rigourously for 40 years & in all those years had only minutes long of mystical experiences How much does our Karma, Past lives (if there is such a thing) influence our capabilities in the now. I hear of the principle that mastery is only a little bit talent and majority discipline and work but when it comes the work were doing here, it doesnt seem like so. How to strengthen out intuition to avoid going astray and wasting years off the path?
  5. they usually have a week free suprsription you can try. I signed up for the 99 cents for a month deal to see what its all about, and its very green hippie- like. If your looking for teachers to take you deep into meditation or enlightenment then dont bother. What they do have is lots of good videos on health, yoga, psychics, paranormal stuff, history and good spiritual documentaries. But no instruction videos per se. Its pretty light material id say except for one interview series called "open minds" with regina meredith, im thinking of resubscribing only for that, she interviews green/yellow people about various subjects, mostly health, spiritual stuff, and new historic theories
  6. About 70% of the way through and this book is incredible. If you are planning to do psychedelics or have done them, this is a must read. Despite the title, it isnt a self-help book or a how-to guide for psychedelics. Its about this guys investigation into the realm of these entheogens, where you discover the history of psychedelics (how they were used centuries and millenia ago), history of the first renaissance (the 1950s-1970s), the reaosning for their second renaissance occuring now (started back in 2006), you learn the neuroscience about what they do in your brain, theres a whole chapter with Paul stamets in it (woohoo), a chapter of the authors trips, specifically on shrooms, LSD, and 5-meo-DMT (he's done them first time in his life at age 60!), and how they can be potentially used to heal fear of death, depression, addiction, and so on. Really surprised this isn't on leo's booklist
  7. @Nahm as long as you dont barf on the carpet!! @wavydude ive been watchhing some, funny, a few years back i always skipped them because i thought they were for old people lolol whatever that meant, but now i think their so interesting. One of my favorite one's is with the creator of the Samadhi movies, Daniel Schmidt.
  8. @Nahm just wanna say that i had a picture of a heart with the words "self love" on my dreamboard, and this week the self love video came about and i started practicing it in every moment i could remind myself, for example today someone mentioned a video they watched of me and i immeditaley cringed inside at the cheesiness of that video i did, but then i gave myself love, i loved me for me, i even loved that cringe that my stomach did. The dreamboard is actually coming about hehe
  9. FIRST of allll, im so sorry for the late response thank you so much, i always have two perspectives to choose from, like that einstein quote "live your life either as nothing is a miracle or as everything is a miracle" something along those lines haha, I always have the option to see how this will help me or ruin me. How i can complain/blame or how can i learn from this. I choose to learn, to help me, to see it s a benefit. To choose Love, Self-Love <3 So all along whenever im stuck in blaming and ruminating, im still being a master of my creation but just going the oppositie direction that i want to go in. All i have to do i flip the other way and im going forward. Instead of reading this memoir and thinking wow this is so hardcore, i will never be able to do that, i choose to see it as "wow this is so incredibly inspiring, this man's hard devotion to God, this motivates me to work hard to find the Truth" It is true, this correlation is going about me right now. Whatever my focus is on, will grow. Thank you <3 @pink thanks, i will take a note to look at it later @LfcCharlie4 mann thats awesome to hear, btw what do you do as a daily practice? @Consilience thank you for your words, they encourage me to find the same magic in the present moment <33 its all a matter of discipline and softening your ego thank you for sharing this with mee @mandyjw true true @Keyhole yes whatever positive thing i do now will help me later, even in future lives <3
  10. yea i noticed that as well, i always thought the thumbnails were custom art so seeing it i was suprised
  11. for example in the book im reading, the guy is tired of his job and wishes for something more exhilarating, then the very next day hes contacted for an amazing opportunity. Or for example of intuition, he can read the mind of someone, like he already knows what they are goin to say minutes before they say this. @LfcCharlie4 thanks for the reassurance i noticed in zen books and literature there is very little talk of these magical powers/siddhis and whatnot, instead its more austere and serious, focusing only on enlightment i guess i was wondering old soul vs new soul, old souls are much more predispotioned to awaken, and i wonder if new souls stand a chance haha
  12. @Nahm Realization of Truth, getting Awakended, seeing the Self (capital S) for what it is, not having attachments, being so unified with the divine that you just follow signs given to you. Like wishing for something a boom there it is @outlandish ohh man i forgot about him haha ok that's a relief phew I guess have to put in that impatience was a characteristic that i had since childhood. All i remember my parents and teachers saying is "dont be soo impatient" so when i do stuff now like meditate and it seems like the process is slow, i tend to overreact with the "oh im dooomed!" thinking
  13. wel well well what a coinki-dink i just started reading his memoir, and i love the layout of the app, thanks for the rec
  14. The Wahls Protocol->amazing incredible book. Its the story of a doctor who healed herself from Multiple sclerosis and goes into detail about the diet that helped her do it. (she was in a wheel chair for 5+ years and now reguarly walks/bikes/hikes/swims) It includes meats in it, just so you know
  15. how long into your meditation practice have you felt this frustration? And when did it start disappearing, like a year or 2? I am experiencing exactly what is written above doing the TMI method, nearly word for word. Especially during longer sits i start having the same song repeat over and over again, and not just the a song but 1 particular sentence in the song and lol honestly saammee
  16. yupp got a board few days ago and planning all the pictures to put on it
  17. thank you so much for this Nahm <3 this post rly needs to have that "featured" thing next to it
  18. FOund it: Dr Klinghardt's heavy metal detox protocol
  19. @GreenWoods i didnt know this post existed, thanksss :DD
  20. @Moreira oof, did you get tests done for heavymetals? also yea he didnt do a video just talked about it in a blogpost, and in one recentish youtube video (maybe the nootropics one?),mentioned that he visited a naturopath and was put on a detox plan for heavy metals and felt much better since, so its workin. Not exactly heavy metal but related per se is a liver and gallbladder cleanse by Andreas Moritz, if your exposed ot aluminium everyday for years you need to heal your liver as well