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Everything posted by moon777light

  1. you may want to check out the movies about enlightenment thread on here. Many movies listed include all of the topics listed above
  2. Croatia!!!! you can visit the city of Game of Thrones- Dubrovnik
  3. following this, hope it goes well
  4. 1.) MSG, Nitrates, sugar, ...the list goes on and on. Just avoid it. Only thingud say that is good is high quality bacon (one thats not filled with sugar-you can see whether it has sugar after you cook it and drain the fat into a cup. When the cup solidifies, if its white/creme colored, your good. if its brown-ish or 'caffe" colored, it has sugar. Many packages that say 0gram sugar still will have sugar in it-be warned! (i assume you mean deli meat for like sandwhiches and stuff not the raw meat?) 2.)kefir is ok but then again look at the ingrediants of the bottle, it will be stuffed with excessive amounts of sugar. id eat sauerkraut or kimchi for your probiotics. if you find an organic kefir without sugar or better yet one that is so fresh it lasts only a few days after bought then go with that. i dont get the whole kombucha obsession, personally it made me have super watery poop everytime and become rly gassy. tmi. 3.)like leo said, restaurants and served food to the public will always try to get away with using the cheapest, low quality foods. Im 99.999% sure all of the veggies and fruit at the dining hall will NOT be organic. The meat will probably be anitibiotic filled. If you eat one meal at the dining hall, and 1-2 home-made high quality meals, then that would probably be ok. especially if your healthy right now. if your have health-issues, best to avoid the dining hall
  5. from me looking at kundalini on and off/researching it, yogi bhajan refers to a specific excerise as a "kriya". It has little to do with actual kriya yogurt. Kriya yoga is a separate school.
  6. No pics of magnum dongs????....
  7. Here are some of my mine i did last year. I wish i could show my high school stuff but they are all back home. My main issue is sticking with a style, i jump all over the place regarding that and my creativity goes through random spikes that occur maybe every few months...
  8. i was watching leos latest vid and the qoute from godel "..what am i.." appeared and i remembered that as a child, i would have random moments where i would start trying to identify who i am, what i am, and for some reason visualize a big red question mark on a yellow background. This would last few minutes, it felt almost meditation-like, and find no answers and my head would start hurting so id stop. this happened A LOT as a young child, as i entered pre-teens much less, and when i was a teenager basically never. I'd remember i did that and try to go into that state of contemplation but i simply couldn't. Anyone else have similar experiences? I asked my parents if they had that as kids and they just start laughing lol.
  9. A bit late to the game
  10. Saw some cool artwork yesterday, thought id share some pics
  11. @SpaceCowboy you mentioned first sentence kundalini yoga but then in the last kriya yoga. which were talking about?
  12. thanks guys for all your answers i guess this just shows us how caught up we are in this self-imposed game of "being adult/society" we really forgot who we were/how to just be. I remember as a child i was perfectly ok with just hanging around doing absolutely nothing. Now when i am doing nothing, i go crazy and start either mindlessly scrolling on my phone or on my laptop or i pick at my lips from anxiety. Anxiety from the constant thought that i need to be doing something. Maybe my inability (for now hehe) to contemplate on existence/self-inquiry has something to do with calcification of the pineal gland.
  13. are her books regarding self-love good for self-actualization? I am beginning my journey after much much procrastination and in my bookshelf i have limited amount of books, specifically teal swan's, brene browns and dr joe dispenza (which is meh at best). I feel lost as to where i should begin. I feel like there is so much i need to focus on specifically very bad procrastination, my extreme low self-esteem/shyness, and anxiety.
  14. dammnn i just read everything from day one to today, this is intense man. your releasing major trapped emotions, holy crap! good job
  15. yes its good i recommend checking out "found my fitness" youtube channel. It might be a bit too sciency but very good quality info and interviews
  16. Everybody thank you so much for the answers, i will start by meditating. I would try to quit it cold turkey but sometimes im not even aware im doing it. Like today, i just remember my mom asking oh my god your lips look horrible and i check the mirror and they look like a snake bit me. I think i need to first stop the anxiety thats probably causing it
  17. What do you mean, is the stuff she says bad?
  18. is mindfulness same thing as labeling?
  19. @nahm no idea. thats what im trying to figure out. maybe attention? since i still have that issue to this day of wanting it and feeling excluded. and being yelled at lol
  20. I see many people discussing vitamin D on here and a few years back in my physiology class at medschool one of the doctors were explaining how the whole vitamin d trend is incomplete and many are doing it wrong, because the way vitamin d is absorbed in the CELL is that it binds to a transport, and that inorder for this transport to open and let the vitamin d inside, k2 must also bind (?)(i forgot the exact mechanism, the class was 3yrs ago) And that what people are doing by taking just vitamin d is that they are exhausting the body's supply of vitamin k2, thus making you deficient in that. As a tip i would advise people to start taking them both. Vitamin k2 has 2 forms, mk-14 derived from meat and mk-7 derived from plants, mainly from natto (japanese fermented soybeans). The mk-7 active state is much longer than mk-14 so go for that one,. It is a bit more pricier but well worth it. Also some people notice that they take high doses of vit D like 5000 IU+ but there blood tests show that they are still low. this is fixed when taking k2
  21. larabars are good but super tiny and you have to pay 4$ for one :(. in eastern europe theyre even more expensive
  22. i was looking at whether i should purchase the kriya book on amazon or on bookdepository since i dont live in usa and they have free shipping to europe and i noticed that the one on amazon is 422 pages, whereas the one on bookdepository is 362 pages. Why the difference? it says theyre the same book/edition?