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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. Already old but might be gold. ?☯️??????????⛈️☀️?
  2. Beautiful, thank you Mandy for sharing your perspective on YouTube/SoMe, which I can see is a holistic and wise one. ?
  3. I'm infinitely finite. I'm empty form. I have already taken no form, i never did. I only imagine i do. My nature is play. No one (I) can stop existing as form, since I (no one) never existed as form. I exist. I am. Being. ??? What did i just write, and why *\0/*
  4. No one can help anyone. We can only listen to and talk to and accept and love and forgive the other. When this happens unconditionally, the other can often help himself. The inner ? pieces starts falling into place. All of this life is an inner game. Really. Most people are only playing the outer game. Which is fine. I'm glad they do, so the dream can sustain itself. But if you want to awaken to the true nature of reality (i.e. start lucid dreaming) you have to focus on the internal game. When the inner game falls into place. When you have peace, joy, love from within, everything on the outside is suddenly seen to be perfect as well. Magic. Fantasy. Imagination. Just a dream, just Oneness. Just God. Just Love. Just Lila.
  5. But identification is also the root cause of beauty! Suffering is beautiful.
  6. "If one is terrified of the idea of hell and death and such things.. How to put those fears to rest once and for all?" If you want to completely be free of those fears, the only real way is to go to hell and die. (I'm speaking metaphorically, chillax mods). The best way, that I know of, to get to heaven is by smoking a shit load of DMT/Changa, go to hell and die, and then eventually wake up in heaven. Use advice at own risk. (Although absolutely speaking, there is no risk, only reward - there is nothing to be afraid of. Everything is temporary.)
  7. Read this. Translate from danish to English or w/e using google translate. I wrote it today in Danish. Let's call it a transmission or a download from CC (cosmic consciusness). Alle former for bebrejdelse af andre er - i sidste ende - spild af tid. For ligegyldigt hvor meget skyld - hvor mange fejl og mangler - du ser i andre sjæle, og uanset hvor meget du klandrer dem, vil det ikke ændre dig, som den indre sjæl du selv er. Det eneste, bebrejdelse gør, er, at det holder fokus væk fra det indre - dig selv - mens du (ubevidst) har travlt med at finde ydre årsager til at forklare dine indre frustrationer og tungsind. Hvordan får man så et 'let sind' fyldt med tilfredshed med sig selv, andre, verden og 'tingene som de er' (acceptere, lytte, forstå, tilgive - observere frem for at dømme)? Jo, man 'giver slip' -- frem for at 'holde fast'. Man stopper med at prøve at forcere alting. Man ser, at alting mere eller mindre faktisk sker helt af sig selv; ligesom at ens åndedræt, hjertebanken, fordøjelse, synssans, høresans, tanker og følelser jo faktisk 'sker' helt af sig selv, uden man behøver gøre noget. Lad tingene tage den tid, de har brug for. Livet er en uendelig, evig bevægelse, der ikke prøver - eller har behov for - at 'blive til noget bestemt'. Livet ER allerede fuldkommen magisk, særligt og mystisk. Og livet er denne evige, uendelige bevægelse, som folder sig ud af sig selv, over sig selv, ind i sig selv - helt ad sig selv. En proces. Du er en del af processen. Og den er udefinerbar, uendelig og evig. Og alting skal nok gå i sidste ende. Du behøver ikke tvinge dit hjerte til banke. Du behøver ikke tvinge din skjoldbruskkirtel til at danne thyroideahormoner, så dine celler kan fungere ordentligt. Du behøver ikke tvinge dig selv til at lytte ordentlig efter, når nogen snakker, eller når musikken spiller. Du behøver ikke tvinge dig selv til at 'se ordentligt', når du kigger på naturen, skyer, træer, film eller ind i andre menneskers funklende øjne. Det sker helt ad sig selv, uden din indvirken. Skyer laver alle mulige formationer og mærkelige bevægelser på himlen. Træer gror på alle tænkelige og utænkelige varierende måder - med skæve stammer og kaotiske forgreninger og blade og blomster i alle mulige uendelige former. Laver skyer nogensinde fejl på himlen? Laver træer nogensinde fejl, når de gror? Laver et vandløb nogensinde fejl, når det strømmer gennem skovlandskabet eller ned ad bjerget? At give slip er at acceptere tingene, som de er, og måske prøve at forstå, hvorfor de er som de er (frem for at dømme alting). Eller endnu bedre: man giver måske helt slip på behovet for at forstå alting; og accepterer i stedet, at der er mere mellem himmel og jord, og at ikke alting behøver - eller kan - forstås oppe i ens hoved. Man kan nemlig også 'forstå' med kroppen (intuition, væren, instinkt, mavefornemmelse, jordforbindelse) & hjertet (følelser, forbundethed, empati, sympati, tilgivelse). Det er nogle helt andre former for forståelse, end den forståelse, der sker oppe i ens hoved (logik, fornuft, rationalitet, koncepter, tanker, ord, tid, årsag og virkning). Når man begynder ’at forstå’ i ligevægt med alle tre centre (hoved, hjerte, krop), så får man pludselig en ekstrem indre ro - sindsligevægt - samt en uforklarlig håb og tro på, at alt i sidste ende nok skal løse sig. Andre, der måske endnu ikke har hele denne sammensmeltende forståelse og holistiske bevidsthed, vil måske se en som naiv og letsindig. Men det må de gerne. Og man kan ikke tvinge dem til ’at forstå tingene’ anderledes. Man kan kun vise dem vejen. Show, don’t tell. Man begynder at give slip på 'sig selv' (gamle selv, gamle handlemønstre, gamle måder at være på, gamle fastlåste tankemønstre) og overgiver sig selv til 'naturen/universet', som den nu en gang er - i al sin 'harmoniske, kaotiske rene væren'; uden: - bebrejdelser, - fordomme, - sine egne 'indre dæmninger' (for naturens & universets ’strøm’), - sine egne 'indre fængselsmure', man ubevidst har bygget op omkring sin inderste indre, rene, lysende, skinnende sjæl, fordi man troede, det var nødvendigt for at overleve i en verden, der ikke altid gav mening, da man var barn. Og i denne accept, håb, tro og - frem for alt - åbenhed & nysgerrighed over for denne store verden, er der også en stor lyst og motivation til at prøve at ændre tingene til det bedre; så alle væsner på Jorden forhåbentlig en dag kan føle sig set, forstået, tilgivet, elsket og accepteret som de er; sådan så alle former for bevidsthed & liv en dag kan give fuldkommen slip, overgive sig selv og elske at leve og forandre og transformere og genføde sig selv igen og igen og igen i denne uendelige, evige, konstant for-anderlige og -underlige drøm, vi kalder livet. "Faith is a state of openness or trust. To have faith is like when you trust yourself to the water. You don't grab hold of the water when you swim, because if you do you will become stiff and tight in the water, and sink. You have to relax, and the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging, and holding on. In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, science, atheiesm or other concepts & belief systems, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and/or the universe becomes a person who has no faith at all. Instead they are holding tight. But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be." -- Alan Watts
  8. Let it happen. Have faith in God/Nature/Life/The Universe... Just fucking faith Love ??
  9. Also the forum is bugged when quoting from smartphones. I can't remove quotes. That's why it seems so off, sorry bro. Sorry for the poor communication, the unnecessary harsh comments. Love ya after all ??☀️??☯️??❤️???
  10. Try to insult me. Will ya. How can a self be insulted by an other when the self knows the other is also it? So it's just the self deciding to insult itself then. I'm not addicted to pain, so I won't really ever let anyone insult me again (let myself insult myself). They (I) can call me whatever they (I) want, I will just smile and say I love them (Myself). You need two for drama, tango. You only need one for Love, peace.
  11. The biggest mindfuck is when you realize that the map IS the territory and that the finger pointing to the moon is the fucking moon.
  12. Beautiful sunflower souls. I love you. Remember though: You can't eat the menu. The map is not the Territory. Don't get stuck in your head, please. The finger pointing to 'the moon' is not THE MOON.
  13. There is only one Life. That's what I'm saying. Dno what you nor the others are saying.
  14. okay. you win. WAUW JUST FUCKING WAUW. I *CAN* ACTUALLY READ THIS. !!! ... ??? So I'm God now. M'kay. It's okay though. I'm pretty chill with it. Just play. Let go and play children. Take good care of each other tho, will ya? Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3
  15. Good. But I made it better: Another analogy is: Reality = Giant ZOOM Call with infinite participants. Your life is one of these squares. There is no material universe, it's just divisions of screens of Infinite Formless Consciousness. However, there has to be a "host" for this meeting. You are that host right now. You are God. Which is also identical to Infinite Formless Conscousness. It's One. Zero. Oneness. Unity. Undivided. Whole. Nothingness. Everything. Divine Play. Heavenly Music. An Endless Dance Without Dancers. God. Love. Goodness. Infinity. Eternity. The Ground of Being. The Groundless Ground. The Self-Less Self. God. You. I. ... _ < > ^^ You are IT. If you are reading this, you are now the host of the ZOOM Call. You see? The Absolute. Consciousness. Source. Eternal Infinity. All the other squares are real experiences that people had, but they are not "ON" — only YOU are on. Only your square in this ZOOM Call is on -- and as soon as your call is done, the next square lights up. In this way: Everything is Mind, rendering the external physical world merely an optical illusion. Imagination. Reality = Imagination Imagination = Reality. No paradox. No opposites. In Truth. Just EXPERIENCE. BEING. Nothingness. So VOID It becomes FULL. It is Infinity multiplying Itself to Infinity. Infinite Intelligence. Cosmic Consciousness. God. Everything is very, very, very deliberate. There are only "apparent coincidences". Have Faith. Fate. Hope. Let go. Love. Play. Surrender. It's all One - (but where have We been heading to?) You may be caught ... but you are so deliberately. freely imprisoned Hey. What's up. Wanna wake up? You are going to wake up. Personally, I can't sleep anymore! Wakey, wakey. Hey God. Hi You. Hi Me. Nothing is going on. Don't fear. It's all just a game. But WE are playing it! You can never not play. muuuuuuuuusiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic
  16. this world need less waves more still oceans
  17. Oh, but you are the true master inliytened one . you shall be in the middle of the hugging circle of all us enlightened zen devils <3
  18. Everything that is words or thoughts are falsehood. He was just using a pointer. Don't stare at the finger.
  19. What is NOT an opinion? ? Wauw. ☯️ ??????
  20. Let go of concepts lol But to answer: there is nothing other than infinite free will. Loss of control, determinism, randomness, conditioning are all just Infinite Free Will deliberately appearing as that. You are that.
  21. You are confused. There ARE separation and differences and infinite kind of forms IF YOU imagine there is. So: how do you stop imagining distinctions? You can't. It's not something you forcefully do, so you can't force yourself into not doing it either. It just happens. If you let go. Surrender. Don't force anything. In fact trying to force anything just makes it more messed up than it already is ??. There is, from the highest PoV in truth no difference between death and life. There isn't even anything that is alive nor death. It is both and none. At once. From the human PoV though, death is a taboo and the worst thing that can happen. That's fine. No need to forcefully change that idea. You cannot. Survival is HARD encoded into your body and brain and human mind. Like deeply fucking encoded. Not even Jesus transcended his fear of death fully. So to imagine that you can is rather arrogant. Spiritual ego, ello we meet again. Excitement. Play. ??? Just fucking live life! Be brave. ???☯️????️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️??️?️?️?️?️???