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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. Okay, so how did you defeat yourself? "So I* like talking to myself, I see?" "So We** like talking to Ourselves*, We see?" How did We defeat Ourselves? ****
  2. Not paradoxical at all. No, it's not me imagining you, and you imagning me. This is dualistic ego-thinking. Only the ego needs to understand things with words/language. Only the ego makes distinctions. Only the ego creates the illusion of 'things' it can control or manipulate or posess. (Truly there are no things, no nouns, in this world; only motion). The ego thinks in difference and opposites. Can't see that every polar opposite 100% imply each other (=are identical, ultimately). Hate IS Love. Bad IS Good. Down IS Up. Death IS Life. Ego IS God (:D) YOU are ME. I am YOU. There is no 'site by site'; this is a division of your field of vision into objects. Like our bodies are really separated. Lol dude, they aren't! Look! No, really: LOOK: there is NO separation. Every separation (distinction) & difference you assign (ego assign) to 'experience/awareness' is exactly that: imaginary, conceptual, thought-like, illusory, historical: PLAY. ☯️ ???? ♾️ Our bodies are one, totally connected through spacetime, like a painting is ONE: all colours, background, foreground connected by the fiber, fabric and structure of the canvas: ONE. We are One. It's We imagning 'you' and 'me', but truly there is ONLY *We*! "Obviously its me imagining you, but you can tell me how you imagined me. Thats so paradoxical and twisted." ... becomes (IS!): ... "Obviously it's We imagining 'me' (We), We imagining 'you' (We). That's obvious as fuck (ehm, just not to the ego, oops)." ... You trying to understand Oneness with words is like me smashing my forehead towards my keyboard when I should make my homework assignment. It doesn't work:D But after some time smashing my head into keyboard, I realized I have to write it. You have to let go of the need to understand reality with your mind. There is so much more wisdom hidden in the heart and body. Let go being addicted to understanding. Ultimately speaking, there is nothing to understand, but experience to be had. The more 'the experience' is contaminated by ego (thoughts) the less you truly understand (understand as in *feel* (❤️) & *intuition* (body)).
  3. Careful, Hulia actually has a very valid perspective. But so do you, of course. Truth is hidden somewhere in the middle. Or of course, since it's YOUR life, only you know what is true for you. But it's true, you can -- but takes a lot of effort ofc -- do all of the below things while still being in a (long distance ?) relationship. "...I also plan on leaving this country within the next year or so. I want to be free and travel the world. That's the mission I'm working on right now". Truly having a partner in life, girlfriend/boyfriend, can be a gift if both beings put 'themselves' first ('myself' start to include my partner). If your partner truly loves you unconditionally, she wouldn't mind you leaving the country to pursue your dreams. She wouldn't mind your desire to sleep with other girls. She wouldn't mind you wanting to be free and travel the world. She would love you no matter what. However, this unconditional true love, that I'm talkin bout here, IS *terrifying* to the ego. Damn right terrifying.
  4. Great bro, yeah just had to be sure!:D And indeed, clear and honest and good communication is key.
  5. Right on bro, right on. Wise words indeed. ? True true. But is there really any work to be done? Isn't all of this just a play? Of course, from the perspective of the brain-ego-mind, yes there is work, there is an endgame, there is goals. But from the pov of God, everything is already perfect and there is nowhere to get to, but right now. Enjoy.
  6. Speak for yourself kid;-) But still a good post. Wise. Yes, taking a psychedelic IS the EASY part. Integration, afterwards, is where the real, hard work lies.
  7. Communication communication communication communication communication. Master it. Talk to them both. Find out where they stand.talk talk talk. Be authentic, be clear, be deliberate, be okay with being vulnerable and asking vulnerable questions. Communication is key in ALL aspects of life & relationships with ALL kinds of people in our lives. And we can ALWAYS improve it. Good communication is an art form. Takes a life time to master ??
  8. Feeling can never be false. But your thoughts ABOUT your feelings can - relatively speaking - be misguided. Ego controls the mind. Heart controls your emotions. Wisdom wise, heart --->>> mind.
  9. Next time you go down on her maybe listen to this album called Green ? ? by Hiroshi Yoshimura. This song, Creek, is a masterpiece in soundscape/design-making. So delicious.
  10. What is there to worry about? Of course someone will probably catch a bit of feelings, maybe both of you in varying degrees, but isn't that good? Universal lessons in practicing letting go. Pain isn't a bad thing at all. Pain can be healing. Resistance and running away from pain 'is the problem'. "If we leave it at this - meaning; only hooking up at my place - there's little to no chance for a relationship to happen." Take the word 'relationship' alone. "To be in relationship with something." I have relationships with many things and beings in my life. My dick, my cup of coffee, my family, my friends, girls, etc. I'm teasing you now, but I find it rather cute and silly of you to say there's no chance of "a relationship" if you keep it to: Mindblowing good sex Mindblowing good deep talks In your apartment Why are you lying to yourself? What is a relationship even? Who determines what a relationship is? You talk about "a relationship" like it's some holy thing written by an authority in a legal book. You determine what you want in your life. Feelings are never a problem unless you make them a problem. You can never hurt anyone, ultimately speaking. People can only hurt themselves. By resisting/not letting go.
  11. " pulled out the last split-second and came all over her ass and back. " She's not on the pill? ? Hot stuff by the way!
  12. I would say that Spirituality/Enlightenment/Awakening/Yoga/Meditation/Psychedelics is just an intense form of healing childhood trauma. Those who have suffered the most in childhood, in earlier lives, and even in adult life... those are the ones who have the most potential to reach heaven. It's like taking a bouncy ball and smashing it very hard into the hard ground. What happens to it? "The heavenly highs you are capable of reaching are directly proportional to the unacknowledged depths you have the courage to dive down into"
  13. Watch / hear this piece of art: https://youtu.be/84SNX9yP1ik Do you see or hear any order? Look. Listen. (It is all ordered & mystical at the same time. Ordered from The Whole Universe's Highest Perspective, Mystical AS FUCK from "the Looking-Glass'es The Universe is Looking at Itself From" (= your perspective)
  14. 'random' - 'order' What is this? Thoughts. Distinctions made by mind (ego) (thoughts). What is the figure/foreground in a painting without the background/canvas ??? Absolutely nothing. What is the background/canvas without the figure/foreground ??? Absolutely nothing. So ... They imply each other !!! Random - order. They arise simultaneously. They coexist mutually. From the ego everything is seen in opposites, good'n'bad. Distinctions. Fragmentation. Chaos. Dissonance. Fear. Ignorance. Survival. From the selfless self (your true self) everything is seen as One. Let's just say everything is perfectly orchestrated by God (you). Sure, God plays with dice from time to time, but even the dice-playing is orchestrated. 'orchestrated' as in: CONSCIOUSNESS :: omnipotence, omniscience, all-knowing, all-powerful. Freedom is what is. 'imprisonment' / 'being caught' is the biggest illusion (or death is, actually, but same thing). Being caught is being free. Being free is being caught. Being alive is being dead. Dying is becoming alive. Up = Down Down = Up Heads = Tails Tails = Heads Life = Death Death = Life Selling = Buying Buying = Selling <3
  15. Yup - enlightenment is simply 'a returning to what is' . No judgments. No levels. No distinctions. No opposites. Just imagination. Appearances. Happenings. Mystery. Unknowing. Faith. Divinity. Reality - An ineffable enigma - Unreal. An eternal everchanging motion. A real dream. Eternal Unconditional Infinite Love (Neutrality). Infinite Novelty. Pure Empty Consciousness. Beingness without filters, without divisions. Harmony, Unity. One. <3
  16. Watch the wisdom of trauma. Great movie by the Pioneer Gabor Mate.
  17. Whatever you imagine ... is in some way or the other REAL. Ra is just a spiritual mother lode. Love that energy.
  18. I don't think people here realize how much of "ego/being asleep" boils down to various depths and degrees of childhood trauma (0-18). Psychedelics in combination with psychotherapy and meditation (concentration/focus/letting go exercises) is where it's at boys. A strong long trip on shrooms or acid or mescaline can also crack your mind open, making your sober meditation practice 10x deeper the days afterwards. Build Momentum of that. There is much talk about here how meditation needs to be 2-4 hours/day for you to get significant results spiritual-wise. Sure, if you don't do psychedelics. Psychedelic trips can really deepen your meditation, meaning you can get closer to ego-death/God-levels-of consciousness in shorter amounts of time. Heck, 10 min is enough for me, although 20-30 min is the sweet spot for me. Mhm. Delicious silence ? WATCH *THE WISDOM OF TRAUMA* ! Also: read/listen to Alan Watts; that's the spicy 4th ingredient besides psychedelics, meditation & therapy;)
  19. Meditation is simply a practice of resetting focus from daydreaming in thoughs to 'the now' (and you can use any object; breath/bodily sensations are popular, but in principle even thought itself can become an object acknowledged in 'the now'. If you aren't good at letting go & focusing (identical meanings basically, just different words) then psychedelics done properly will smack your ass, which is probably what ya need. You always get what ya need (in the end). It may be a long dance with the devil, but eventually even God will appear to you in the eyes of The Devil Suffering is healing (if you accept it).
  20. 2cb is even better than candy flipping (sex wise)
  21. Have you tried sex on 15-20 mg 2C-B? I usually tell my friends they haven't tried sex if they haven't tried it on 2CB. Although weed can do 50% of what 2cb does to your skin.
  22. ??? doesn't sound too bad! Sweet dreams ?