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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Christianity has alot of good values that get overshadowed by its dogmatism. Things like prayer, community, healing, charity, helping people get out of drug abuse etc. Are all great things. Its like Leo once said "Blue is an aping of Turquoise" Mainstream Christianity is like an aping of true spirituality. But it gets alot of flack from people who dont understand its purpose.
  2. Okay! Cool! I have a rose-quartz, will research more thoroughly. ✌?
  3. The Session I booked a Reiki session because I was curious if there was something to it. I figure the best way to find out is something is true is to experience it first hand. First I laid on my back on a stretcher. She started by laying her hands on some parts of my head, almost immediately I felt a tension in my throat and had to cough and swallow every 5 seconds, when she moved on my throat was normal again. She kept moving around to different parts of my body and depending on where she went I would feel deep calmness or deep anxiety. When she touched my legs I felt calm, when she touched my chest I felt darkness and fear. Then I laid on my chest and when she put a hand on my tailbone and neck I felt deep sadness and almost started crying but since I had to cough again she removed her hands quickly, I guess she sensed it was bit too intense. Psychic She sat down and basically started telling me about things Ive been thinking and feeling deeply everyday for the past 6 months... I cant explain how this happened... She said I was struggling between being detailed, creative, relaxed versus being quick and getting things done... She said I love the puzzle of it and basically being in that meditative flow of creativity... and made a motion with her fingers which is very similar to me using the computer to make music. Making music on the computer is basically like laying a puzzle. Its very nerdy and pinpointy. and this is 100% true since I am a musician and I have been struggling with getting my songs out quickly and also not being able to push my creativity, I have to wait for it to arrive which sometimes takes time but I dont how to balance it. Then she said "You make music or something like that dont you?" I just said mmhm... and had my mind blown... Then she asked if I had a domineering father because she could feel it in my energy... And I just said... "Spot on..." What more can I say... she was basically telling me things with her eyes closed so it wasnt as if she was gauging my reaction or anything. When we talked it felt like we had known eachother for years and I didnt have to explain anything to her... I mostly just nodded and said "Mm" It was beautiful! ... I dont know how to process this... I hadnt told her anything except that I have social anxiety but thats it!! My rational mind is in cognitive dissonance right now.
  4. The higher up the spiral you go the less need for violence you have, but you still have fists... So it can happen.
  5. I dont even know what to say haha... Im gonna have to process this for sure. ? It is! A beautiful experience! Yeah I just did it as a fun experiment... Now i want more haha! But it is expensive... 60$ basically.
  6. I heard that Aum is a mantra that when chanted slowly vibrates all your chakras from the bottom up. Try it. Saying Mm vibrates your throat, thats easy to find out.
  7. Then the police force need to learn how to not be reckless. No wonder Black people are so scared of police when they do these things and call them "Oopsies".
  8. And what happens when the crops die and the bees die and the weather changes, and Florida becomes the ocean, etc etc. Its not just about "Oooh its sweaty today, lets buy an AC" There are so many unknowns that could happen from this.
  9. @Leo GuraLeo... youre being a bit too loving... the dude clearly had time to not kill the dude... he had several chances to save him... 8 minutes!
  10. Have you ever done cocaine? Theres absolutely no comparison. Only if youre a real coomer.
  11. Police brutality is always an issue, but racial profiling is a larger issue. Youre not gonna get shot for driving while white.
  12. Yep, we just dont get it, just like Trump, hes actually Stage Turquoise posing as Stage Red, hes way above our heads.
  13. I think you guys should sesrch for "arrested black" or something like that on Youtube, as a matter of fact I might make a thread posting a bunch of videos showing how corrupt the police system is.
  14. A quarter pill sets me on fire lol, seems its getting stronger nowadays the more I do it, ill be creative like crazy (making music) from 9am to 9pm... maybe I should cut down on it... maybe take half of a quarter lol... Feels like Im on some amphetamine or something... I take like once every 2 weeks when I need a boost.
  15. You literally posted a video from No Bullshit, with a straight face, like... seriously... wow.
  16. if someone is rude to you 1. its not about you 2. they have low self esteem 3. they feel insecure 4. they have to project their negativity onto you feel the emotions you feel, dont ignore them, but dont create a big story out of them, and realize its not about you, the person doesnt even know you, he is just projecting his own emotional stuff onto you