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Posts posted by SgtPepper

  1. 32 minutes ago, DrMobius said:

    Just being ready to die? That would be too easy.

    On 5-MeO you can have the certainty to be locked in this state for eternity! That's worse than death in many regards if you're not ok with it.

    Surrendering to death is the first step, surrendering to eternal obliteration is the second. That's the kind of things one deals with on strong doses, and shamans do like them strong doses (especially smoked, the intensity is unfathomable).

    Be very ready.

    Hehe :) forgive my ignorance. 

  2. I personally have not taken 5-meo, but from the research I have done, you should be pretty much be ready to die (not literally), its the ultimate surrender. Previous psychedelic experience may or may not help, so I am not sure it matters. Just be ready for an intense life changing event and let go.

    Be mindful that other traditional medicines such as psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, and ayahuasca can be also be healing and life changing.