Leo Gura

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Posts posted by Leo Gura

  1. 1 hour ago, Happy Lizard said:

    Could you please list some of what you think he has achieved or one way to learn form him about anything enlightenment or not ? I wouldn’t say I’m too familiar with his work, but I read maybe half his book about the body and movement that you have in the book list, and I don’t know if its his style or if I just couldn’t comprehend what he was pointing at, but I can hardly now remember any good insight that I had form reading it. 

    Ralston is very hard to grasp because he he lives in his own reality and he doesn't try to make it easy for you. You will have to work for it.

    You just have to listen to him very carefully. He has short videos on YT which give you bits. But to really learn form him requires visiting his workshops.

    1 hour ago, Yali said:

    @Leo Gura so are the multiple lines of intelligence -- what Ken wilber calls "growing up" -- basically genetic? 

    what does growing through the spiral stages hinge on? 

    Growing up is not about innate intelligence. Growing up is just the process of developing yourself. Anyone can do development, you don't need special talents for that.

    You don't need to be a genius to grow up/mature.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Yali said:

    @Leo Gura 

    Would you put Ken Wilber in the same tier of genius as Ralston? What about Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Osho, etc?

    Osho was a genius in his own way.

    Wilber is a genius in the domain of philosophical writing and conceptual understanding.

    The rest of them are merely enlightened, not particularly geniuses.

    Ralston's genius is very unique. Basically he exists in his own unique state of consciousness. He's not a normal human being. Understanding him is hard because he's just so different from normal humans by default. It's not something you can enlighten you way to. No amount of enlightenment will get you to his level, because it is based on genetic talent. It's like trying to visualize like Tesla, a normal human cannot do it, you have to be a genetic freak.

    This is the secret that none of these people will ever tell you. They take their own genetics for granted, which I am sick of watching.

  3. 1 hour ago, strika said:

    I don't understand how it's antithetical to everything you teach.

    These conspiracy theories happen at the level of belief and hearsay, not experience or insight.

    People love to build up exotic belief systems which make them feel like they have a deep and special understanding of the world.

    In our work it's important to ground yourself in experience and insight, otherwise we fall into too much fantasy and speculation.

    Unless you've been inside one of these so-called pedophile rings, you don't really know.

    Does pedophilia exist among the rich elites, sure. But then all sorts of stories are made up about it because the easiest thing in the world is to demonize pedophilia.

  4. 1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

    I get you. When you truly grasp It is not an idea or a thought, is truly grasping it. It can not be explained

    It also is a thought though. That's one of the things that many nondualists and Buddhists get wrong.

    You definitely can grasp Infinity with thoughts and mind, however it does require a shift in your state.

    The only reason that thoughts do not grasp Infinity is because humans have too low of a default state of consciousness. This is common mistake across my different teachings.

    See, when nondualists and Buddhists meditate, they turn off their higher mind in order to hit Nothingness, and the limitation of that method is that you cannot think deeply about Infinity. Which is a shame, because there is much worth thinking about it.

    Using mindlessness to reach Nothingness works, but no one appreciates at what cost, and takes that to be the only way. But it is far from the only way. You are just a simple state change away from being able to grasp Infinity with your thoughts. But it's a huge leap in state.

  5. 53 minutes ago, strika said:

    Bro how are you still hating on Alex Jones in big 2024 after he was right on most things he said 🤣🤣🤣

    I wonder if one day you will actually have the guts to admit you were wrong for hating on Alex just how you were admiting your mistakes in the last episode, if that day comes that may be your 9/11

    Do you really still think there isn't a child pedophilia ring run by the elites where they fuck children, kill them, drink their blood, and do all sorts of insane ritualistic stuff? Of course they do it for the sake of black magic, that's basically the most effective way of doing black magic,

    You came to the wrong place for this.

    You should know by now that this is antithetical to everything I teach.

    And I do not hate Alex Jones. He's just a very self-deceived and mentally ill individual.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Ayham said:

    What do you mean by you can regret having certain concepts in your mind?

    Eventually you will go so far in this work that you will realize that no concept given to you from a human is good enough, and you will drop all that in order to derive everything by yourself from scratch based on your direct experiences. And as you do this, you will grow faster in a month than you did in years. You will feel every philosophical concept just holding you back from doing the real work.

    The real work is not based in theory or logical deduction or philosophy. And I am not just talking about Awakening. I'm talking about understanding all the dynamics of yourself and your mind. How you work.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Florian said:

    Its just that the human value system seems to be designed in a way that moves him towards the ultimate truth.

    If that were true then why are 99% of people asleep and care nothing about truth?

    See, what I am cautioning you against is this kind of objectification of your value system. You want to create your value system and then project it onto the world. And I'm saying that it would be a lot better if you just noticed for yourself that whatever value system you construct, all of those are your biases, and nothing in reality has to obey.

    Even if you care about absolute truth that is your personal bias. God doesn't care.

  8. 22 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    @Leo Gura would be a good video to have a healthy discussion with him.

    However I feel he is quite stubborn and cannot speak with you on same level but only on teacher student level.

    One of Ralaton's strengths and weaknesses is that he sees reality his unique way and he's not interested in other opinions or perspectives about it.

    He doesn't do comparative analysis of various spiritual teaching styles. He only does his style, and its his way or the exit. This is unfortunate because important stuff is being missed.

  9. Just keep in mind that all values are ultimately a mental construction.

    You cannot put a value on God.

    Even Oneness or Love are not values God has. They are what God is. Reality is beyond any value.

    You as a human can have values to guide your life, but recognize that all this is baised and relative and wrapped up with your personal preferences and survival needs.

  10. 1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

    Lol, checkmate.

    You guys forget that Leo was a philosophic supernerd for the first 25 years of his life.

    He now disregards books out of graduation of the material; not bypassing.

    To be honest, there is much philosophy I overlooked, but it is counter-productive for me to spend time reading it at this point.

    It really depends on what stage you're at in this work.

  11. 37 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    You and him clearly differ in terms of solipsism. There was already a big thread in this forum about this different opinion. Why do you think that Ralston could not see what you see despite his genius Level of understanding reality?

    I disagree with him on multiple fundamental things.

    It is what it is. I cannot account for his positions.

    But I don't need to agree with him on everything or even the fundamental things in order to see the value of his work.

  12. Ralston does not have a cult around him.

    Ralston is one of the most genius humans on this planet. It takes insane intelligence to appreciate everything he offers.

    Most people will never understand what Ralston has achieved. He's NOT just another enlightened nondualist. He has achieved a level of understanding of reality which hardly any human on this planet has achieved.

  13. 12 minutes ago, zurew said:

    if you take it to its logical end , you would need to conclude that you shouldn't study anyone ever (including actualized.org and Leo's work) cause it will corrupt your mind.

    One day you will realize how scary true that is.


    and btw the "corruption of the mind" argument goes both ways. If you don't engage with any other thought or insight outside of your own, you can easily get locked in your own bullshit as well.

    I share a book list with you guys of 200+ books. Obviously stuff like that is worth reading. But at some point you have to go beyond the books, beyond human ideas.

    Humans can offer you fresh perspectives. But eventually you gotta focus on developing sovereignty of mind.

    Where you draw that line is up to you. And you don't have to draw it just once. You can go through phases, redrawing the line as needed. There are phases in my life where I study lots of human perspectives, and phases where I rely solely on myself.

    Can you get value out of reading the entire canon of Western philosophy in meticulous detail? Sure. But also you will fill your head with some many concepts you might regret it at some point.

    One of the top traps of our work is getting lost in concepts, models, theories, abstractions.

  14. It's a coherent dream.

    You could dream random noise but it would not be a life.

    So really, what you're catching onto is the thing of A LIFE.

    Nobody in the spiritual community even talks about this.

    A LIFE is a profound phenomenon. You're not merely alive. You are inside A LIFE!

    Contemplate: What is A LIFE?

    These spiritual people don't even realize what A LIFE is, as an existential thing.

  15. 2 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    your flippant dismissal of my comment,

    I wasn't flippant.

    I was saying that following the work of all those great men will limit your mind's ability to think original thoughts.

    I am dead serious about that.

    If you take humans ideas too seriously eventually you will end up believing them. You won't be able to help yourself. And you won't even know what you missed.

    But hey, do it your way. Maybe it will work for you.