Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Yes, it's so obvious that you're missing it in plain sight. Notice that any object you perceive is actually OUT THERE, it's not literally inside you. It takes place exactly where it is, namely, out there. Which means you're out there. Otherwise, how could you have access to it at all? You have to completely throw away the standard scientific model of how perception works. That's not how perception really works. Notice that you have no awareness of rays of lights bouncing off things and entering your eye. That's a fiction. That's not actually happening. Do you literally see trees inside you? Is a tree inside you? If not, then where actually is it? What's really happening is BEing. Stuff is just BEing. The body is being. The tree is being. The voice in "your head" is being. Takes careful sitting and looking to start to notice this. Keep at it. This has nothing to do with manipulating your experience. Just observe your most ordinary experience. If the tree isn't you, how come it exists at all? For it to exist, you have to be aware of it! It's right there out side the body! So what is it if it's not you? Before you were born there was nothing. Then you came into existence and there was the whole world. When you die, you believe the entire world will end. So you already acknowledge the entire world is you to some extent. Keep investigating that. Also ask yourself why you believe you're you at all. What if you just made a mistake and got attached to a bunch of sensations called "my body & my mind" when you were born, but all of that is just one big mistake? How do you know what you are supposed to feel like? How do you know you're not supposed to look like a tree? How can you trust your frame of reference? Have you been a human before? What if a human is actually supposed to be experienced like a tree looks? Keep questioning like that. Undermine your own certainty in yourself. After all, that thing you think is you isn't actually you! It's like you were born, saw a vacuum cleaner, thought it was you, and have lived that way your whole life, not really noticing that your original selection of vacuum cleaner was totally arbitrary.
  2. @DizIzMikey Sounds like you gotta get your house in order before you go biting off enlightenment. Take care of the basics, build some good habits, figure out the issues with your wife, create some free time in your life, get away from toxic people if you must. You're not going to be effective at enlightenment work until you create a proper environment in which to do it. It's like you're a soldier in a WWI trench fighting the Germans and trying to get enlightened at the same time. You'll just drive yourself nuts that way. Plan a course of action. Gather your resources. Be strategic!
  3. It's great that you guys are having mystical experiences, but also notice that nonduality is not just some ecstatic state. It's very ordinary. Look outside your window right now. Notice a tree. Notice that that tree is literally you. What else would it be? Your body isn't perceiving the tree. That is patently false. Your body and the tree are both perceptions. Perceptions do not perceive other perceptions. "You" and the tree are both being perceived by an unlocated infinite empty awareness -- the true you. This awareness is NOT inside you. You are inside it! Investigate this closely. It's super-obvious.
  4. Yes, sit yo ass down and now actually begin the work. Congrats on completing step #1 out of 10,000 You don't know the truth. You have a bunch of stories about enlightenment, which one day you will come to shockingly realize are mostly BS. Still... a high quality video or book once in a while on this journey can be critical. You just gotta be very careful about not using information as a distraction from the work itself. And don't forget, there's much more to this than merely Awakening. Practical knowledge is still... well... practical! And what you probably really want even more than Awakening is life-mastery.
  5. You are awareness, so that's sorta like an eyeball. But you are also everything that comes into existence. So you could also say that you have 100% control, because you are creating the entire universe every second. Of course, this is a very different sort of "control" than the egoic, narcissistic, neurotic sort of control that you strive for every day. You're not helplessly observing nothing. You ARE Nothing! There is nobody observing it. And it isn't helpless. It's the source of the entire universe! You cannot grasp this stuff intellectually. You have to actually sit down and do the work to observe it all yourself. It's all right there, right in front of you. If you would only discipline yourself to sit down and observe without intellectualizing everything to death. This requires THOUSANDS of hours of quiet sitting. But boy is it worth it!
  6. That's still not radical enough! Lol The reality is this: Not ONLY am I saying you have some shadow facet of Hitler inside you that you suppress. But that Hitler himself IS literally YOU! There CANNOT be ANY separation WHATSOEVER between YOU & Hitler! Not possible! That's what enlightenment means! He is you. You are him. Where else is Hitler occurring? He's occurring in you. The bitter truth is that everyone you've ever hated is actually you. To understand this, you have to realize that you are not limited to your body. Like REALLY! You are not who you think you are. Whatever relationship you think you have with me, is actually you relating with you. There is no me. It's all 100% you. You're talking to yourself right now, lol So if ever you should happen to get mad at me, just realize who you're really mad at, and all will be well. Now that's some Turquoise thinking right there! Hehehe... Good stuff.
  7. Go DEEPER! Strange sensations are a dime a dozen in this work. A sensation is just that, a sensation. It means no more than an itch on your nose.
  8. Use more padding. But those benches are pretty uncomfortable no matter what after 2 hours straight.
  9. No, you guys are misunderstanding enlightenment. Enlightenment is NOT ANYTHING to do with sense perceptions, emotions, or thoughts! It doesn't even have anything to do with existence. It is prior to EXISTENCE!!! Prior to EXISTENCE!!! Really! Like REALLLY! Think about that! You're still not grasping the GINORMOUS FUCKING SIGNIFICANCE of this!!! Nothing you've known or have EVER experienced is anything even close to correct. This "truth" you're seeking -- whatever it is -- it transcends LIFE & DEATH! Think about it! Life and DEATH! How radical must this "thing" be if it is impossible to annihilate? Really! Like REALLLLY! Think about that! It was there prior to the Big Bang! 14 billion years! Absolute Truth is not within the realm of existence. Which is why your mind will never grasp it. How do you grasp something that doesn't exist, doesn't not exist, and isn't a thing? Everything you think you know, is wrong. Go DEEEEPER! Beyond the mind, beyond objects, beyond knowledge, beyond science, beyond religion, beyond humanness, beyond perceptions, beyond emotions, beyond brains, beyond space & time, beyond the beyond. Beyond everything. Until nothing remains.
  10. Hehehe... No... Notice how the very way you frame the question already assumes that Hitler was somehow wrong/evil. Notice how you're trying to make murder okay ONLY if it somehow leads to having the world come out YOUR way. That is, a world without Hitler. So really you're rejecting the reality of Hitler, and using that twisted logic to then justify murder. What Yellow and Turquoise say will be far more radical to you. They say, Hitler was as he should have been. We may not like it, but hey... why should what we like matter? Turquoise goes even further! Turquoise says: I LOVE Hitler! And he means it too! He ACTUALLY loves Hitler! Lol... Might take you a while to wrap your mind around that one! Hitler is you after all, so there's no use hating yourself. Now that's some deep shit
  11. @Telepresent Nice! After you digest all the personal inner demons, eventually though, you'll have to come to the matter of what is Absolutely True. As in, what is the only constant? So the way I take his question of What is true? is as, What is constant? What is the only thing that doesn't fluctuate in the flux of phenomena? That should be the unspeakable, ultimate source of it all. But it's also not necessary to digest all the inner demons I think. You can straight away just ask, What is constant in my experience?
  12. @Vlad Ropotica Sit and just focus on the fact that awareness is occurring. Don't think about it. Just focus on it.
  13. @Huz88 If you can let it go, let it go. If you cannot let it go after several attempts, then you're stuck working through it. Sometimes you can just let something go by merely realize, "Oh, wait a minute... I don't really need this. Duuuh! What was I thinking?" And sometimes you can't.
  14. @Vlad Ropotica That's what happens when you try to grasp the un-graspable with the mind. You will NEVER grasp Truth with the mind. It is not possible! All that can happen is the mind can spin its wheels until the tires wear out, the mind collapses in exhaustion, and Lo-&-Behold, Truth remains! The problem is that you're not letting go. You still think you can win this battle through mental trickery. You think you can outsmart yourself, but your self is much smarter than you!
  15. You don't exist! You are not acting, you've never acted, nor you will never act. Because a non-existent entity cannot do anything. It's like you're expecting Mickey Mouse to enlighten himself. He can't! He's a fucking cartoon! Only the animator's hand can enlighten him. Nothing Mickey does will work. Mickey needs to realize he's a cartoon. And even that he cannot do unless the animator draws a light-bulb over his head.
  16. @Water Whenever you're having strong emotional reactions like that, you gotta wonder, Isn't this a clue that there is something deeply amiss here? Like, why would my mind react this violently? What is the mind hiding with this maneuver? Yeah, on some days the ego will prevail. Let that be okay. That's why we meditate every day. That's why this path requires strong habits and practices. You gotta outlast the ego here. You cannot overpower it. Because it is you!
  17. There isn't a self, but there is consciousness
  18. @ArabiaNytes That Pink Floyd one is great
  19. @carlo This will require a lot of inner work. Specifically on self-esteem. See Nathaniel Branden's books (see my book list) and do all the exercises he gives you. I am also creating a course that will show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind, and it works great on all kinds of deep self-esteem issues that are very hard to get at any other way. Yes, meditation helps, but it's not direct enough for serious self-esteem problems.
  20. @Natasha Up to you. Don't take this on as an obligation. Only if you really want to.
  21. Youtube makes translating very easy. You first create English subtitles, then you click Auto Translate, and Google's algorithm automatically translates everything for you, but then you need to go through and proof-read and fine-tune the translation.
  22. @Falk You cannot work sustainably for 80 hours per week anyways. So it's a false choice.