Rafael Thundercat

Emotional Invalidation - Attention when is done to you or to avoid doing to others

2 posts in this topic

Is our path of Love there are a big space to grow in our emotional calibration. 

I've being noticing some patterns in some people around me about this issue of emotional invalidation. Of course that to look for validation from others is a slippery slope but as social beings we need to be aware of sharing our inner states with people that are at the minimum open to recieve us when some emotions need to be expressed, other wise better not trust this people parts of our souls. Everyone wants to be recieved as they are with ligth and dark. 

So the question is : 

Do you have someone in your family that keeps invalidating your feelings? 

Do you have any safe space or sactuary to share your emotions without being judged or deflected?

Is really healty to you expose yourself to some people who dont give a shit about your inner landscape?

We are all in the journey of self acceptance and acceptance of all out parts. And the more self-reflectiong one is the more he or she tend to think that all depend on her. But a good balance is to know that others have their share on the issue too, and you know calling them to be more gentle ans sensible are not helping them to grow.

Check you boudaries on and on. If you expect others to do it you are expecting to much.



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Around 33:00 of this video Mark Mason hit the point. Of course what most people want to to have their feelings validated. Need we validade all? No need we hope validation for all ? No  but if you are in a relationship at least a bit of listening to each other is needed, they point the obvious ideia that you need also be aware if the person you are open your feelings are in a space to recive it or they had demostrated by actions that they are not good recivers or space holders for you. 

There are a lot of good nuances in this videos. As always, sometimes videos repeat what we always knew but in a different perspective so it end up expanding our understanding of ourselfs and the world. 

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