
Not sure how to connect with my life purpose (if any) anymore

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How do you know if a personal goal you've had for a long time is actually something you want/need, or if it is just something left from the past you (or maybe something some people ingrained in your head in some cases), that is not true anymore, and you should get rid of, but you can't see it cause you've built your personality on it?
It might sound weird to ask. Cause I should know what I love. And I know I love some things, but I'm slowly noticing that maybe I'm not built to make them despite my passion, and I might just be clinging to old dreams that are now just building up frustration, depression and anxiety.
And if you notice you were wrong, how do you even rebuild yourself midlife? It's already so late, and I've never really done anything that would show who I am, how I spent my life?

Sorry if this all sounds vague (also very tired and my english seems totally broken today), but I'm genuinely lost. I'm just wondering if, maybe I'm pushing for the wrong things, cause there's always been resistance at some point, despite also feeling in the zone for some periods of time practicing what I like (but again, am not sure now if I still like doing it or if it should even be a life purpose, or if I'm just building up frustration beliving it is).

Also, some people don't have to strive, right? They can just be hedonistic or whatever and that's fine? How do I even know if that's the right path for me? Sometimes I wish it was, but at the same time I feel so guilty everytime I try to let go. It's fun for some time but then..."I should do something with my life. Time ticking terrifies me. I didn't accomplish anything, not in work, not building anything out of my passions, not standing out, not by having kids and teaching them what I believe could make them a more successful person than I am"

Edit : I'm stupid, didn't noticed there was literally a "Life purpose" sub-forum, sorry.
If any mod can move it here, I guess.

Edited by BojackHorseman

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