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What is sex--a metaphysical view

2 posts in this topic

Dear Leo,

I think it would be very helpful if you could take a deep dive into what sexual energy is and the psychodynamics of sex as they manifest in humans.

I myself have been very curious as to how several notions are related, including:

  • Ken Wilber's notion of eros
  • Osho's/the tantric idea that all energy is sexual (from his Book of Secrets)
  • Also how this relates to masculine and feminine energies (in nature and psychology)
  • Freud's notion that all energy is libido
  • Wilhelm Reich's (and other figures in esoterica) notion of orgone energy

I guess what I am really hopeful for is a toolkit (i.e., some distinctions) to consider what is sex and why it is such a motivating force in your life (beyond what is typically considered in the realm of sexuality--i.e., intercourse)

This would no doubt be a VERY ambitious video, likely requiring that you draw insights from diverse discipline, but I think it would give you the chance to consider why sex can include such bizarre things unrelated to penetration per se (e.g., scat, power dynamics, feeder fetishes, etc.), how sexual dysfunctions and pathologies can arise, and what it means to be sexually healthy (unrepressed).

I have not seen anything like this on your channel to date.

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