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The Mind And You

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you came onto this world as a baby, crying your heart out, laughing your heart out. 
radiating a purity beyond this world 
a jewel of innocence and light, then you grow up and toke on the pains of this world. 

status starts to matter, distinction appears, confrontation, conflict, superiority, inferiority, were sub-merged in negative energy and its qualities. 
But that was your choice as a spiritual being, to learn and to grow from all this. 

Now that we're trying to rise let's take a look at the mind. 

Imagine someone, running. That person is running along a track. 
And you keep shouting things at that person. As the person turns left you shout : ''I'm gonna turn to the left now.'' 
As you see the person getting tired you shout : ''I'm starting to feel tired''. 
As you see the sun going down in the far distance you shout : ''the sun is going down now.'' 

That person starts to identify with your voice, your narrative. 
When the person is starting to doubt you, you do everything you can to maintain your existence. 

So now the person is interested in spirituality and is in a feeling state of investigation towards you. 
You cannot betray yourself, you have to play along even if you don't want the person to investigate you. 
you have to narrate his investigation otherwise it will be obvious you are a foreign existence to that person. 

So you shout : ''hmm, am I real, is this voice I'm hearing real?''  ''is the mind real?'' 
You start playing along. 
For the sake of maintaining your existence you play the part. You're an incredible actor. 

But you do well to steer the person in thinking you're real, at every chance you have, you strike with absolute intent. 
When the person feels sad or rejected you shout : ''no one likes me, they don't truly love me, I'm all alone'' 
The more a person feels disconnected from their surrounding the more they retract inside, they share less with others,
they stifle their real selves and turn to your for identity. 
You feed them your garbage : 
''I shouldn't show my real emotions otherwise I'll get hurt, I'll act friendly with this person,I'll use them, but with this person I'll try to control them.
I shouldn't do that. I'll get hurt. That person is bad. That thing is bad. Those people are bad. I'm bad, unworthy but he's even more unworthy''

And as time goes, the narrative isn't the one adapting itself to the person. It's the person adapting itself to the narrative. 

The narrative needs conflict and distinction and will feed it to you in masses because in happiness, in bliss there is never any thinking. there is being. 
love is connection, it's freedom, it's space, to feel free and home wherever you are,to feel united with everything, it's expansion
The mind is fear, it's contraction, it's distinction, it's crippling, it's crimping, it's retraction. 

intelligence is not absolute, it's a gradient, love is of higher intelligence and fear is of lower intelligence. 
Just as you have higher levels inside yourself you you also have lower levels.
Fear is the pathway to lower intelligence while love is the path to higher intelligence. 
with this we can start deconstructing the mind as we understand it's purpose. 
If you are completely happy and fulfilled you will not be thinking most of the time, as you are too busy enjoying yourself. 
So the mind needs war, needs conflict to exist, so that you can start planning your ''defense''. 
And it will do everything it can to make you believe you're in a war with your own world, just so that it can survive. 

The less you know, the less you believe you can do, the more you feel like you're lacking control and resources, the more you feel like you need to gain control and resources, the more aggressive and violent you become. 
that's why the mind is of lower intelligence and of negative energy. 
It is not only that, it is a gateway to more of that.
That's how people spiral out of control in murder, rape, war...they spiritually descent. 

It cannot embody love because it is not intelligent enough to do so. and when it does it's merely playing along. 
to make your mind think positive is to literally destroy it, which is why it's so hard to hold positive thoughts. 
Fear is the manifestation of negative energy, which leads to lower intelligence, less understanding, makes you believe in lack of control,and leads you downright to conflict and pain. 
Love is the manifestation of positive energy, higher intelligence and understanding. leads you upright to divinity

That's why I say that intelligence is not static. You can higher or lower your intelligence at will depending on which energy you try to tune into. it's your choice 
there's no such thing as IQ scores in my book. they're merely a construct of the mind to bring division and confusion, making you believe your intelligence is static.

Now to crack down on the mind is to see it's vulnerabilities. the cracks in the shields. 
The mind is of fear and cannot coexist with love so all it's vulnerabilities will show up when confronted to love. 

Have you ever heard you mind say ''we should kill that person or I wish that person would die'' and then you'd feel in your heart something completely different, you'd almost feel guilt and shock for that thought?
Or if your mind constantly makes you feel rejected and you get tired of it at some point, tired of your own mind.

That's what happens in depression, people's mind go haywire and it starts becoming very obvious that the mind is not working in their favor 'anymore'.
The mind didn't go ''sick'', it was always sick, it merely stopped trying to hide its negative intent and be so subtle about it, as it grew stronger it just downright spiraled out of control. 
The ''ascension'' of the mind always ends in death, either suicide or murder.
It is pure negative energy. 

The mind cannot co-exist with love. 
As you try to make yourself believe you're worthy of self-love, of divine ascension, of enlightenment, it will do everything it can to make you doubt it's possible or to make you feel unworthy. 

the mind cannot co-exist with higher intelligence.
You think when you do math in your head, that your mind is helping you. No it's merely narrating what's already happening.On the contrary it's slow your abilities down to a crisp. You are able to do math instantly and effortlessly at higher levels of spirituality. 
Einstein said his greatest discoveries came ''out of nowhere'' upon himself.that they came to him as flashes of insight. As many other great scientists. 
As many great artists. 
We know that creativity is higher intelligence itself. 
Could anyone every think himself into painting something like leonardo davinci? Think yourself into making music like your favorite music artist? 
the proof is right in front of our eyes, our mind cannot and will never grasp concepts of higher intelligence. 

whether it's math,or science,or art, when you think the mind serves a purpose it's merely an illusion. 

Einstein theories came ''upon'' him because his mind couldn't grasp the concepts of it and make a narrative for it.
They didn't come out of nowhere, they came out of himself, but the absence of the narrative, the vulnerability of the mind showed.

The mind cannot make a narrative for what it doesn't understand. 
Which is why as you grow spiritually , your mind will automatically stop because your intelligence, your perspective, your actions will be completely incomprehensible to it. 

and if you want to grow, understand that fear in any form absolutely feeds the mind while love feeds your soul. 
To love is to expand, to understand, to feel free, there's nothing to fear if you understand everything, but to understand you must first love 



I also have an exercise for you to show you directly in experience how slow and unintelligent the mind is compared to yourself. 
Try to walk,not automatically, but with thoughts.  Plan your every move.Your every step.Plan the movement of your muscles. 
''Move quadriceps, lift knee, lift knee, lift foot to the right, shift core....'' 
Sounds like madness right?Well try it and feel for yourself, how inept the mind is and how incredibly intelligent you are without it. 
How ungodly slow would it be to walk using your mind? 

That is what is going on with all of us. Walking our lives using our minds. 
It is incredibly slow and unintelligent, you can feel the immense difference for yourself in this exercise if you try it. 
Carefully planning our decisions and feelings, to ''plan'' is to breakdown your native intelligence to breadcrumps. 

How would you go through life if you stop using your mind for everything and just let yourself flow, the same way you flow when you walk? 
Your speed would be a thousand times your awareness is faster, your intelligence magnified to unimaginable heights, time slows down as you become aware of everything. 

That is being in the present moment, to not think, to not use your mind, is to accelerate, and to slow down everything, to transcend time itself , to be free of all conflict, and be launched into blissful eternity



Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Yeah, its very important to get rid of conflicts and have a free flow. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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