
My Problem Is I Think I Have A Problem?

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Hey everyone. So I have this fundamental belief "What is wrong with me?" As if there was a simple solution deep down that'll "fix" me. The reasons I think I have this belief though are the same reasons that make us human: small things like self confidence, neurosis, negative thoughts and fear. Every human has traits like these, and I'm pretty sure it's just my ego wanting me to be different and special. How do I live with the imperfections that make us human without worrying about them?

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Or is it my ego thinking that there's another way around all of this besides hard work ^

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Nothing's broken so you didnt come here to fix something. Just enjoy the journey and as long as you can,maintain a mindset like this. We have enough of anxiety. Personally,Im tired of anxious people (including myself) let's chill and have some fun all together! 

Edited by egoeimai

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6 hours ago, ZX_man said:

I have this fundamental belief 

So, you have a base belief or beliefs about yourself...share some of them? Be honest and without reservation.

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6 minutes ago, TJM1959 said:

So, you have a base belief or beliefs about yourself...share some of them? Be honest and without reservation.

Dont you think that If we are focusing on the problems,they are getting bigger? I dont know. Is it just me? 

Talking about the problems are making us feel more overwhelmed more frustrated more sad because we are where we are and not where we want to get.

We have been taught that we have to figure all out,but then overwhelment comes,and then what? More overwhelment. No solution. No feeling good-ness. Crap. Now we need to find another solution. And all we need is relief. That simple. We do everything we do because we want to feel good. 


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2 minutes ago, egoeimai said:

they are getting bigger?

No, the problems won't get bigger, his fundamental belief has been stated in his posting and will most likely remain the same. I hear a request in his sharing, he believes he is imperfect, broken and wants to know how to live with this concern in his life. Asking specifics won't change his belief about himself but may shed light on a deeper context in which he holds himself, how he views himself in the world, so a deeper question could be...what exactly does he believe is wrong about who he is. There's power in sharing, full expression and being honest. That's all.

Quote, "Awareness is Curative".

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