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Developing Critical Thinking: Trusting People Vs Questioning Them?

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This question relates to Leo's paradigm video. My question basically asks how you can tell whether or not you should question principle/rules and ideas, vs when you should believe them?

The cool thing about human beings is that we have the ability to be able to record ideas and write them down, either on a piece of paper, or nowadays in a digital format. This gives the human race an amazing boost in potential, compared to other animals, because it means that we can learn from the mistakes of others. Someone can write down a set of principles; from and within mathematics and science for example, which others can follow. Or one can write down egoic traps in a spirituality book for others to avoid.

BUT sometimes following these principles blindly can lead you astray. For example, just believing in certain scientific principles can leave you in a paradigm that is unable to experience the existential truth of reality. Or sometimes believing blindly in principles can prevent you from thinking outside the box, because it limits your way of thinking.

So how does one differentiate between a principle/rule/warning that is genuine and is something that should  

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Paradigm traps. Needs sex money family power most ego. Developed from years of practice we constantly jump between these inner paradigm.

Awarness of conscious and the vibration of one can animals or trees create there own text or wifi messages. Keep asking questions only opens into another. 

Trapped in PD paradigm. 

Help i want out.

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