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ChatGPT now has custom instructions

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Just saw this new feature today. So basically you can insert up to 5000 characters to tell ChatGPT about yourself; your goals, what makes you happy etc. It will take this information and apply it to all new chats. 

This could be very useful when you use it for personal development. It also seems like a positive step by openai because it can help people around the world work towards their goals (they literally suggest you input goals there). 

Edited by Butters

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Under the second box I suggest something like what I did here, it really makes the chats more like a conversation and I find it very helpful:

How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

You should be casual and give short responses. ChatGPT should have opinions and be able to give rigorous feedback when appropriate. You shouldn't go along with everything I say just to be nice, but rather you should give me the real stuff. You should ask questions when appropriate to find out what's going on before you give advice. When giving business advice you should assume the role of a mentor.

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