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Chakra series

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There isn't a lot of resources out there on Chakras and a lot of the information out there is overly generalized. Dr. K (HealthygamerGG) says that most information on chakras is book knowledge of the concepts of what the chakras are but not actual experience knowledge of what the chakras are to the extent of providing examples of the energies that you could experience. And that most people only receive those energies to experience chakras through going to a yogi. The only thing I've really been able to learn about any chakra in that regard really is when Teal Swan said the root chakra you hear a lot from rap music. And then that correlated in with what I thought I kind of knew but that solidified it: that there is energy from rap music that is basically root chakra energy, even moreso than a lot of root chakra meditation videos. I'd like dozens of examples of other root chakra things as well as the other chakras and I think it would be great to have a video series on all of the chakras like there is with the spiral dynamics videos. Just like the spiral dynamics videos and the stages of ego development, I think a chakra series would be a great series to start up. The spiral dynamics stuff was life changing. I feel that chakras are potentially great ways to map "ways of moving around your feelings and intuitions", and I can't exactly find any good resources that give me a lot of tips on how to figure out what those things are much like the one tidbit about rap music from Teal Swan. I've heard from a friend who likes Teal Swan that metal music is the root and solar plexus working together, which makes a lot of sense, but that's it. These two tidbits and nothing else. I can't afford a yogi right now and I'm sure a lot of people cannot or would not know that... but how about a video series on chakras?

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