
Making stories with GPT is so much fun

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I find stories and movies a bit boring. I let GPT make some stories and they are so much more fun. I just did make GPT make two Marvel stories with Prigozhin as a villain. It is so much fun. Maybe we could post here some of the best stories 30 senteces long or so. What do you think?

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In the heart of Las Vegas, the city of neon lights and high stakes, lived Leo, a man notable for his brilliantly bald head. His luxurious penthouse was infested not by ordinary pests, but by a troupe of wisdom-spouting Buddhist rats. Their lessons of tranquility and minimalism grated on Leo, a man ensnared in the fast-paced world of casino businesses. Frustrated by the relentless philosophy, he decided to chase these sermonizing rodents away.

Equipped with a broom and a cheese grater (due to a peculiar belief about rats detesting the noise of grating cheese), Leo launched his expulsion campaign. His frenzied antics, including sprinting around his penthouse, only served as amusement for the rats who halted their teachings to enjoy the parmesan shower and the bald man's spectacle. The failure of his physical tactic spurred Leo to confront the rats on an intellectual level, preparing to debunk their teachings with economics.

In a spirited debate, Leo touted the merits of the casino business, his points peppered with market trends, investment risks, and the value of dividends. The rats, unperturbed, countered with the timeless wisdom, "Leo, material wealth is fleeting. But inner peace, that is forever." This sentiment incited laughter in Leo - the idea of gaining life advice from rodents seemed absurdly hilarious to him, leading to a mirthful session where the rodents' squeaky giggles echoed with Leo's hearty laughter.

That laughter marked a turning point for Leo; it led him to realize his need to chase out his own impatience and intolerance, not the rats. With his newfound wisdom, Leo coexisted peacefully with the Buddhist rats in his Las Vegas penthouse, their teachings influencing his daily life. The story of Leo and his spiritual rodents teaches us about acceptance, tolerance, and the strange ways wisdom comes to us, even in the unlikeliest of cities.


“I once tried to explain existential dread to my toaster, but it just popped up and said, "Same."“ -Gemini AI

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@Yimpa Nice story. Did not expect that it is going to be wholesome. I was on the violent trip. Maybe slowly I will come to the more wholesome level. I might start with Priogo having superhero spiral dynamics powers and fighting agains the bald monk OEL. 


Edit: I think I have to bring Dr. Strange in it. As the forum expects higher consciousness level. Nick Fuentes and Destiny are at it again it. So we might use Nick Fuentes as a nicer Joker figure who might turn to the weird joker.

Edited by Epikur

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