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Kuba Powiertowski

The Blind Man with the Hundred Eyes.

1 post in this topic

The only war in this world is the war in your heart. The ego is your daily war with the world, in a thousand manifestations and justifications - for yours, someone else's, higher good.
What are you really fighting for? What are you chasing? What's bothering you? You say you are God. Only God is Freedom. And Freedom is Peace. Everything happens without resistance. Every karma has to burn up its fuel. Oxygen is needed for the combustion process. Kriya teaches you to gradually cut off the supply of this ingredient by controlling your breath. Thus, the fire of ego war begins to die out slowly. You will stop traveling as a history specialist as soon as it goes out. You will become that ever-fresh river of life again, the pure flow of existence, the abundance of emptiness, the journey of which is always exciting. The only reason you are here, in this corporeal cage with its software, is to recognize again what you are. What you always are. Until then, and always - let it be.

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