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Elliot Hulse’s formula to success

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Elliot Hulse has a strong spiritual intuition and a good sense of how to navigate life. The following are my notes on a series of shorts he made on YouTube some time ago. It’s really the fundamental formula for success in any endeavour but it’s from the perspective of the highest endeavour, which is spiritual work. I also tweaked it a little so it’s higher consciousness than the original ideas of Elliot, I expounded on them:

5 Steps to create momentum in your life


1-Know Thyself

You must thoroughly know yourself in the deepest sense before attempting to create momentum in life or else you’ll just plant bad seeds and accumulate negative karma, soul ties etc.


2-Soul Goals vs Lower Goals

Soul goals are goals that are in alignement with the deepest desire of your soul or your fundamental line of development and what has been anticipated by your spirit as the highest expression of your self. Lower goals are selfish objectives that are a distraction from the fundamental mission that has been given to you by the Gods. After having a thorough knowledge of yourself you are now aware of the objectives you need to set in order for your destiny to unfold in the way it was anticipated for you. Beware of lower goals and know that complete denial of them is also not the key. Once you are grounded in that which is highest you can also enjoy the lower and in fact in can help you transcend even more because by consciously engaging in the lower you burn through karma and fulfill the desires of your lower nature. 


3-Reorganize People, places and things

People, places, things & habits that are in the way of you reaching your highest potential must be either edited and reorganized or completely cut off from your life in order for your life force to align completely with the task at hand. Anything that is a distraction is robbing you of energy(spiritual warfare), an energy that could’ve been put to use on what’s important. Life force must be aligned through the chakras and external situations must also be reorganized in a way that fits your new aligned self. Past circumstances and situations created out of past karma and unalignement must be broken down in order to make place for the new.


4-Structure your days to be most productive

You need to create structure in your day and learn to flow within that structure so you never get stuck. Set aside blocks of time in your days where you are going to perform a certain task to bring you closer to your goals but don’t be attached to when you are going to do it; as long as it gets done. The perfect balance(between the 2 pillars?) must be it. You need structure but you also need to flow within that structure. Too much flow = disorder. Too much structure makes it impossible to properly adapt and live life. Learn to balance.


5-Create momentum within the structure

Once you established the desired structure and learned to flow into it now you need to maintain momentum and repeat each day so you can reap the fruits of your investments. Prioritize momentum over perfection. Momentum is more important than perfection because as long as you keep going you’ll finally get where you wanna be.

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What's your point?

Most gurus will also point out some methods that lead to his/her success.


Edited by hyruga

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