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Tancrede Pouyat

About Contemplation

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Leo just claimed that the more contemplation we do, the deeper our understanding of reality is, and subsequently the higher our quality of life is. And then he said that we can just try it for ourselves and see it.

Okay, fine. I have been seeing this correlation (not to be confused with causation) in my experience. Although, gonna need to find deeper truth for myself here.

But, let's assume that's true for a second. I'm afraid I'm doing contemplation wrong, which is likely an ego defense mechanism. Can I use this as a litmus test? Meaning: If I don't see my understanding of whatever I choose to be contemplating become deeper, does that mean I'm doing contemplation wrong, or could it be something else? Or something?

It's really hard to contemplate these questions. Because they're not "one static thing that just is what it is."

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If you have red the book mastery by George Leonard you know that on every journey there are plateaus. In this context, this means that there will be periods -- short or long -- where you are not going to see any deepening of understanding in terms of what you are contemplating. Realistically, you are going to deepen your understanding of the questions you contemplate over time, but the deeper understanding comes in short elevated bursts. 

If you are not seeing results, it might just mean that you are on a plateau and that is part of the process. Or it could mean that you are using an ineffective technique which could be improved. The second option is almost part of the explanation for lack of results, but finding the right technique that matches your strengths, personality-type, preferences comes with consistent action. 

Remember, you are in it for the long haul, keep at it and always focus on the process, not just them juicy results ;)


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