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Principium Nexus

Proper Guide For Psychedelics

4 posts in this topic

I'm interested in the shamanic use of psychedelics and already have had many different experiences. My main concern is that people don't really know the implications, it's litteraly mind altering and most of the beginners don't know where to start and think of.

It would be wise for harm reduction and safety to explain that people shoudnt do anything dangerous while taking psychedelics. Needing to be somewhere is also a no-go since time will lose meaning it can make you unconfortable to have things on your agenda. There are many more points one should think of but @Leo Gura can probably work those out?

It think it's a good addition to the general subject "concious psychedelic use".

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I would be very interested in the proper use and the possible benefitial aspects of microdosing psychadelic drugs.

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Yes, I will make a guide to psychedelics, but I need to do more research and experimentation first. It will take a year or more until I gain direct experiences with all the substances that need to be covered.

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@Leo Gura Excellent! No hurry, but it's wise for now that if you notice psychedelics you tell folks to do their own research. The more experienced people/actualizers might now how to handle certain paradigm shifts but for some it might be too overwhelming. The shift might happen anyway for those but a prior notice is appreciated.

Edited by Principium Nexus

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