
Thoughts and insights

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5:14 - 5:33


Especially this clip of Rich Piana so perfectly shows how much you can hurt others when you dont love and respect yourself enough. You are not free to do whatever you want to do with your own life because "it is yours", you have a social responsibility to love yourself. Otherwise people who love you more then you love yourself can be heartbroken that you didn't love yourself, that you were to ignorant and stupid to see how wonderful you are when they could see that in you. A facet of their love is that they want you to be free but that also means that they can only hope that you love yourself.  

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On 3.2.2024 at 4:41 PM, Jannes said:

You can't "hold on to the spirit that started all this" because spirit is dynamic"

Ideas in science, physics, psychology, ... also loose their spirit when they become teaching knowledge. 

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People are like material:

People are like material, like bricks, like mortar, like wood, like water...
People are material in that sense that this material like any other material is what constructs reality. The everyday distinction between material and human is not actual. Thoughts, spirit, emotions are equal to a piece of meat in that sense that they are all constructed out of consciousness and therefore play in the same field/ web. While materials of reality can of course be different, the materialness connects all materials to one thing.

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Feeling soft: 

To understand all is to forgive all.

Nothing is wrong; just limited.

Speaking to a Neonazi: I understand you, I love you, you are perfect. But I still need to put you in jail, because there are other perfect beings as well who are threatened by you.

You cant ultimately beat fire with fire, but as an interim solution it is nessacary to a degree.

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What I fear I have to give up, if I want to reach god. 😢

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The opportunity of asking god a question:

Alan Watts talks about a thought experiment in which you could talk to god and ask him any question you want to ask. He says that it is difficult for us to find a question which is worth asking god. What we would ask is rather a questioning of "Oh WOW is this for real?".

(Side point: This might be the place in which we can ask ourselves what the limits of our language are because god could give us all the answers, the only limit is our language in which we ask him.)

But on the other hand every question you would ask god would be all the answers at once. Because every part of the universe is connected to everything else. Kant wanted to do a science a priori. Which means a science which entirely built on facts before empirical reasoning (because that could be flawed). Math is one of these sciences. Kant searched for more a priori things though because he reasoned that when he found a few a priori truths about reality he could make a bigger picture out of that which could be unshakably true (like math). He wasnt really that successful with finding a priori truths though. But now if we could have a real 100% true fact about empirical reality then from this point (theoretically) you could conclude all other facts about reality. If you get an almost 100% truth about reality (some delusion is probably always there) you could still expand from that point quite widely. 


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Imagine getting "rädert":

So somehow I just bumped into an ancient dark part of history "Rädern". It was an extremely horrible act of execution. The victim got all of his bones of his limbs broken by letting an iron wheel fall onto it. After that either the injured victim got plaited into the wheel (which worked because of the broken bones) to die a slow and painful death because of the wounds or the victim got choked to death or guillotined. 

I am usually not a person who can graze from these inventions of violence. But somehow this stayed with me. The thought of getting my limbs broken, being in horrible pain that I probably couldn't even breath, being completely defenseless because I cant even move a thing anymore and then getting choked to death. What I find fascinating about that sort of torture is the consciousness state of intense letting go, of intense giving up. There is absolutely no way to escape. Imagine that your fighting spirit is so totally fucked up that you smile with your last bit of ear in your lunges. Somehow this touches me. (Although I do see the craziness of it. I am watching out for my mental health, maybe I am deluding myself lol.) 


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I would like to create content that raises societies level of insights, love and consciousness. For that you have to make your understanding very clear and accessible. I thought about art. Mangas and films might be great for that as well. But exaggerated illustrations are great as well. It's very hard to create something like this I would imagine because your understanding needs to be actual and very clear.


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Just saw some window color on a window yesterday and this insight came to mind. Reality was filled out with window color in that moment because I had the attention on that. 

It was so weird that this was a conscious state rather then whatever I contextualized it in before. 

How can everything be window color for a moment, how's that possible? Because reality is infinite and therefore every subset can be infinite? How's this infinite world ended?

It's also so interesting to see how different reality can be. For people who see reality as a really stable thing it's hard for them to wrap their mind around that. For them they think reality is a certain way with few tweaks and varieties. Like eating a salad and sometimes it has tuna, sometimes eggs and sometimes kidney beans in there but it always hits common ground. Well no you can experience color window consciousness and dragon scream consciousness and plush consciousness and shrill consciousness and cold consciousness and romantic consciousness. They are so different. It's funny when people think that their bubble of thinking is the entire world. Like how ignorant can you be to think that your little perspective is what reality is. 


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A Dalton like idea:

Two friends. One gets satisfaction in life by helping the other. The other gets satisfaction from life by helping his friend get satisfaction in life by acting like he is helping him.


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Ordinary consciousness is not much creative because things happen in a way that are related to each other; meaning manifestation means less creativity, because it disconnects things which aren't that closely connected to each other.
All of reality is absolute creativity because it combines things that are the least connected with each other.

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Hate is limited Love.
Stupidity is limited Intelligence.

The first perspective is from a survival point of view, the second of a non survival (unbiased) point of view. 

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Ken Wilber: "No One is intelligent enough to always be wrong."
AI Arts artlessness without human steering. "Hold my beer!" 

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"Moral truths" are made up

Borderlands 2 is a world all of its own. People don't have traditional morals there, everyone is a "psychopath". Thats the paradigm there: the best people are the ones who are the most brutal and manipulative. Although the Borderlands 2 paradigm isnt suited for our society of course, its just a fantasy world, it's interesting that it is very easy how fast our (or at least my) mind(s) adapts to the new paradigm as it shows that moral truths aren't objective and rather something we adopt trough our environment.  


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:D Philosopher in the desert: 

I randomly stumbled across this picture which had the title „philosopher in the desert". I think it perfectly captures the nature of a philosopher in a humoristic style as someone who gets lost in wondering while simultaneously keeping his survival instincts at zero as you could easily slap 'dat ass. Which is why philosopher are so rare, you get easily caught up in survival and the ones who dont easily get exploited so they are hard-forced by the current as well. 


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Is butters the average kids face of a truly developed high consciousness human society, stage yellow and above?

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This is "creepy caretaker of the university" in Life is Strange Before the Storm. 

As I look for my own place in the world I sometimes wonder if the lower class jobs are especially suitable for spiritual people. You have a lot of freedom to think about whatever you want if your job is mainly physical and you are doing it alone and there isnt as much intellectual pressure making you conform to group think. You also see much ugly truths of society unfiltered. On the other hand you can built a special kind of ego from that. I think it's more of a trap but with some truth to it. 


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The deepest beauty in the most ugly:

The more ugly something is the less you can see relative beauty in it because relative beauty is beauty relative to other ugly things. So when you find the most ugly thing in the world and try to find beauty in it and there is nothing more ugly to compare it to you can only find metaphysical beauty in it because metaphysical beauty is above comparison. So paradoxically the the most ugly things reveal the biggest picture of beauty. I snapped an even better picture which brought me to this thought but I cant find it anymore. :/  



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Beauty, intelligence, love, creativity, goodness might all be facets of reality and we might simply be a subset of that. So it might not be that we have these traits in a grey and stupid reality which we paint in this way but that reality is that fundamentally and it manifests these facets uniquely through us by giving us parts of the whole.  

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