
Self Love Let's Have A Discussion

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So Self Love is such a broad topic, but it is the building block of Reality. So I think its a topic we can discuss and share. One aspect of Self- Love is learning to accept your Avatar as it currently is. Not seeing it as a work in progress as so many of us are trained and indoctrinated to do but as TOTAL AND COMPLETE just as it is. The ego is always searching for more, always seeing incompleteness, seeing problems, and constantly trying to come up with solutions. So the first step in the Self-Love process would be to actually love your self unconditionally. This will get rid of your neuroticism, and stop you from looking to "others and objects" for love and recognize that what you are IS LOVE.

One of the issues I have dealt with and still deal with at times is boundaries. One aspect of Self-Love is learning to say NO without guilt or remorse. Its not just about loving the world, but also that which views the world. Now this doesn't mean being a selfish egotistical asshole, but it also doesn't mean being a people pleasing push over. So how do you strike a balance? Easy. Always ask.....is this action being done for its own sake? Or is it being done to fulfill some desire. If its being done to fulfill some desire then its coming from a need based perspective, nothing wrong with that but just recognize it for what it is. When something is done for the sake of it (playfulness) then it is devoid of agenda which means it is done out of self-love. 

Many people think self-love is trying to save the world in essence, and that is not what it is. Many people try to "fix" the world and usually cause more problems than they actually solve. Self-Love is radical acceptance of what is, and aligning with the movement of where things are going, instead of becoming afraid and trying to resist the current movement and trajectory. I know its TOUGH, because we all have preferences...but things happen the way they do to allow all POV's the ability to change at THEIR OWN RATE. Many times those that are more advanced can get impatient at the growth and advancement of those less advanced.... but everything has its own rate of change/growth. 

As stated earlier fulfilling personal desires is not bad, you need to eat, breathe, drink water, poop, and sleep. But beyond the mere survival, cultivating self-love outside of those aspects and maybe sometimes even putting those aspects in jeopardy in certain situations to help others may be optimal. Self-Love dissolves the distinction between self and other so helping an other is helping yourself and helping yourself is helping others. So the boundary between selfish and selfless collapses and All that is left is No Self which is identical to All is Self, which is identical as saying....there are no individuals.  

So here are some examples to contemplate.

1. You have a friend in need of financial assistance and they have never paid you back in the past, it looks like they may be homeless without your assistance...what do you do?

2. Your romantic partner cheated on you but said they are sorry, what would you do?

3. Your kid keeps acting up at school and getting into fights. When you come to the school to find out what is going on, your kid claims they are being bullied but the school accuses your kid of being the bully. What would you do?

4. There is an election in your state and it will determine the fate of the surrounding ecological environment of your residential area and the city at large. You know you have good ideas that you could add to the discussion politically but you are so done with politics, jaded with it, and would rather not get involved. What do you do?

5. Your sibling has a drug problem that stems from them being physically and emotionally abused as a kid and you allowed them to stay with you to help them get off drugs. You discover that they have been secretly stealing from you to pay for drug use secretly. What would you do?

Bonus: Your friend watches Leo's videos and accuses him of being the Anti-Christ for calling himself God. You come from a very religious community and even though you no longer agree with their teachings embracing your new perspective has driven a divide between you and them. What would you do?

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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28 minutes ago, Ethan1 said:

Bruh I had my mindmap setup with Self-love in the center. Sure enough saw what you posted. Talk about a synchronicity homework assignment. Thanks for posting this. 

Here's what I created to reflect back in a visual format. 


Thanks!! Mind providing feedback on how you would answer those questions? I'm interested in the answers people would give. You don't have to answer all of them, you can pick one or even create your own one. I am interested in how people view Self-Love. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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You're Welcome man!

Uhh... well you put me on the spot with those questions because I can really relate to them in different contexts. Except for the kid part, being accused of bullying but possibly my brother's son I could relate.  I answered them all in the mind map but dang those are pretty heavy heavy heavy hitting questions.

The one with the friend is a really tough question... Honestly, made me cry man because I have friend since 1st grade that has been through some serious stuff. Reminds me about kindness being taken for weakness. I've struggled with that because wanting to help people to a fault but at the same time being firm enough to make a hard decision to say No. Really depends on other factors such as Emotions of envy or resentment or transference. Especially once they are willing to manipulate boundaries. Depends on your commitment to truth. At what cost? To what limit? 

I think some more details with the questions could help with clarity but I think having an open-ended question really allows for multiple situations. Overall, they were some really difficult questions to contemplate. Heavyyy. Random song. POWERS - Heavy (Visualizer) - YouTube


1. You have a "best" friend in need of financial assistance and they have never paid you back in the past, it looks like they may be homeless without your assistance...what do you do?

  • Provide things that are not financial that can help. Emotional support. Affirmation. Acknowledgement.
  • Depends on how long you have known this friend. If you have known them since first grade? That's heavy..
  • Give them opportunities & alternative resources. If you know people that need work. Too a limit.
  • Depends on how much you have to give... Time, energy, and finances.
  • If you were dead what would they do? They'd have to figure it out on their own. Why feel guilt?
  • Have a honest conversation with them and understand their goals. Be frank & direct while showing compassion. 
  • Depends on your nature to be a control freak vs trusting that life will sort things out... 
  • Don't be a people pleaser. Don't neglect your own needs.
  • Depends on your intention to help them where it is coming from. Is it self-serving or codependency?
  • Identify your triggers and understand if there is an attachment to a past trauma with people pleasing or saving. 

2. Your romantic partner cheated on you but said they are sorry, what would you do?

  • Ehh... Depends on the full context of why they cheated.
  • Depends on their intention and how it took place
  • Depends on how much pain was caused
  • Ehhhhh .... I'd have to sit on this one and process the pain of their request for forgiveness.. I'd have to be willing to let them go and be true to myself. Depends on how far into the grieving process. 
  • Depends if they were doing it to seek revenge or malice intent. Out of spite. Or out of loneliness & neglect.
  • Truly depends on the mode they apologize... Text, phone call, in person, letter.....  
  • Depends on the depth of the relationship.... If it was a 10 year marriage vs a short term relationship...

3. Your kid keeps acting up at school and getting into fights. When you come to the school to find out what is going on, your kid claims they are being bullied but the school accuses your kid of being the bully. What would you do?

  • Doesn't apply to current situation. No kids at the moment.

4. There is an election in your state and it will determine the fate of the surrounding ecological environment of your residential area and the city at large. You know you have good ideas that you could add to the discussion politically but you are so done with politics, jaded with it, and would rather not get involved. What do you do?

5. Your sibling has a drug problem that stems from them being physically and emotionally abused as a kid and you allowed them to stay with you to help them get off drugs. You discover that they have been secretly stealing from you to pay for drug use secretly. What would you do?

  • Depends if borrowing was perceived as stealing. Could be taken out of context which really makes things complicated.
  • Depends on the nature of the relationship. IF there's sibling estrangement or sibling rivalry that can really muddy the water.
  • Depends on the whole family system dynamic and the context of the family situation. Is there an on going fight?
  • Depends on what was stolen. Was it money or was it toilet paper? 
  • Depends if it's meth or lsd or beer.. 
  • Depends on if the person is chemically dependent. 
  • Depends on the financial position of the brother. Is he poor or is he wealthy?
  • Generally speaking, I'd say allow him to stay. Lock everything up as much as possible. Put cameras. Put locks. Put double locks. Hide things. Expect that people will do things in desperate situations. 
  • Don't get flustered if you find out they stole something. Expect the unexpected.

Bonus: Your friend watches Leo's videos and accuses him of being the Anti-Christ for calling himself God. You come from a very religious community and even though you no longer agree with their teachings embracing your new perspective has driven a divide between you and them. What would you do?

  • Love them regardless. Be the love of what Jesus was pointing to and carry your cross not theirs. 
  • Don't fight but love them regardless. Love is a strength.
  • Have compassion for they don't know what they do.
  • Stand solid in your truth. 
  • Recognize how beliefs function here and that they will have cognitive dissonance b/c of their beliefs. 
  • Be the bridge. Come from their frame of mind. Speak from there angle and guide them to connect dots.
  • Show respect for their beliefs. Stand up for yourself when necessary to be assertive.

To go full circle on these questions and to come back to the focus of self-love.... I'd ask the question, what would a person that loves their self do?   Taking action from that place in that particular moment & situation to the best of what you know how to take action. Having self-trust that the decision was correct. Learning from the mistakes that come along the way to prevent other situations. Mitakes are impossible to avoid. Roll with the punches and keep truck'n forward. We live and learn. Best to learn by asking questions like what you are asking here than to be stuck in the situation like I've been in.  


Talk about heavy social dilemmas. 

Edited by Ethan1

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39 minutes ago, Ethan1 said:

You're Welcome man!

Uh well you put me on the spot with those questions because I can really relate to them in different contexts. Except for the kid part, being accused of bullying but possibly my brother's son I could relate.  I answered them all in the mind map but dang those are pretty heavy heavy heavy hitting questions.

The one with the friend is a really tough question... Honestly, made me cry man. Reminds me about kindness being taken for weakness. I've struggled with that because wanting to help people to a fault but at the same time being firm enough to make a hard decision to say No. Really depends on other factors such as Emotions of envy or resentment or transference. Especially once they are willing to manipulate boundaries. Depends on your commitment to truth. At what cost? To what limit? 

I think some more details with the questions could help. Overall, they were some really difficult questions to contemplate. Heavyyy. Random song. POWERS - Heavy (Visualizer) - YouTube


1. You have a friend in need of financial assistance and they have never paid you back in the past, it looks like they may be homeless without your assistance...what do you do?

  • Provide things that are not financial that can help.
  • Give them opportunities & alternative resources. If you know people that need work.
  • Depends on how much you have to give... Time, energy, and finances.
  • If you were dead what would they do? They'd have to figure it out on their own. Why feel guilt?
  • Have a honest conversation with them and understand their goals. Be frank & direct while showing compassion. 

2. Your romantic partner cheated on you but said they are sorry, what would you do?

  • Ehh... Depends on the full context of why they cheated.
  • Depends on their intention and how it took place
  • Depends on how much pain was caused
  • Ehhhhh .... I'd have to sit on this one and process the pain of their request for forgiveness.. I'd have to be willing to let them go and be true to myself. Depends on how far into the grieving process. 
  • Depends if they were doing it to seek revenge or malice intent. Out of spite. Or out of loneliness & neglect.
  • Truly depends on the mode they apologize... Text, phone call, in person, letter.....  
  • Depends on the depth of the relationship.... If it was a 10 year marriage vs a short term relationship...

3. Your kid keeps acting up at school and getting into fights. When you come to the school to find out what is going on, your kid claims they are being bullied but the school accuses your kid of being the bully. What would you do?

4. There is an election in your state and it will determine the fate of the surrounding ecological environment of your residential area and the city at large. You know you have good ideas that you could add to the discussion politically but you are so done with politics, jaded with it, and would rather not get involved. What do you do?

5. Your sibling has a drug problem that stems from them being physically and emotionally abused as a kid and you allowed them to stay with you to help them get off drugs. You discover that they have been secretly stealing from you to pay for drug use secretly. What would you do?

To go full circle on these questions and to come back to the focus of self-love.... I'd ask the question, what would a person that loves their self do?   Taking action from that place in that particular moment & situation to the best of what you know how to take action. Having self-trust that the decision was correct. Learning from the mistakes that come along the way to prevent other situations. Mitakes are impossible to avoid. Roll with the punches and keep truck'n forward. We live and learn. Best to learn by asking questions like what you are asking here than to be stuck in the situation like I've been in.  

Wow wonderful response and such order and detail too!! I thank you for blessing me with such a nuanced perspective and I believe it will be of help to others who read this. I'm glad these questions got you thinking, that was the point. Notice how there isn't a right or wrong answer? It is all based on how we interpret it and also as you wisely deduced there are other factors that can influence those situations even more such as the context of the past events that led up to those events.

Thank you I will be reading your response and really contemplating on it. The funny thing is...mistakes don't actually exist...you could do everything right, and it still not work out and you can do everything wrong and it works out. 

For example with the partner that cheats on you, let's say that they did it out of spite/jealousy. Most people would say you need to leave that partner as that behavior is unhealthy. But you might choose to make the "wrong" decision and it actually works out fine. Now obviously the odds are usually low in such situations but the truth is....we have no clue how our decisions will play out. There are an infinite number of variables at play, so the optimal choice...cannot logically be arrived at.

I have heard from wise people that intuition is usually the key to figuring out what the best decision is. But hey....this is a broad subject with so many perspectives. Thanks again for your response you really hit the ball out of the park on that one!!!

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 Sure thing! Likewise, thanks for asking some really good questions. I mean, this whole conversation felt like a deep synchronicity and eye-opening process to see multiple perspectives for extremely difficult dilemmas. Being on both sides for each question. 

I acknowledge your leading points with intention or sake of self-expression. Especially with me answering these questions the sake of intent. Partly I can feel the energy when it's self-avoidance (dissociation) vs self-expression (authenticity). I can feel there's a subtle energy or voice that's speaking in the background. 

For me, with self-love vs self-avoidance I notice I escape into over-intellectualization with a sub-self aspect so it can be a dissociative aspect. Hard to say it's a desire but an impulsive action of over-intellectualizing vs letting go & zooming back out. SO in terms of self-love its tricky to know when the mind is thinking vs mindful intentional thinking. I think a great deal of people on here fall into this category of self. Compared with allowing pure full loving present minded self-expression to thinking and creative expression. As much as I want to come from a place of self-loving energy. 

Some of what I typed was just unconscious typing now that I look back. 

Exactly, our beliefs about mistakes and failure. 

Yes, intuition is the key to the flow. I do think there is a part of letting go process and allowing the subconscious mind or God to take over. Instead of manually processing this. System 1 thinking vs system 2 thinking. It's tricky to train the mind to let go and fully trust intuition. I mean, understanding the true meaning of Faith. It's like driving off a cliff full speed but realizing everything will be ok if there is absolute rock-solid Faith. Any ounce of doubt will shift the reality back to causality. I think it's a whole different level of awareness. 


Edited by Ethan1

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8 hours ago, Ethan1 said:

@Razard86 Sure thing! Likewise, thanks for asking some really good questions. I mean, this whole conversation felt like a deep synchronicity and eye-opening process to see multiple perspectives for extremely difficult dilemmas. Being on both sides for each question. 

I acknowledge your leading points with intention or sake of self-expression. Especially with me answering these questions the sake of intent. Partly I can feel the energy when it's self-avoidance (dissociation) vs self-expression (authenticity). I can feel there's a subtle energy or voice that's speaking in the background. 

For me, with self-love vs self-avoidance I notice I escape into over-intellectualization with a sub-self aspect so it can be a dissociative aspect. Hard to say it's a desire but an impulsive action of over-intellectualizing vs letting go & zooming back out. SO in terms of self-love its tricky to know when the mind is thinking vs mindful intentional thinking. I think a great deal of people on here fall into this category of self. Compared with allowing pure full loving present minded self-expression to thinking and creative expression. As much as I want to come from a place of self-loving energy. 

Some of what I typed was just unconscious typing now that I look back. 

Exactly, our beliefs about mistakes and failure. 

Yes, intuition is the key to the flow. I do think there is a part of letting go process and allowing the subconscious mind or God to take over. Instead of manually processing this. System 1 thinking vs system 2 thinking. It's tricky to train the mind to let go and fully trust intuition. I mean, understanding the true meaning of Faith. It's like driving off a cliff full speed but realizing everything will be ok if there is absolute rock-solid Faith. Any ounce of doubt will shift the reality back to causality. I think it's a whole different level of awareness. 


Well the solution is simple, but the toughest thing to do....we have to become okay with death, and feeling pain both emotional and physical pain. A couple of things, outside of extreme situations majority of pain is temporary. And also we actually cannot die, the physical form can die, but what we actually are cannot die. 

So the "die before you die" is the solution. You will not be able to overcome selfishness and detachment until you confirm your immortality. Once you confirm it, then the process of letting go and trusting becomes something that becomes easier and easier. So if anyone wants to know the purpose of dying before you die that's it, it teaches you how to let go by showing you through experience that you are not the body and thus you are able to let go. 

Now here is a part that scares people....we don't have free will. So I would tell you or anyone...don't struggle too much with choices....your free will is an illusion and your decisions are always based on what state of consciousness you are in. For example...if I attack you when you are asleep versus when you are fully alert your ability to respond is based on that. Your ability to respond is always based on your level of intelligence and awareness. For example....we let children off the hook because we claim they know better....but we hold adults accountable. The truth is.....adults don't know better either lol. If they did....they would do better. They are ignorant and foolish and that is why they do the things they do. 

I want to tell you a story....which shows how counter-intuitive reality life is. I was talking to a woman who use to work in a max security prison. She had to give shots to serial killers and big strong macho types who committed violent crimes. These guys killed people with their bare hands in brutally horrendous ways right? When she tried to give them a shot with a needle....they passed out from fear.

Are you hearing me? I bust out laughing but it made sense to me because Spirituality already states that the more fearful you are, and the stronger your attachment to your body is, the more quote on quote evil you will act out. So here is a mindfuck for you. The skinny gentle dude in the room, is more courageous than the macho violent dude. Anyone you see going around threatening people, and insulting people, and trying to act tough, they are actually scared shitless. Its so funny when you discover this.

The bravest version of you....is the part that doesn't identify with anything, not the body, not your possessions, absolutely no thing/sense. If you get yourself to that version, then your ability to see clearly will be completely amplified. In truth we usually make decisions based out of self-interest. Our ability to step outside of that is based on our level of attachment, fear IS attachment, it is also love lol. 

If you want to become God as a man/woman? Release all attachment. Whatever method can get you there, if you truly desire to become that....then the quickest way would be to die as many times as it takes until you get the message that you are actually dead RIGHT NOW. Because you are....literally DEAD right now. So technically you have never died....and you never will because what you call DEATH...is what you are. Life is just a projection, over what you call DEATH. 

So the key to getting to a place of Self-Love I would say...is to first....awaken to the fact that you are DEAD RIGHT NOW.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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  • Dying before you die
  • Finding confirmation in immortality
  • So facing your deepest fears? 
  • Death meditation?
  • Disassembling the self construct by deep contemplation and questioning? 
  • Disidentification with body?
  • Letting go

So if we don't have free will. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Example : It's like we are in a boat. Attempting to paddle the boat up stream manually. Yet the automatic flow of the river is so powerful that no matter how much effort you put forth the boat only moves based on the flow of awareness? Awareness & consciousness gives the perception of the boat moving forward. Yet the water is still flowing where it wants to go.

People don't know what they don't know. How can someone be aware if they are unaware of their unawareness. 
So to shine the light of awareness into the unknown to make it a known unknown?
Shine light into the things we fear? Face the pain from the deep-rooted fear?

Most fear is rooted in death? Fear of death of self. Fear of detachment. No self. Being nothingness or the dust on the ground. 
That's pretty hilarious that such a small thing as a needle can create such deep fear in people that give an image of fearlessness. 

The self-image is what people are wanting to hold up? Why? Why so much effort to hold together something that is false construct? Because it feels so real or we believe it to be real because that's all we know?

It's odd walking through a grave site seeing how people still want to hold on to identity after death. As far as to put an imaginary name on a stone. Yet even when the person is long gone and the rock turns to dust. People still want the ashes for attachment purposes? What if they gave you the wrong ashes and you thought it was your great great great great great uncles? The person is holding onto nothing. I mean, dust but literally for a made-up story. 

To love is to let go? Life is a process of letting go? Detachment

Ok so the key is to realize that the story of "You" doesn't exist it's just stories.  Desire is a fading illusion so don't grasp at it. The body isn't fully you so don't over identify with the constant changes. 

So this is just like a movie? Is this the meaning of Plato's Allegory of the cave? Complete disidentification with form? 

Essentially stop judging things and attempting to change what is. Simply find a way to love what is. Life is a gift. Love it. All of it.


Edited by Ethan1

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24 minutes ago, Ethan1 said:
  • Dying before you die
  • Finding confirmation in immortality
  • So facing your deepest fears? 
  • Death meditation?
  • Disassembling the self construct by deep contemplation and questioning? 
  • Disidentification with body?
  • Letting go

So if we don't have free will. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Example : It's like we are in a boat. Attempting to paddle the boat up stream manually. Yet the automatic flow of the river is so powerful that no matter how much effort you put forth the boat only moves based on the flow of awareness? Awareness & consciousness gives the perception of the boat moving forward. Yet the water is still flowing where it wants to go.

People don't know what they don't know. How can someone be aware if they are unaware of their unawareness. 
So to shine the light of awareness into the unknown to make it a known unknown?
Shine light into the things we fear? Face the pain from the deep-rooted fear?

Most fear is rooted in death? Fear of death of self. Fear of detachment. No self. Being nothingness or the dust on the ground. 
That's pretty hilarious that such a small thing as a needle can create such deep fear in people that give an image of fearlessness. 

The self-image is what people are wanting to hold up? Why? Why so much effort to hold together something that is false construct? Because it feels so real or we believe it to be real because that's all we know?

It's odd walking through a grave site seeing how people still want to hold on to identity after death. As far as to put an imaginary name on a stone. Yet even when the person is long gone and the rock turns to dust. People still want the ashes for attachment purposes? What if they gave you the wrong ashes and you thought it was your great great great great great uncles? The person is holding onto nothing. I mean, dust but literally for a made-up story. 

To love is to let go? Life is a process of letting go? Detachment

Ok so the key is to realize that the story of "You" doesn't exist it's just stories.  Desire is a fading illusion so don't grasp at it. The body isn't fully you so don't over identify with the constant changes. 

So this is just like a movie? Is this the meaning of Plato's Allegory of the cave? Complete disidentification with form? 


It's not like a movie...its literally a movie. Your life is a movie/dream/vr simulation, dreamed up for an audience of ONE. It also always gives you what you want as well. I just recently got a job that checked all the boxes I wanted and I NEVER had to try to get it. It just happened. 

Since reality/life IS YOU, it only wants to give you your desires. But it also wants you to realize that you ARE desire itself. So what you think you desire is just a projection/illusion that you place on some object, person, or situation. So life wants you to wake up to the fact that life is a beautiful movie full of suspense, danger, and trials and tribulations that is complete and other FANTASY. If you can view life as a FANTASY, THEN you can really enjoy it.

As long as you think life is REAL then you will suffer. For me awakening stops you from taking life too seriously and also...it lets you know that life is YOU. Life also gives you hints as to what is going on....so pay attention to the words and thoughts you use....because THAT is the script you are writing. I talked my job into existence and it is hilarious. So part of taking responsibility for your dream, is taking responsibility for your words and thoughts. Its amazing to me how we actually direct our life with out words.....blows my mind.

But yeah there is no free will, you don't control your heart beat, you don't control the weather, you don't control what time you wake up, you don't control when you are hungry or not hungry, you don't control when you have an itch or not have itch, I can keep going...you don't control crap. 

Think of it like a theme park ride....just go where you feel like going and pursue what you feel like pursuing....and enjoy the show. Don't work a job you hate, unless it is setting you up for a job you love. Don't date or marry someone you cannot stand. The purpose is to flow with life, NOT to fight with it and it will constantly communicate to you on how to flow with it.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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So we are just the awareness. Just the present moment?

So detach from the idea that reality is real & only a dream or a fantasy? Stop taking life so seriously & have fun?

Words help with the visualization/manifestation process and describing what it is we want to actualize into the fantasy?

No free will? Damn I thought free will was the real deal 

So follow your bliss & where your heart takes you to go with it. Follow your heart. Speak from the heart. Do what you love. 

Doing what you love, with people that you love, expressing creativity with love. Being your true self. Who you were made to be. Which all of this is reconnecting to self-love?


I think a big part of self-love is reconnecting with emotions and feelings. How can you follow your feelings if you can't have self-trust because feelings were shamed? I grew up being addicted to video games so never truly had a chance to have emotional awareness because of neglect from family. Weren't too many role models that taught healthy expressions. Mostly cold distant responses. Leading to domino effect or affect with self-abandonment/self-neglect which is nearly the opposite of self-love. Creating "Autism" or "ADHD".. or "Flat Affects" when really it's all emotional numbness and blunting b/c of self-hate. The self-hate is there because of social programming. Then it goes back as far as the human condition caused this. The creation of self-deception. Which even then to go another layer is to examine the entire concept of duality and how the mind split from source. Then to go beyond duality and ego construct & self-construct which I believe that's what you're pointing to? Non-duality or no self. Just beingness. Like a heard of cows in a field doing their thing or a group of fish swimming together or clouds floating around. Which is oneness which is god which is nothingness which is beyond words. Which is just an experience or a movie? 

So it would be like there's a video game & you can play the campaign which is following your inner guidance system - Emotions which leads you closer to your true self or self-realization/actualization. 



Also, congratz on getting the job that you mentioned. 



Edited by Ethan1

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2 hours ago, Ethan1 said:

So we are just the awareness. Just the present moment?

So detach from the idea that reality is real & only a dream or a fantasy? Stop taking life so seriously & have fun?

Words help with the visualization/manifestation process and describing what it is we want to actualize into the fantasy?

No free will? Damn I thought free will was the real deal 

So follow your bliss & where your heart takes you to go with it. Follow your heart. Speak from the heart. Do what you love. 

Doing what you love, with people that you love, expressing creativity with love. Being your true self. Who you were made to be. Which all of this is reconnecting to self-love?


I think a big part of self-love is reconnecting with emotions and feelings. How can you follow your feelings if you can't have self-trust because feelings were shamed? I grew up being addicted to video games so never truly had a chance to have emotional awareness because of neglect from family. Weren't too many role models that taught healthy expressions. Mostly cold distant responses. Leading to domino effect or affect with self-abandonment/self-neglect which is nearly the opposite of self-love. Creating "Autism" or "ADHD".. or "Flat Affects" when really it's all emotional numbness and blunting b/c of self-hate. The self-hate is there because of social programming. Then it goes back as far as the human condition caused this. The creation of self-deception. Which even then to go another layer is to examine the entire concept of duality and how the mind split from source. Then to go beyond duality and ego construct & self-construct which I believe that's what you're pointing to? Non-duality or no self. Just beingness. Like a heard of cows in a field doing their thing or a group of fish swimming together or clouds floating around. Which is oneness which is god which is nothingness which is beyond words. Which is just an experience or a movie? 

So it would be like there's a video game & you can play the campaign which is following your inner guidance system - Emotions which leads you closer to your true self or self-realization/actualization. 



Also, congratz on getting the job that you mentioned. 



I agree with what you said and your writing is a great example of Infinity....notice the stream of consciousness you just displayed this is how we create stories. Our mind is ridiculously great at creating explanations upon explanations onward for eternity.

I first must confess that I am a fool....to get that out the way...so what does that mean? It means I too just like all beings am doing the best I can within this game we call life. I both know and don't know, its why I share because I know my POV has blindspots as all POV have blind spots...its the beauty of a POV= Point of View. 

The best I would say to sum it all up, take responsibility for the story you tell yourself. So become aware of your thoughts and the explanations that are being given. Make a practice of being aware when you are playing the victim. The victim is the default mode of the ego, it is the story that things are happening to you and you have no power to make decisions. I know I said there is no free will, and there isn't....but there also are NOT OTHERS so nothing can happen to a YOU. Anything that happens to you, is you....happening to you. Its a tough pill to swallow but Science has actually inadvertently proved what I am saying....I'll provide 2 sources...even though Science itself is imaginary lol.



Here they proved the universe is not local.


Which means all distinction is imaginary. So you see....people on the forums...your precious Science is just reconfirming what all the Mystics have already stated. It appears the Universe is headed for a massive awakening very soon. 

I believe the key to flowing through life is not allowing your thoughts and emotions to lead you...but you take back the driver's seat and not fall asleep into the dreams of thoughts and emotions. So basically practice non-attachment to thoughts and emotions...not for enlightenment but just for a more conscious way of life. The more you can practice disidentifying the more you will be able to observe yourself and others and gain the necessary information you can use to make more changes. 

Someone will say but you said you were already complete? You are, but the illusion is that you aren't. First recognize you are. Then fine tune where necessary. Do people think their house or car is incomplete? Do people think their water is incomplete? The air? A tree? A squirrel? No!!! But for some reason...humans convince themselves...that they are the ONE EXCEPTION in the Universe that is incomplete!!! Lol!!! The human mind....is very good at crafting believable stories!!! It can make ANYTHING CONVINCING if you don't question it!!

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Thanks man, I'm grateful to hear that. Life is a trip. You're a deep diver bro! 

Man, we're perfectly imperfect. Even the whole Socrates dude had to realize that he knew nothing about how immaculate life was and pissed off a ton of authority figures telling them everyone was ignorant. Which is hilarious to acknowledge such a thing and he corrupted the youth which is more funny. I think he was focused on the limits of human knowledge too. Especially the whole beginner's mind and being playful. 
The man died telling people he didn't know jack squat which is comical. 

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) - Philosophizing With Socrates Scene (6/13) | Movieclips - YouTube

I think there is predestination. Especially with the whole dejavu moments that come up. I recall some of them from dreams which is really odd. Not sure how to make sense of it. Especially the whole concept of seeing life flash before your eyes and recalling your entire existence. I'm curious what exactly it is. It's like rewinding the movie in a strange way. I do see it's really odd an experience merging with experience where no longer does it seem like there is a perceiver, but the entire field of perception is one. It makes no sense.   

Felt like being on a ship out in the ocean where the waves were deciding where the boat went, not the boat with it's tiny motor. Scuba diving and having the current of the water carry you where it was going. Where if you aren't in the drivers seat stuff really gets crazy. It's like you have to drive the ship but knowing you aren't driving the ship. Like even time was having to be present minded or time would be moving at it's own pace. I mean, like time was moving x4 slower if distracted. In the present time moved at normal. Like driving on an empty car and questioning how the vehicle is moving when it's on empty for 50 miles that is beyond physics. Not exactly noticable but after a while it seemed obvious like a time loop or something. Any idea what this is?

Apparently there's levels to this duality game thing.. I believe standard base level is meant to be here as training wheels to other dimensions or something. Because outside duality it gets wobbly if not prepared for what is possible. I have no clue. ec9165f8ced009fb900ff4de9d05c257.jpg

Edited by Ethan1

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8 hours ago, Ethan1 said:

Thanks man, I'm grateful to hear that. Life is a trip. You're a deep diver bro! 

Man, we're perfectly imperfect. Even the whole Socrates dude had to realize that he knew nothing about how immaculate life was and pissed off a ton of authority figures telling them everyone was ignorant. Which is hilarious to acknowledge such a thing and he corrupted the youth which is more funny. I think he was focused on the limits of human knowledge too. Especially the whole beginner's mind and being playful. 
The man died telling people he didn't know jack squat which is comical. 

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) - Philosophizing With Socrates Scene (6/13) | Movieclips - YouTube

I think there is predestination. Especially with the whole dejavu moments that come up. I recall some of them from dreams which is really odd. Not sure how to make sense of it. Especially the whole concept of seeing life flash before your eyes and recalling your entire existence. I'm curious what exactly it is. It's like rewinding the movie in a strange way. I do see it's really odd an experience merging with experience where no longer does it seem like there is a perceiver, but the entire field of perception is one. It makes no sense.   

Felt like being on a ship out in the ocean where the waves were deciding where the boat went, not the boat with it's tiny motor. Scuba diving and having the current of the water carry you where it was going. Where if you aren't in the drivers seat stuff really gets crazy. It's like you have to drive the ship but knowing you aren't driving the ship. Like even time was having to be present minded or time would be moving at it's own pace. I mean, like time was moving x4 slower if distracted. In the present time moved at normal. Like driving on an empty car and questioning how the vehicle is moving when it's on empty for 50 miles that is beyond physics. Not exactly noticable but after a while it seemed obvious like a time loop or something. Any idea what this is?

Apparently there's levels to this duality game thing.. I believe standard base level is meant to be here as training wheels to other dimensions or something. Because outside duality it gets wobbly if not prepared for what is possible. I have no clue. ec9165f8ced009fb900ff4de9d05c257.jpg

All I know is you can go to bed and sleep at night....and be conscious that you are sleeping...it throws me off recently I would be snoring...and be like WHO THE HELL IS SNORING...and look and be like...OH MY GOSH lol. As you break attachment to the body by waking up (raising consciousness) you will notice that the body is just doing its own thing...and there was never a YOU making decisions. This whole time....your body is just doing things...and it never needs a conscious awareness there for it to happen.

Its kind of freaky when you realize this LOL.

They call it sleep paralysis apparently...which it isn't. Its just the ego vanishing...while you are sleeping.


Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Never experienced sleep paralysis before.. Doesn't sound like a fun experience. Snoring I've experienced. 

Speak of snoring. Reminds me of when someone is sleep walking. Then they wake up the next day not remembering anything but hearing stories from others said happened. How the body is still doing it's own little thing. Grabbing food out of the fridge. Walking in circles. I had a neighbor that used to sleepwalk outside and wake up in the front yard.  

Had this one experience where this guy was sleep walking right over me. I mean, he was standing at the head of the bed. I woke up and turned around.  Noticed he was standing there for a few minutes. I tried to talk but he was unresponsive. Group of guys were following him around the dorm room wondering when he would wake up. He ended up running for the exit door yelling he was ready for battle. Woke up a ton of people. They had to carry him back to his bed. Talk about a strange experience. 

Also, went on a walk at night with this girl down to the bay to sit on the pier and talk. Just met this girl too. On the path down to the bay there was this guy standing in the woods alone at like 2am. Not moving or anything. He was facing perpendicular with the path. The guy didn't say a word. Talk about no self. He didn't move for long time after passing him. Pitch black outside. I talked to him casually as we walked by like it was normal and the girl was freaking out the entire time. I was a little anxious. A few years prior, I recall an old friend who passed away did a similar thing. A childhood friend. He was alone out on a path in the woods at night. He was standing on the path alone. Not saying a word as people passed him. Even when I called his name. Nothing. As if the body was operating but no one was inside it. Just a body without awareness. Really Really confusing. Not sure if this is what you were referring to die before you die. Literally, the soul died before the body died? Soul death vs ego death?  

To mirror back about sleep paralysis. Have you ever experienced sleep walking but being consciously aware? I mean, it's like sleep paralysis but the body is not sitting around... A yang version of sleep paralysis. It's walking around like sleep walking. One of the scariest things ever too. It's literally like complete loss of control. Where the body is fighting the mind. You can't even do anything. Can't even get the body to sit in bed. Not sure if it is called tweaking or if there even is a word. For example, if you try to take a shower the body can't stand still long enough to do anything. Constant uncontrollable moving. It's like the opposite of sleep paralysis where the body can't fall asleep and can't stop moving. Complete loss of control. No self. Where the self is fighting a battle to get back in the body. Without proper awareness of self-regulation I could see someone losing the mind or self-destruction. Leading to what probably happened above with those two guys in the woods.  

Sounds like the elephant kicked the elephant rider off and decided to do it's own thing. As if being in a tesla driving around town full speed doing it's own thing. The driver can't operate the car or turn it off. Not fun. It's like the brakes broke off. Only having a gas pedal but it's locked down. 

As if our experience in this dimension of reality is mostly habits & we don't have control of much except small micro decisions. Habits for everything. Manually programming the body with self-talk. Then body operates on autopilot because the body is the subconscious mind. 

What's your thoughts about mind over matter?  

Also, your thoughts on soul vs ego? 

Edited by Ethan1

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