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Anyone outside the US every gone through with Kindle direct publishing?

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As per heading.

I'm wanting to write a book and publish a kindle version on Amazon. I'm not a US citizen and live outside the US.

I've done a bit of research and it seems like if you're not in the US there are a lot of issues doing this easily. Which seems strange.

Ayone outside the US published via Kindle and could give some advice?

Thabjs in advance

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I'm in Canada and it's not been an issue. I've been publishing on KDP since 2015. I've never heard of anyone outside the US having an issue with it. I've been in Kindle ebook courses with people from all over the world, the teacher of one course was an Italian guy living in Dubai to take advantage of 0% income tax and he obviously had no problems.

Once a year I need to take 2 minutes to fill out a tax form to confirm I'm not a US citizen, so I qualify for a 0% tax rate and they don't withhold any money from me. 

Otherwise everything is fine, the money goes straight into my bank account every month. Which ironically Amazon Associates won't do for some reason, they insist they can't pay by direct deposit yet so I only get a cheque every time I hit $100 of affiliate income.

If you're in a 1st world country and not somewhere that PayPal is banned or similar, then I can't see it being an issue. Just make an account and try creating a book. Lots of Youtube tutorials that will walk you through step-by-step, although it's not much more complicated than creating a Facebook account.

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@Yarco thank you very much for that detailed answer! 

I thought that would be the case since we live in a globalised economy and everything is digital, but some of the first links I briefly scanned during a work break kept insisting on these difficulties.


Thank you for the clarification

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